Задания по грамматике по теме Participle I and II
материал по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)
Карточки на закрепление материала "Причастие 1 и 2". Один из нелюбимых учениками, но необходимых в изучении языка разделов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Participle. A.
I. Open the brackets translating the sentences.
1. James hesitated for a moment (не зная, что сказать). 2. I waited inside the shop (выглядывая из окна). 3. (Взяв книгу) he sat down under the lamp. 4. Everything (сделанное тобой) only brings problems. 5. The man(стоящий) at the corner is very suspicious.
II. Change the sentences using Participles.
1. When she was looking at the passer-bys, she saw Jim. 2. After he had come from the West, he got strange look. 3. As the book was translated into Russian, everyone could read it. 4. The words which you said, were unfair. 5. There are many students who study music.
Participle. B.
I. Open the brackets translating the sentences.
1. (Будучи очарована этими руками) she couldn’t help looking at them time and again. 2. (Рассказав все, что он знал) the man left. 3. We stood on the bridge in the fog (ожидая такси). 4. The house (построенный два года назад) looks terrible as there is a shop downstairs. 5. I decided to go to bed earlier (будучи очень усталой).
II. Change the sentences using Participles.
1. When he arrived at the station, he bought a ticket. 2. As he was promised help, he felt quieter. 3. The book which you took from Peter, is mine. 4. Take care when you cross the street. 5. He was looking at her and didn’t know what to say. 5. The girl who was crying, looked miserable.
Participle. C.
I. Open the brackets translating the sentences.
1. (Идя домой) he looked back because it was already dark. 2. He crossed the road (не глядя по сторонам). 3. (Будучи красивой и прекрасно зная это) she behaved in a snobbish way. 4. The story (рассказанная вами) is unbelievable. 5. (Досмотрев фильм) he went to bed.
II. Change the sentences using Participles.
1. When he came home, he immediately went to the kitchen. 2. The shoes which I bought yesterday, pinch today. 3. When he was looking at that old picture, he remembered his childhood. 4. As she was very shy, she couldn’t speak to him. 5. As he was given the dictionary, he understood the meaning of the word.
Participle. D.
I. Open the brackets translating the sentences.
1. (Написав) his first book he couldn’t help feeling a famous writer. 2. (Не желая) to discuss that difficult problem he changed the conversation. 3. He used his dictionary only three times (переводя текст). 4. (Будучи очень невысокой) she couldn’t get the jam from the shelf. 5. The vase (разбитая вами) was three hundred years old.
II. Change the sentences using Participles.
1. After they had done the lessons, children went for a walk. 2. Avoid looking in his eyes when you talk to him. 3. As he was very tired, he went to bed just after the film. 4. As he was taken to the Zoo, he tried to see all the animals. 5. The book which I read yesterday, was not very interesting.
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