Phrasal Verbs
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Колпакова Юлия Андреевна

Отличный словарь с примерами, который призван облегчить изучение и запоминание фразовых глаголов.


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Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs

  1. Be
  2. Break
  3. Bring
  4. Call
  5. Clear
  6. Come
  7. Cut
  8. Do
  9. Fall

10. Get

11. Give

12 .Go

13. Hold

14 .Keep

15 .Let

16 .Look

17. Make

18. Pass

19. Pull

20. Put

21. Run

22. See

23. Set

24. Stand

25. Take



  • to be about быть поблизости, неподалеку to be nearby, to be in the vicinity, e.g. I have just seen him. He must be somewhere about.
  • to be above быть выше to rise superior. e.g. You should have been above these silly tricks.
  • to be after добиваться ч.-л., хотеть получить или сделать ч.-л. to try to get or do smth., e.g. I can’t make him out. I wonder what he is after.
  • to be at заниматься to be busy with, to be doing smth. e.g. What are you at?
  • to be away отсутствовать, быть в отъезде to be gone, to be out of town. e.g. You will have to call again; the director is away on business.
  • to be back вернуться to return, e.g. I have to go out now but I’ll be back soon.
  • to be behind 1) иметь задолженность to be in arrears. e.g., I am behind in the rent for my flat. 2) опаздывать, отставать to be late, not to keep up with. e.g. It’s 5 o’clock and the train is leaning in a quarter of an hour. I am afraid we are behind. He is behind the group.
  • to be down снижаться , уменьшаться to decrease in amount, number, price, in tensity, etc., e.g. Don’t worry the temperature is down now, he is getting over it.
  •  to be down and out сильно нуждаться, быть без средств to be in a state of poverty, not to have what is necessary for life. e.g. He is down and out now.
  • to be for быть за, поддерживать к.-л. to be in favour of smth. e.g. I am all for what you say.
  • to be in быть дома, на работе, в помещении to be at home, at the office, on the premises. e.g. Is Mr.Staton in?
  • to be in for быть в ожидании ч.-л. to expect smth. e.g. We are in for a cold weather. She is in for a treat.
  • to be off   1) уходить to go away. e.g. I must be off. 2) быть свободным от работы to be free from work. e.g. I am off for the afternoon today. 3) быть отмененным, аннулированным to be cancelled, finished. e.g. The meeting is off. 4) быть выключенным  to be no longer on. e.g. The electricity was off yesterday.
  • to be on 1) быть включенным to be functioning, to be switched on. e.g. The light has been on since 7 a.m. 2) происходить, иметь место to be happening , to take place. e.g. What’s on? The exhibition will be on next week. 3) идти, демонстрироваться to be shown (of films, plays) e.g. There is a good film on at our club.
  • to be  out 1) раскрываться, стать известным to become known, to be revealed e.g. It’s no use trying to keep it back, the news will be out anyway. 2) (of) не быть дома, на работе и т.п. to be away; not to be at home, at the office. e.g. He is out at the moment. He is out of Moscow today. 3) (of) испытывать недостаток, не иметь to be short of smth., to lack smth. e.g. The money is out. I am out of cigarettes.
  • to be out and about поправиться (после болезни), хорошо себя чувствовать to be well. e.g. I hope she will be out and about before long.
  • to be up 1) встать, быть на ногах to be out of bed. e.g. I am always up at seven o’clock. 2) подняться, достигнуть высокого положения to rise, to be in a higher place, position. e.g. The prices are up now. He is up in the world now. 3) истекать (о сроке), терять силу (о законе) to expire (of time, holiday, agreement). e.g. The time is up. 4) случиться, происходить to be going on. e.g. I’m afraid I can’t come today. Something is up. What’s up?
  • to be up to 1) замышлять to play pranks. e.g. What are the children up to? 2) быть обязательным, зависеть от to be one’s responsibility or duty; to rest with smb. e.g. It’s up to parents to bring up their children properly. I believe, it’s up to them to decide that.
  • to be with 1) быть вместе с, присоединиться к to be together with smb., to join smb. e.g. I’ll be with you in all your misfortunes.    


  • to break down 1) сломать(ся), выйти из строя to go wrong, to stop functioning. e.g. The machine has broken down. 2) разрушать(ся); нарушать планы; расстроиться, упасть духом to crush, to collapse. e.g. His health broke down. They broke down our plans. She broke down completely and fainted.
  • to break off обрывать , внезапно прекращать to stop doing smth. suddenly. e.g. They broke off the conversation.
  • to break out неожиданно начаться , вспыхнуть (о войне, пожарах, болезнях, ссорах) to begin suddenly (of wars, fires, diseases, quarrels, etc.) A fire broke out during the night.
  • to break up 1) прекращать занятия, закрываться на каникулы (о школе) to end the school term. e.g. The school broke up in May. The schoolchildren will break up next week. 2)  расходиться (о группе людей); разгонять to separate; to disperse. e.g. The crowd broke up.
  • to break with порывать с к.-л./ч.-л. to cease associating with smb., to do away with smth. e.g. He has broken with all his old friends. It is difficult for him to break with his old habit.


  • to bring about вызывать to cause to happen. e.g. Nobody could guess what brought about the quarrel.
  • to bring back напоминать to remind, to call to mind. e.g. The story brought back the days of their friendship.
  • to bring down снижать (цены , отметку и т.д.) to cause to fall. e.g. The good harvest brought down the price of wheat. These mistakes have brought down your mark.
  • to bring in 1) выносить to take in. e.g. Don’t forget to bring the suit – case in . 2) приносить доход to yield as a profit. e.g. I don’t know how much the new factory will bring in. 3) приводить, упомянуть to mention. e.g. I want you to bring in the facts to be more convincing.
  • to bring out 1) публиковать , выпускать в свет; ставить (пьесу) to cause to appear, to bring to the public notice. e.g. When are you going to bring out your new book? They have just brought out a new play. 2) выявить to make clear, to show e.g. How skilful he should be to bring out the importance of that minor factor.
  • to bring over переубедить to persuade smth. to accept a previously opposed suggestion. e.g. What they said and demonstrated brought him over (to their opinion).
  • to bring round  приходить в себя to restore to consciousness. e.g. She fainted when she heard  the news but a little brandy soon brought her round.    
  • to bring up 1) воспитывать to look after during childhood, to educate. e.g. She brought up four children. It rests with the parents and school to bring up children to be good citizens of the country.2) подниматься вопрос с целью обсуждения to raise for discussion, to call attention to. e.g. She is sure to bring up the matter at the meeting.



  • to call at заезжать, заходить (куда-л.) to pay a short visit usu. on some business; to come to a port en route. e.g. He will call at the office later. The ship will call at several ports.
  • to call for 1) заходить за (кем-л.) to visit a place to collect a person or a thing. e.g. I’ll call for him and we’ll go there together. The parcel is going to be called for. 2) требовать, взывать к ч.-л. to require. e.g. The situation calls for attention. These facts, as the government stresses, will call for new outlooks.
  • to call in вызывать , приглашать (к.-л. для консультации) to summon in an advisory capacity. e.g. When he grew worse we called in a second doctor.
  • to call off отменять (о встречах, собраниях и т.п.) to cancel e.g. The arrangement was called off at short notice. The flight was called off.
  • to call on заходить к к.-л. to pay a visit e.g. When did he call on you last?
  • to call out 1) объявить громко, выкрикивать to speak loudly. e.g. He called out each name twice. “Come in”, he called out from the balcony. 2) вызывать to summon for action. e.g. The doctor is called out. He isn’t available now.
  • to call to кричать (кому-л.) to shout to smb. e.g. He called to the gardener to open the gates.
  • to call up 1) призывать (в армию) to order to join the army. e.g. Young people are called up at eighteen. 2) звонить (по телефону) to telephone someone. e.g. I called him up and asked id he had any news.
  • to call up(on) призывать к ч.-л. to apply to a person for a particular service. e.g. The committee called upon the workers to stand by their demand.


  • to clear away убирать (часто со стола) to take away from, to remove rubbish, dirty dishes. e.g. Don’t bother to clear away, I’ll do it myself. I don’t like the dead branches lying about, we must clear them away.
  • to clear out очищать , убирать to empty so as to make clean, to remove what is not needed. e.g. We have to clear out the cupboards as a preliminary cleaning. There’ll be plenty of room in that closet when it’s cleared out.
  • to clear up 1) убирать, приводить в порядок to make tidy, to bring order instead of confusion. e.g. The room needs clearing up after the party. 2) выяснять, разрешать, улаживать to solve, to explain, to settle e.g. I suppose he’s already cleared it up. The mystery was cleared up at last. 3) проясняться (о погоде) to become finer, better. e.g. Wait till the weather clears up.  


  • to come about случаться to happen e.g. How did it come about that you went to live in the Far East?
  • to come across встречать, находить внезапно to meet smb. unexpectedly, to discover smth. e.g. I came across some old letters yesterday.
  • to come along поторапливаться, сопровождать to hurry up, to accompany e.g. Come along! The taxi is waiting. Come along! We’ll go together.
  • to come back 1) возвращаться to return e.g. They are coming back on Sunday. 2) вспоминаться to return to smb’s memory e.g. And suddenly it all came back to him.
  • to come by добывать, доставать, получать to obtain, to acquire, to get hold of with effort, also by chance e.g. This book is difficult to come by. The young actor is very promising. You know how the manager came by him. He played in an amateur theatrical group.
  • to come down приезжать из столицы (центра) в провинцию, из университета домой to come to a place situated at a distance from the capital. e.g. I came down to the country cottage for the week-end.
  • to come down on (upon) набрасываться на, бранить to rebuke strongly, e.g. His mother did not like it and came down heavily on (upon) him. He came down on our suggestion.
  •  to come for заходить за to fetch, to pick up e.g. He is coming for us at 7 o’clock. Has she come for the book yet?
  • to come from (of) принадлежать из to belong to e.g. He comes from (of) a poor family.
  • to come into получать в наследство to inherit. e.g. He came into the property when his uncle died.
  • to come off 1) отрываться (о пуговице), выпадать (о волосах) to become detached, to fall e.g. The button has come off. 2) происходить, иметь место to happen, to take place e.g. The meeting came off well.
  • to come on 1) Живей! Идем! и т.д. to indicate encouragement e.g. Come on, the taxi is here. 2) расти, преуспевать, to make progress e.g. The flowers are coming on nicely. He is coming on fast with his English. 3) приближаться, начинаться, надвигаться to be approaching, to start, to be getting on. e.g. You should not forget that the election is coming on. As the night came on, he again felt uneasy.
  • to come out 1) выходить to step out, to become visible e.g. Come out, I can’t see you there. 2) появиться в печати (о газетах, книгах, пьесах и т.д.) to be published (of newspapers, books, plays, etc.) e.g. The child’s got scarlet fever and the rash has come out. 4) распускаться, расцветать (о деревьях, почках, цветах и т.д.)  to blossom (of trees, buds, flowers, etc.) e.g. The buds are all coming out now. 5) заканчиваться to end e.g. It will come out as he predicted. 6) обнаруживаться to become known e.g. It’s no use keeping it in the dark. It will come out sometime.
  • to come out with выступать (с заявлением, разоблачением и т.д.) to make announcements, remarks; to disclose news, etc e.g. He came out with some opinions that startled everybody.
  • to come over 1) приходить, посещать, приезжать to visit e.g. Come over and see us next week. 2) охватить, овладеть to grip e.g. A fear came over me. 3) приходить в голову to strike, to occur, to come into one’s mind e.g. It suddenly came over me that I had left the door open.
  • to come round заходить, заглянуть to go to a person’s house e.g. They live in the next street and occasionally come round to spend an evening with us.
  • to come to доходить до, стоить to amount to e.g. What does the monthly housekeeping come to?
  • to come to (round) приходить в себя, очнуться to recover consciousness e.g. He was given an injection and after it he came to (round).
  • to come up возникать, быть предметом обсуждения to arise, to be brought up. This question is sure to come up at the meeting.
  • to come upon приходить в голову to come into one’s mind. It came upon me.    


  • to cut down сокращать, урезывать to reduce in size or amount e.g. Why haven’t you cut down your expenses? She will have to cut down her article.
  • to cut in вмешиваться, вставлять замечания to interrupt smb., to interject a remark e.g. “I’ll come tomorrow”, he cut in. Stop cutting in with your remarks.
  • to cut off 1) разъединять (по телефону), to disconnect e.g. The telephone operator cut us off before we finished our conversation. 2) отрезать, изолировать, выключать (газ, воду, электричество и т.д.) to remove smth. esp. what is at the top; to isolate; to discontinue supply of gas (water, electricity, etc.) e.g. Will you kindly cut off a length of this stuff? We were cut off by the tide.
  • to cut out 1) вырезать, кроить to remove by cutting, to shape a garment by cutting its outline e.g. He cut a picture out of a newspaper. She cut out a dress. 2) выпускать, выбрасывать to leave out. e.g. The editor cut out the last paragraph.
  • to cut out for быть словно созданным для ч.-л. to be shaped, destined (usu. Passive). e.g. He is cut out for an actor. She is not cut out for that sort of work.


  • to do away with уничтожать, разделаться; покончить с собой to abolish, to get rid of, to commit suicide e.g. We did away with illiteracy many years ago. The man did away with himself.
  • to do for 1) заботиться, присматривать to look after, to provide, to help with housework e.g. He lives quite along except for a woman who comes in every day and dose for him. Although he is unwell, he manages to do for himself. 2) (ис)портить, губить, убивать to injure, to kill (often Passive) e.g. Don’t say that we are done for. Let’s hope for the best. It was the chill he caught after his illness that did for him. I’m afraid these gloves are not worth repairing: they’re done for.
  • to do out убирать, прибирать, приводить в порядок to clean, to sweep, to put in order e.g. It’s so difficult for him to get into the habit of doing out his things. I can never find anything when they’ve done my study out.
  • to do out of  надуть, не заплатить to cheat smb. of smth. e.g. He has done us out of 5 dollars by his dishonesty.
  • to do up 1) приводить в порядок, убирать; ремонтировать, отделывать to make tidy, to repair, to decorate e.g. The flat needs doing up. Before the house is done up we’ll have to have some repairs done. 2) крайне утомлять to be tired out (only Passive) e.g. We went for an outing and were quite done up after that. 3) застегивать, завязывать to fasten, e.g. Do up your coat. Your shoelace is undone, do it up before you trip on it.
  • to do with удовлетворять, обходиться, довольствоваться to be satisfied with as there is nothing better. e.g. Can you do with a five-dollar note? That raincoat of yours could do with a clean.
  • to do without обходиться без ч.-л. к.-л. to manage without smth. e.g. I think I’ll do without this dictionary for the time being.


  • to fall back отступать to retreat, to withdraw e.g. The defeated German troops had to fall back.
  • to fall behind 1) отставать, оставаться позади to lag, to get (be) behind e.g. He fell behind the others to take the photographs. 2) (with) запаздывать to be unable to deep up with, to be late in doing smth. e.g. They fell behind with the rent and got a reminder from the landlord.
  • to fall for увлечься, почувствовать влечение к, понравиться to take a liking to, to be attracted to e.g. Directly she saw Jefferson she fell for him. We fell for the cottage as soon as we saw it.
  • to fall in with согласиться, достигнуть соглашения с; приспособиться  to comply with, to agree to; to adjust oneself to. e.g. I am prepared to fall in with any arrangements you make. After talking it over last night, he fell in with out view. Since we have arrived unexpectedly, we should like to fall in with your plans.
  • to fall off уменьшаться, становиться ниже уровня; отживать to drop below standard or in number, to withdraw. e.g. The quality of the goods has fallen off lately. The output has been falling off during the last year or two. All June’s friends had fallen off one by one.
  • to fall on нападать на to attack, to come down on, to come at, e.g. When I happened to remark that Purcell was the only English composer worth mentioning they all fell on me with one voice.
  • to fall out (with) ссориться, расходиться во мнениях to quarrel; to disagree. e.g. He fell out with his family  and went away to work on a farm. They fell out over the problem of teaching foreign languages.
  • to fall through провалиться, потерпеть неудачу to fail, to come to nothing. e.g. All their plans fell through because she had fallen seriously ill. The contract fell through because of the delay in shipment.  


  • to get about 1) ходить, ездить, путешествовать to move about, to go to places. e.g. He was in bed for a month, but he is getting about again. He gets about a great deal. 2) распространяться (о слухах, новостях и т.д.) to spread (of a rumour, a story). e.g. The story has got about everywhere.3) приступать to attend to one’s duties. e.g. Get about your work without further delay.
  • to get across перебираться, переправляться, пересекать to pass to the other side, to come across. e.g. Don’t try to get across while the lights are against you.
  • to get along 1) преуспевать to make progress. e.g. How are you getting along with your work? 2) справляться, обходиться без (with, without) to manage in difficult circumstances. e.g. Don’t worry about money, we shall get along all right. I hope he’ll get along with the work. I am sure you can’t get along without him.
  •  to get at 1) достать , добраться до to reach with difficulty, to get hold of. e.g. He dropped his hat in the water and we couldn’t get at it. 2) понять, выяснить, добраться до сути to understand, to find out. e.g. We must get at the truth. 3) иметь в виду to mean, to imply. e.g. Although I followed all he said, I could not see what he was getting at. 4) придираться, подтрунивать to find fault with, to banter. e.g. I know I have my faults but that is no reason why she should be constantly getting at me.
  • to get away отправляться, уходить; спасаться, избавляться to start, to go away: to escape. e.g. Don’t ask her how she is if she starts talking about her health you’ll never get away from her. They say he has managed to get away for the holidays.
  • to get away with легко отделаться от наказания, выйти сухим из воды to escape punishment . e.g. You have broken down their plans. I don’t think you’ll manage to get away with it.
  • to get back получить обратно; вернуться to have smth. back; to return, to come back e.g. I’ll get back at 6 o’clock.
  • to get down спускаться, сходить; снимать (с полки) to descend; to take down. e.g. Will you get down the books (from the shelf) for me? I can’t reach them. 2) подавлять, угнетать, подрывать здоровье to depress smb. e.g. These things are getting me down. She soon gets down, but she just as soon recovers her cheerfulness.
  • to get down to браться , засесть за учение, работу и т.д. to settle down to one’s study, work, business, facts, etc. e.g. Now if you have nothing against we’ll get down to business.
  • to get in(into) 1) входить, садиться (в трамвай и т.д.) to enter a carriage. e.g. I forgot the key and couldn’t get in. The bus is starting we must get in. We got into the car. 2) приносить to bring, to fetch. e.g. Will you get some chairs in? 3) прибывать to arrive e.g. The train got in on schedule. 4) убирать в помещение (урожай, сено и т.д.) загонять скот to gather smth. into store; to bring home, to take in e.g. It was a long dry summer and the harvest was easy to get in. Tom, will you get the sheep in?
  • to get into надевать, напяливать to put on with difficulty. e.g. He can’t get into this pullover, it’s shrunk.
  • to get off 1) выходить, слезать to remove oneself, to alight e.g. I am getting off the bus at the next stop. 2) избежать наказания to escape punishment e.g. He should have been punished but he got off.3) снимать (платье), счищать, очищать (краску и т.д.) отвертывать  to remove smth. e.g. Let me help you to get your coat off. He couldn’t get the paint off his sleeve. I can’t get this screw-cap off.  4) (with) отделаться (штрафом, царапиной и т.д.)to escape punishment or misfortune (with a fine, scratches, etc.) e.g. He got off with a caution.
  • to get on 1) садиться на (лошадь, автобус и т.д.) to mount , to board. e.g. Let’s get on the first bus that comes along. 2) надевать to put on e.g. Don’t forget to get on your coat. 3) стареть to become aged e.g. “How old is she now?” “I don’t know but she’s getting on (in years)”.
  • to get on (with) делать успехи, преуспевать to make progress, to advance. e.g. How are you getting on? The building is getting on fast. How is the spring-cleaning getting on? I must get on with my work. 2) ладить, быть в хороших отношениях to be on good terms. e.g. You could hardly expect two people of opposed temperaments to get on well. I’ve always got on very well with my colleagues.
  • to get out 1) выходить , вылезать to dismount , to alight, to get off. e.g. When the plane landed he was the first to get out. 2) вытаскивать, вынимать to take smb./smth. out, to draw smb./smth. out e.g. I can’t get the key out. My children like to swim so much that I can’t get them out of the water. The position is difficult but there is no getting out of it. 3) (of) вытягивать, выведывать to cause to be out e.g. The reporters got the whole story out of him.
  • to get over 1) перейти, перелезть, переправиться через; пройти (расстояние) to cross, to climb or be over; to cover. e.g. I’m sure they’ll get over the distance in some twenty minutes. Tom Sawyer got over the fence and was gone. 2) поправиться, оправиться (после болезни, от испуга); преодолеть to recover (from  an illness, a shock, surprise, disappointment, etc.); to overcome. e.g. He is getting over the flue well. I can’t get over his bad manners. We’ll have to get over that difficulty somehow. 3) передавать (знания, сведения и т.д.) to convey (knowledge, information, etc.) e.g. He has a thorough knowledge of his subject but he is unable to get it over to an audience.
  • to get round (around) 1) уговорить, заставить к.-л. сделать по-своему to persuade smb. in one’s own interests. e.g. She knows how to get round her parents. 2) обойти (закон, инструкцию и т.д.) to evade with impunity (law, regulations) e.g. He tried to get round the regulations. 3) распространяться to spread e.g. The story has got round.
  • to get through 1) закончить to reach the end of e.g. I hope, we’ll get through that pile of work on Saturday. 2) сдать экзамен to pass a test . e.g. He’s got through the examination. 3) (to) дозвониться to contract smb. on the telephone. e.g. We tried to telephone you last night but the line was busy and we couldn’t get through . The line is constantly engaged. I can’t get through to him. 4) тратить (время, деньги и т.д.) to spend (time, money, etc.) e.g. They’ve got through the money you gave them.
  • to get up 1) вставать, поднимать (с постели) to rise from bed, to rouse smb. from sleep. e.g. He asked me to get him up at 7.30.  2) подниматься, усиливаться (о ветре, пожаре) to rise (of wind, fire, etc.) to increase. e.g. In the afternoon the wind got up and increased to a gale. 3) организовывать (вечер), ставить (пьесу) to organise (a party), to arrange (a play). e.g. What do you say to our getting up a party?


  • to give away подводить, предавать; выдавать (секрет) to betray (a person); to reveal (a secret or information). e.g. For several months the criminal managed to evade the police by assuming a false name, but in the end one of his accomplices gave away the answers to the questions.
  • to give back  возвращать to restore (a thing) to its owner. e.g. When are you going to give him back his camera?
  • to give in 1) сдавать, подавать to hand in. e.g. Don’t forget to give in your exercise-book. 2) (to) сдаваться, уступать to surrender, to yield to a person’s desires or wishes. e.g. the soldiers fought valiantly, but finally they had to give in. Though he was ill, he stuck at his work, and refused to give in. At first he wouldn’t let her drive the car but she was so persuasive that he eventually gave in to her.
  • to give off испускать, издавать (жар, запах и т.д.) to emit (heat, a smell, etc.) e.g. The liquid gave off a strong smell.  
  • to give out 1) раздавать, распределять to distribute. e.g. A young woman standing at the door gave out leaflets to all those who entered the hall. 2) оглашать, объявлять to announce, to make known e.g. They gave out the names of the winners on the radio.3) иссякать , кончаться (о запасах) to become exhausted, to come to an end. e.g. When we are only a few miles from our destination the petrol gave out.
  • to give up 1) сдаваться , уступать to abandon an attempt, to cease trying to do smth. e.g. I’m tired of being chased by the police, I’m going to give myself up. A really determined person never gives up. 2) оставить, отказаться (от работы); прекращать (делать ч.-л.) to resign; to cease doing smth. e.g. She gave up her job to look after her invalid mother. He gave up smoking. 3) оставлять, бросать (привычку); бросать, порывать с к.-л. to discontinue a habit; to abandon smb. e.g. If you feel a habit is enslaving you, it should be given up. Having been given up by the wife, he took to drink.


  • to go about  ходить, бродить to wander, to walk about. e.g. The tourists went about Moscow. 2) циркулировать (о слухах и т.д.) to pass from person to person (of rumours, stories, news, etc.) to get about e.g. This story is going about the town. It goes about that he has left. 3) приступить к работе, заняться to set to work at smth. to get about smth. e.g. I must go about my work or I shall be all behind.
  • to go aside отойти в сторону to move away. e.g. Let’s go aside for a few moments.
  • to go back возвращаться  to return e.g. We had better go back to the house. It’s beginning to rain.
  • to go by 1) руководствоваться  to be guided by e.g. In deciding the question you shouldn’t go by instinct. 2) работать с помощью ч.-л. to work by means of smth. e.g. This engine goes by electricity.
  • to go down 1) уезжать (из столицы за город, из города в деревню) to go to the country from the capital or town (to a place regarded as less important). e.g. I believe he’s going down to Exeter for the week-end. 2) затонуть to sink (of a ship) e.g. After the collision the ship went down. 3) падать; снижаться (о ценах), стихать (о ветре) to fall (of persons, things, prices, wind, etc.) e.g. He tripped over a root and went down. The prices go down. 4) верить, одобряться (with smb.) to be believed; to be favourably received. e.g. This story won’t go down with me, your are not telling the truth. How did his speech go down with the audience?
  • to go for 1) наброситься, обрушиться  to attack either physically or by words. e.g. The boys began to go for one another. 2) стремиться (к ч.-л.) to aim at smth. e.g. Make up your mind what you want in life and go for it.
  • to go in for заниматься ч.-л. , увлекаться to indulge in, to take up as an occupation, interest or hobby, e.g. He is going in for law.  
  • to go into изучать, расследовать to examine, to investigate, to look into e.g. We’ll have to go into the whole subject.
  • to go off 1) взорваться, выстрелить to explode, to fire e.g. The bomb went off. 2) сойти, пройти to come off, to happen, to take place e.g. The concert went off very well. 3) стать хуже, потерять свежесть (подурнеть, испортиться) to go bad (of food), to fade (of colour, beauty, looks, feelings, etc.) e.g. The ham has gone off slightly. She used to be a beautiful girl but she’s gone off a lot in the last year or two. 4) терять сознание to lose consciousness, e.g. She went off at once under the anaesthetic.
  •  to go on 1) (упорно) продолжать делать ч.-л. , идти дальше to continue any action, to continue a journey. e.g. Don’t wait for me, I am not quite ready. Go on and I’ll catch you up. Go on reading, please. 2) происходить, иметь место to happen, to take place (usu. in Progressive) e.g. It’s been going on for years.
  • to go on with продолжать ч.-л. to resume smth. to continue smth. e.g. Go on with your story.
  • to go out 1) .бывать в обществе, ходить в театры, на концерты to mix in society, to go to concerts, theatres e.g. I don’t feel like going out  today. He asked her to go out with him. 2) погаснуть (об освещении и т.д.) to cease to burn (of fire, a flame, a light, etc.) The lights went out. 3) выйти из моды , устареть to become obsolete (of fashions, customs, ideas, methods, etc.) e.g. Those shoes are going out already.
  • to go over 1) поехать to go to e.g. He is going over to France soon. 2) переходить, переезжать на другую сторону to pass to the other side. e.g. They went over the Volga by a ferry-boat. 3) перечитывать, просматривать to read over, to look through, e.g. Would you mind going over this work for me? 4) изучать в деталях, осматривать to make a thorough study of smth., to examine carefully in every part e.g. Let’s go over his references and see what he’s like.
  • to go through 1) тщательно разбирать или обсуждать пункт за пунктом to examine or discuss carefully e.g. Let’s go through the arguments again. 2) испытывать, переживать to suffer, to endure. e.g. During the war we went through a great deal of hardships. 3) проделать, исполнить to perform, to accomplish e.g. It took him no time to go through the customs. He went through a lot of work last time.
  • to go to понести расход; иметь заботы to incur expenses; to take trouble e.g. She went to a lot of trouble and expense to restore her old house.
  • to go up 1) подходить в плотную к к.-л. to approach e.g. He went up to her and asked her something. 2) ездить в столицу с периферии, из деревни в город to go to the capital, to town from the country. e.g. He used to go up to town every Sunday. 3) подниматься, расти (о ценах) to rise, to increase, to become more expensive. e.g. The prices of consumer goods have gone up.4) строиться to be built e.g. Many houses are going up everywhere.
  • to go with соответствовать , гармонировать to match, to suit e.g. Your handbag should go with your gloves and shoes.
  • to go without обходиться без ч.-л. to manage without smth. = to do without smth e.g. It looks as though we shall have to go without a holiday this year.


  • to hold back 1) прятать, держать в тайне to hide, to keep secret e.g. He will break it to you the moment he learns it. 2) сдерживать to keep back, to restrain (tears, laughter, etc.) e.g. She could hardly hold back the tears. He was so impatient that I could not hold him back.
  • to hold on 1) продолжать делать ч.-л. to continue doing smth. e.g. You should hold on along this road for another five minutes and you’ll see the building site. 2) подождать to wait on the phone (usu. Imperative) e.g. Excuse me, sir, hold on – Mr. Smith will speak to you. Yes, Mr. Jones is in. If you can hold on a moment, I’ll get him for you.
  • to hold out упорствовать, держаться до конца to endure, to persist to the end in spite of difficulties, attacks, etc. e.g. The heroic Russian partisans held out for six days against the overwhelming fascist forces. I think the engine will hold out until we get home then can have it seen to.
  • to hold up останавливать, задерживать (уличное движение, работу и т.д.) to stop, to delay (traffic, industry, work, research, etc.) e.g. The policeman held up the traffic to allow pedestrians to cross the road. We were held up for half an hour in a traffic jam.


  • to keep at делать ч.-л. с упорством, настойчиво to continue doing smth. with persistence. e.g. Keep at it, my boy. There are only two laps more.
  • to keep away держаться в отдалении, не подпускать близко to stand away, not to come near. e.g. “Keep away from the fire” the mother kept saying to her little son. He kept away while we were in the town.
  • to keep back удерживать, задерживать; скрывать, утаивать (факты, слезы и т.д.) to withhold smth. (information, tears, etc.) e.g. I’ll keep back nothing from you. He kept back from the committee the fact that he was leaving them.  
  • to keep down 1) ограничивать, держать в подчинении to restrain, to keep in subjection e.g. Poor fellow, his parents keep him down all the time. 2) задерживать рост, мешать развитию; понижать to hold or restrain from rising, growing, to make as low as possible. e.g. They must keep down expenses otherwise they won’t be able to make ends meet. Despite the poor harvest, the price of apples has kept down.
  • to keep from воздерживаться от ч.-л. to refrain from smth. (doing smth.) e.g. You should keep from playing football too much, otherwise you won’t be able to keep up with the class.  
  • to keep in выходить, оставаться в помещении; оставлять в школе после занятий (в виде наказания), заставлять сидеть дома not to go out, to be ordered to remain in school, to compel to stay indoors (often Passive) e.g. They were kept in by the heavy rain. Keep in. You are too tired to go out.
  • to keep off воздерживаться от ч.-л.; не затрагивать to refrain from consuming anything, to refrain from smth. e.g. The doctor advised him to keep off meat for half a year. You’d better keep off this subject.
  • to keep on (at/with smth.) продолжать настойчиво делать ч.-л. to continue, to go on doing smth. e.g. Keep on as you are. All will come well in the end. Keep straight on until you get to the square, and then turn to the left. You’d better keep on at it. Keep on with this book.
  • to keep out (of) не допускать, не впускать, не вмешиваться, оставаться в стороне to prevent from coming in, to remain out. e.g. Keep out till the house is quieter. You’d better keep out of their quarrels.
  • to keep to придерживаться ч.-л. , не отклоняться (от темы и т.д.) to stick closely to. e.g. Keep to the point. Keep to your task until it’s finished.
  • to keep up 1) поддерживать, содержать в хорошем состоянии to keep in proper state. e.g. The car will last long if you keep it up. 2) поддерживать, не давать снижаться, стимулировать to maintain, to prevent (one’s spirits, prices, etc.) from sinking e.g. Something must be down to keep up the prices. We must keep up our position. 3) держаться, не падать духом, поддерживать морально to be brave or cheerful in spite of fatigue, anxiety, etc. e.g. Keep up! If you fall, you will be done for. It is difficult but I am trying to keep up.
  • to keep up with не отставать, поспевать, держаться наравне с к.-л. to go forward or make progress, to proceed at equal pace with smb. or smth. e.g. After his illness the boy couldn’t keep up with the class. We must keep up with the times not to fall behind.



  • to let down 1) опускать, спускать вниз to lower, to cause to be down. e.g. Let the blinds down, please. Della let down her beautiful fair hair. 2) подвести, покинуть в беде to deceive, to betray, to fail smb. at need. e.g. If you don’t tell the truth, you will let me down badly.
  • to let in впускать to allow smb. to enter, to open the door to smb. e.g. If you are late I’ll let you in.
  • to let into посвящать в тайну to make acquainted with. e.g. If you promise to keep quiet I’ll let you into the secret.
  • to let off отпускать, прощать (ч.-л. несделанное) to allow to go free, to release smb. from an engagement or obligation. e.g. I’ll let you off homework this evening. The ticket collector let him off with a fine.
  • to let on выдавать секрет to reveal a secret, to let smb. know. e.g. If I tell you a secret, you won’t let it on to anybody, will you? Do not let on about his arrival.
  • to let out 1) делать шире, выпускать (об одежде) to make a garment wider, looser or longer. e.g. The coat is rather tight. Do you think you could let it out for me? 2) выпускать, освобождать to allow to go, run, flow away or out. e.g. Let out the child. It’s nice out-of-doors. Let the water out of the bathtub.


  • to look after присматривать, заботиться to take care of, to attend to, e.g. He will look after the matter while you are away. He can look after himself, don’t worry.
  • to look back (on smth.)вспоминать to consider the past. e.g. Looking back (on the past), I can say that he was up the mark.
  • to look down on (upon) смотреть с высока, презирать to despise, to consider oneself to be superior to e.g. He looks down on (upon) people with less knowledge than himself.
  • to look for искать to search for, to seek e.g. I have lost my pen. Will you help me to look for it?
  • to look forward to предвкушать, ждать с нетерпением to anticipate with pleasure e.g. He’s looking forward to meeting your friend.
  • to look in (on/upon smth.; at some place) заглянуть, зайти to pay a short visit. e.g. She felt she ought to look in on her old aunt but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. I’ll look in at your place tomorrow but I can’t stay long.
  • to look into изучать (вопрос), детально исследовать to investigate, to examine carefully. e.g. We’ll give you our decision when we’ve had time to look into the matter.
  • to look on/ upon 1) наблюдать со стороны to watch an event as a spectator. e.g. He took no part in the fight, he stood and looked on. 2) считать to consider, to regard as. e.g. They look on (upon) this as an absolute necessity. Do you believe they look on him as an authority?
  • to look out быть настороже to be on one’s guard. e.g. Look out! There is a train coming. If she doesn’t look out, she’ll be sent down (from University).
  • to look out for высматривать, ожидать to keep a careful watch for smth. or someone. e.g. We’ll come to the station and look out for you.
  • to look over просматривать to check quickly e.g. He looked over his examination paper before he handed it in.
  • to look through 1) просматривать to examine quickly and not very carefully. e.g. He looked through the newspaper to see if there was any account of the football match. 2) не замечать to look at someone without appearing to see him as a deliberate act of rudeness. e.g. Mr. Brown thinks that I am beneath his notice socially and whenever we meet he just looks through me.
  • to look to рассчитывать на к.-л. to consider, to attend to e.g. I have told you the rules. I look to you to obey them.
  • to look up 1) улучшаться (о делах, погоде и т.д.) to improve (about the weather, conditions, etc.) e.g. Now that the demand is great we hope that business conditions will begin to look up.2) искать ч.-л. (в словаре, справочнике) to look for smth. in a book of reference. e.g. Wait a minute. He’ll look up the exact quotation for you.
  • to look up to уважать to respect. e.g. It’s surprising that everybody looks up to him.


  • to make for 1) направлять в, к to move or proceed towards . e.g. As soon as she heard the baby’s cry she made for the pram. The boy was making for the nearest railway station. 2) содействовать, способствовать to continue to, to conduce to. e.g. This work will make for good relations between the two countries. That action all makes for our good, so you should support them.
  • to make out 1) разбирать, различать (зрительно или на слух) to manage to read, to see, or hear. e.g. His handwriting isn’t easy to read, I can’t make out some of the words. They could make out the hills afar off. 2) понимать, уяснять to understand, to interpret. e.g. I can’t make out why he allows his children to do as they like. Can you make out the meaning of this sentence? It’s most incomprehensible. 3) составлять (документ), выписывать (рецепт, чек, счет и т.д.) to draw up, to write out any document (bill, order, etc.) e.g. The cashier made out the bill while I waited. I should like him to make out a list of the people invited to the party.
  • to make up 1) составлять, приготовлять (лекарство по рецепту, обед, блюдо и т.д.) to compound different ingredients (medicine, dinner, etc.) e.g. The druggist made up the prescription for me. She was at a loss, as she did not know how to make up that dish. 2) выдумывать, сочинять, фабриковать to compose, to fabricate. e.g. Whenever he had free time he was making up rhymes about his friends. The author made up his book of imaginary children’s stories.3) составлять, представлять (являться частью) to compose the whole, form the parts of. e.g. Students made up the majority of the audience. 4) пополнять, восполнять, дополнять (число, количество) to complete, to fill up what is wanting. e.g. When need two more people to make up the party. We still need L5 to make up the required sum. She had been absent for a fortnight so she naturally had a lot of homework to make up. 5) помириться, уладить (спор) to become friendly after a quarrel, to settle a dispute..e.g.  They soon made up their quarrel. 6) гримироваться, применять косметику to put powder and paint on the face, to apply cosmetics. e.g. The actor made (himself) up for the part of an old man. The actress made up her face before going on the stage.
  • to make up to smb. for smth. компенсировать, возмещать искупать вину to compensate for. e.g. We must make up to her for what we’ve done. We’ll make up for it. I’m sorry I’m late but I’ll make it up to you.
  • to make up to заискивать перед к.-л. to seek favour with smb. e.g. No one respects a man who always makes up to influential people.


  • to pass by оставлять без внимания to pay no attention to, to disregard, e.g. He has passed by my remark.
  • to pass for считаться, слыть к.-л. to be accepted as, to be taken for smb. e.g. Because he looks rather intelligent he passes for a much cleverer man than he really is. Have you noticed that Mr.Smith’s nose, eyes and forehead are very like his brother’s? If he shaved off his beard and side-whiskers, I believe he would pass for his brother.
  • to pass off 1) прекращаться, проходить (о боли) to disappear, gradually to decrease in strength or intensity. e.g. If you take this tablet your headache will pass off. 2) пройти удачно, хорошо (о концерте, вечере и т.д.) to be carried through well, smoothly. e.g. The concert passed off well. 3) выдавать за к.-л. to represent falsely. e.g. He’ll pass me off as his sister.
  • to pass on (to) передавать дальше; переходить (к другому вопросу) to hand over to smb.; to go on to another subject. e.g. He passed the book on to his wife. They passed on to the second item on the agenda.
  • to pass over пропустить, оставлять без внимания to overlook, to disregard details, remarks intentionally. e.g. Mr. Anderson is a particularly strict man, and never passes over any of his subordinates’ mistakes.


  • to pull down сносить (здание) to demolish, to destroy. e.g. New houses are going up in place of the old ones pulled down. It is easier to pull down than to build up.
  • to pull in (into) прибывать (о поезде, пароходе) to draw into the station or alongside the platform, to get into. e.g. As the train pulled in there was a rush to get seats. It was 10.30 when we pulled into Euston.
  • to pull out (of) уходить (о поезде), отчаливать (о лодке) to begin to move, to start. e.g. We arrived at the station just as the train was pulling out (of the station).
  • to pull through 1) спасти(сь), выжить после болезни, to recover from a serious illness, to bring smb. safely through a serious illness. e.g. With careful nursing the patient should pull through. The doctor is hopeful that he will be able to pull the patient through.  2) выпутать(ся), спасти(сь) (от опасности) to come safely through a critical state of affairs, to save smb. of smth. from ruin, disaster. e.g. The economic situation is certainly serious, but we have faced others just as serious before, and have always pulled through.
  • to pull up останавливать(ся), делать остановку to stop. e.g. The car pulled up just outside the hotel. The police officer pulled up the motorist and asked to see his licence.


  • to put about распространять (слухи и т.д.) to spread about (rumours, etc.) e.g. A conservative paper put about the idea that the country had lost a million pounds on the transaction.
  • to put aside копить (деньги) to save money, to put away. e.g. Every summer he worked hard to put aside enough money to continue his education.
  • to put away 1) убирать, ставить или класть на место to put into proper place. e.g. I put those papers away so carefully that I can’t find them anywhere. 2) откладывать, копить (деньги) to save money, to put aside. e.g. By and by he managed to put away a nice sum of money.
  • to put down 1) записывать to write, to put on paper. e.g. Put that telephone number down before you forget it. 2) класть, ставить (на стол, пол и т.д.) to set or place down. e.g. He picked up the kettle and put it down at once because the handle burnt his hand. 3) подавлять (восстание, сопротивление) to suppress by force and authority, to put an end to smth., e.g. The rebellion was severely put down. 4) унизить, сбить спесь to make humble, to lower in position. e.g. She looked a little put down. 5) высаживать(ся) to make smb. get off from a vehicle. e.g. Will you put down this elderly lady at Trafalgar Square?
  • to put down to относить, приписывать to attribute to smth. e.g. He put his failure down to lack of efficiency. The fever was put down to the bad weather.
  • to put in 1) проводить (электричество, газ и т.д.), устанавливать (телефон и т.п.) to place in, to install e.g. Shortly gas will be put in in every house. They’ve had a new boiler put in.2) вставить (слово), сказать to insert a remark, to interpose. e.g. He had no opportunity to put in a word for his friend (i.e. to speak on his behalf).3) прово-дить время (за каким-л. делом) to spend time in. e.g. He put in a whole week of work on that article. I can put in some time at the library while you’re shopping.
  • to put off 1) откладывать(дело, занятие, встречу) to postpone actions, appointment. e.g. We shall have to put off our outing until the weather improves. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. 2) избегать, уклоняться от, отделываться to evade meeting smb., going somewhere, doing smth. with excuses. e.g. He tried to put me off with more promises. Whenever he tried to see them, they put him off with excuses. Put off your doubts and keep at your work. 3) вызывать отвращение to cause disgust. e.g. The picture on the cover put me off.
  • to put on 1) надевать to clothe oneself with. e.g. Put your coat on, it’s cold outside. 2) ставить (чайник, кастрюлю и т.п. на огонь), поставить граммофонную пластинку для проигрывание to put smth. on the fire to boil, to place smth. e.g. I’ve bought a new record. Will you put it on? Will you put the kettle on? 3) сажать к.-л. на поезд, автобус и т.д. to place smb. aboard the train e.g. You needn’t worry. I’ll put you on the train and then phone them. 4) ставить (пьесу) to produce a play e.g. A new play was put on at the Maly Theatre. 5) принимать (вид), напускать на себя to assume, to pretend to have an air, appearance, manner, etc. e.g. He put on an air of innocence, but it did not deceive us.
  • to put out 1) гасить, выключать, тушить (свет, газ и т.п.) to extinguish, to cause to stop burning, to turn off. e.g. Don’t forget to put the lights out before you go to bed. Those green branches will put the fire out. 2) мешать к.-л., расстроить к.-л. to inconvenience smb., to disturb; to upset smb. e.g. I hope we are not putting you out by arriving so early. When I saw her that morning she seemed rather put out by your letter.
  • to put through (to) соединять (по телефону) to connect smb. with smb. on the telephone. e.g. We are trying to put you through. Put me through to the director.
  • to put up 1) поднимать to raise a hand, a sail, etc. e.g. Those who have read the book put up your hands. They put up a sail and the boat soon left the harbour. 2) строить, воздвигать(здание и т.п.) to build, to erect, etc. e.g. They are putting up new houses as fast as they can. 3) выставлять, вывешивать (объявление и т.п.) to fix up a notice, sign. etc. for public view. e.g. They’ve  put up a notice about the alterations in the time-table. 4) поднять (цены и т.д.) to raise price, rent, etc. e.g. They put up the rent from 30 s. to 35 s. a week. 5) (at, with) останавливаться; принимать, давать приют; ставить (машину в гараж) to stay for a time, to provide with food, lodgings or shelter. e.g. They decided to put up at the inn for the night. We hadn’t a room to spare, so we put him up with the Browns. Will you put his car up in your garage for the night?
  • to put up with терпеть, мириться to stand , to endure, to tolerate smth. or smb. (insults, annoying persons, etc.) e.g. She found it difficult to put up with her noise neighbours.      


  • to run about суетиться, бегать туда-сюда to run without direction, here and there. e.g. I’ll run about a bit, I am quite chilly.
  • to run across случайно встретиться с к.-л., натолкнуться на к.-л. to meet smb. accidentally, to come across. e.g. I ran across an old friend old mine the other day.
  • to run after бегать за к.-л., ухаживать; преследовать to seek the society of smb.;to try to catch. e.g. She spends a lot of time running after well-known singers.
  • to run away 1) убегать to flee, to go away quickly. e.g. He ran away without telling me the news. 2) избегать to avoid. e.g. You shouldn’t run away from difficulties.
  • to run away with 1) овладеть, завладеть (о мыслях, чувствах и т.д.); принять необдуманное решение to accept an idea hastily; to come to a quick unfounded conclusion. e.g. She let her imagination run away with her. 2) потерять самообладание, контроль над собой to cause to lose self-control (used of emotions). e.g. Her tongue ran away with her and she regretted it afterwards.
  • to run down 1) сбить, наскочить на к.-л. to knock down someone by rubbing into him with a vehicle. e.g. The careless motorist ran down two small children. 2) останавливаться (о машине, часах и т.д.) to stop going or working. e.g. The clock has run down. Don’t press the starter too long, the accumulator will run down. (You’ll run down the accumulator.) 3) относиться презрительно, критиковать to speak disparagingly, to speak against. e.g. I don’t like your manner of running down everybody. 4) быть утомленным, нездоровым (usually predic.) to become weak, exhausted. e.g. You’ve been working too hard and look run down.
  • to run in 1) арестовать и посадить в тюрьму to arrest and take to prison. e.g. He was run in for improper conduct. 2) испытывать, обкатывать to test smth., to make sure it is fit. e.g. The engine was run in before being put into the car.
  • to run into 1) столкнуться to collide with smth. e.g. The brakes went out of order and the car ran into a bus. 2) наскочить, встретить случайно to meet smb. unexpectedly. e.g. You are likely to run into all sorts of people here. 3) доходить до, достигать до to reach, to amount . e.g. I’m afraid your travelling expenses may run into a tidy sum. The book has run into six editions.
  • to run out истекать (о сроке действия документа) to end, to expire. e.g. The agreement runs out next year.
  • to out of кончиться (о запасах ч.-л.) to become exhausted, to come to an end e.g. I’ve run out of writing paper.
  • to run over 1) бегло просмотреть to review, to go through, to read through quickly. e.g. Will you run over the paper, please, before the concert. 2) попасть под машину to be knocked down and passed over (usu. Passive) e.g. The old lady I travelled with got run over.
  • to run through 1) промотать, быстро потратить to waste, to use up quickly and in a foolish way. e.g. He has nearly run through his monthly allowance. 2) пронизывать (об идее, мысли в книге, статье и т.п.) to go through. e.g. The idea runs through the whole book.
  • to run to позволить себе to afford. e.g. I’m not running to such luxuries. I can’t run to a holiday in the Caucasus this year.



  • to see about позаботиться о ч.-л.; навести справки, рассмотреть to attend to, to think about; to inquire into e.g. I’ll see about toe rooms myself. He promised to see about the matter.
  • to see off провожать (отъезжающих) to go to an airport, a railway station with someone who is starting on a journey. e.g. I’ll see you off at the airport.
  • to see out 1) проводить из помещения to show the way outside. e.g. Will you see me out? I am a stranger in this place. 2) дождаться, досидеть до конца (пьесы, концерта и т.д.) to be able to stay to the end. e.g. The performance was so boring we could hardly see it out.
  • to see through 1) доводить до конца to complete, to persist until the finish, to finish. e.g. I’m sure he’ll see it through without an objection. 2) видеть насквозь, разобраться not to be deceived by, to understand the real nature of. e.g. We couldn’t see through the matter at once. He is a clever crook. You can’t see through him easily.
  • to see to заботиться, присматривать за ч.-л. to attend to smth. e.g. I’ll see to it that the work is done in time. The porter will see to the luggage.



  • to set about приступать, начинать to make a start with, to get down to smth. e.g. There is only one sensible way to set about it. Since the business was doing well the manager set about looking for new workers.
  • to set against восстанавливать против to oppose smb. to smb. (smth.) e.g. His behaviour sets everybody against him.
  • to set aside не обращать внимания; отвергать to pay no attention to; to refuse, to annul. e.g. The court set aside the verdict.
  • to set back отводить (отбрасывать) назад to put back, to stop the advance or progress of. e.g. She set back the clock one hour. She had been doing very well in the hospital until a sudden heart attack set her back again.
  • to set in устанавливаться, наступать to begin, to start and continue. e.g. Winter has set in, get your skiing outfit ready.
  • to set off 1) (= out) отправляться в путь to start on (a journey, race, etc.) e.g. They set off early in the morning. 2) оттенять to heighten the qualities by contrast. e.g. The black sets off her fair complexion. 3) побуждать к ч.-л., вызывать на to cause a person to begin doing smth. e.g. Don’t set him off on the subject, or he’ll talk you to death.
  • to set on 1) твердо решить, настроиться на to be determined to do smth., to have one’s mind on smth. (usu. Passive). e.g. He is set on flying as a career. 2) натравливать, подстрекать; нападать to urge forward, to urge to attack; to attack. e.g. He set the dog on the boys. I will set my husband on him; he’ll talk him into doing the right thing.


  • to stand aside держаться в стороне, не принимать участия to keep aside, not to interfere. e.g. I wonder why he stands aside in our disputes.
  • to stand away стоять, встать на безопасном расстоянии to move away. e.g. Stand away from the building. They are clearing the snow off the roof.
  • to stand by 1) поддерживать, помогать to support, to help, to side with. e.g. I’ll stand by you no matter what happens. 2) выполнять, сдерживать обещание, слово to adhere to, e.g. I stand by what I’ve said. 3) стоять в ожидании, быть наготове to remain near, to be available when wanted. e.g. Come to the airport and stand by, tickets may turn up.
  • to stand for 1) терпеть, мириться с ч.-л. (usu. in negative sentences) to tolerate, to put up with smth. e.g. I won’t stand for such nonsense from you. 2) представлять, означать to represent, to mean smth. e.g. BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation. 3) выступать кандидатом от  to be a candidate for e.g. He stands for this constituency.
  • to stand in for  заменять к.-л. на непродолжительное время to replace smb. for a short period of time. e.g. I’ll be standing in for you and you may go and have a cup of tea.
  • to stand out 1) (for) постоянно, настойчиво выступать за to support persistently. e.g. He stands out for changes in the system. 2) (from) выделяться, блистать to be excellent, conspicuous or prominent. e.g. The book stands out from all the others on the subject. his knowledge stands out. 3) (against) выделяться, выступать на фоне ч.-л. to be distinctly outlined. e.g. The tower stood out against the blue sky. 4) не сдаваться, держаться, выступать против (against) to remain firm, to refuse to yield. e.g. He stood out against the hardships of life. He stood out against the plan.
  • to stand over подождать с решением, отложить to be postponed, to be put off. e.g. The matter will have to stand over until we are through with the work.
  • to stand up to столкнуться с трудностями и выстоять, выдержать to meet bravely, to face boldly, to resist. e.g. He had to stand up to a lot when he was proving his innocence. This type of cover will stand up to anything.    


  • to take after пойти в к.-л., быть похожим на to resemble e.g. I take after my father.
  • to take down 1) записывать (под диктовку); стенографировать to put down, to write down from dictation. e.g. Will you wait a moment? I’ll get a pen and take down you message. 2) ставить на свое место, сбивать спесь to lower the pride of, to put down. e.g. It’ll do him good to be taken down a peg or two, he is cock-sure of himself.
  • to take for принимать за к.-л. to mistake smb. for smb. else. e.g. You have changed so much, I took you for your sister when I saw you the other day. He takes me for a greenhorn.
  • to take in 1) давать приют, брать жильцов to receive smb., to give hospitality or shelter. e.g. She does not take in the lodgers now. 2) брать работу на дом to receive work to be done at home. e.g. She takes in a lot of sewing. 3) получать газеты (журналы) по подписке to subscribe to and receive regularly. e.g. What newspapers do you take in? 4) ушивать (одежду) to make smaller in size. e.g. I’ll take the dress in for you. 5) понять осознать полностью to understand, to become fully aware of e.g. Sorry, I can’t take in the problem at once. I must consider it. 6) обмануть, провести to deceive (usu. Passive) e.g. I was quite taken in by his words.
  • to take off 1) устранять, удалять (запах, пятна) to remove. e.g. He could not take the paint off the cloth. 2) взлететь, подняться (о самолете) to begin a journey by air. e.g. The plane takes off at 9 sharp. 3) подражать, передразнивать to mimic, to imitate and ridicule. e.g. He was punished for taking off his teacher. 4) снимать одежду to remove clothes.
  • to take on 1) принимать или поступать на работу to engage, to hire. e.g. Many people are likely to be taken on this month. 2) принимать на себя (обязанности, ответственность) to undertake, to promise to do. e.g. Don’t take on too much. He took on a new job. 3) иметь успех, становиться популярным to be approved of, to become popular. e.g. Such fashions do not take on here.
  • to take out пригласить, повести (в кино, театр и т.д.) to take to the cinema, the theatre, etc. e.g. He takes his family out in the car every week-end.
  • to take over принимать дела, замещать (в должности, работе и т.д.) to succeed to; to assume control of a business, management, duties, etc., e.g. After the manager has retired John is likely to take over. He took the job over from his uncle.
  • to take to 1) привыкнуть, пристраститься, приобрести склонность к ч.-л. to develop a habit, to show a liking for. e.g. They’ve taken to skating together. 2) полюбить, почувствовать симпатию, привязаться to form a liking for . e.g. The boy took to the new teacher at once.
  • to take up 1) взять (для какой-л. цели) to rake smth. for some purpose. e.g. Children, take up your books and start reading. 2) занимать (место), отнимать (время) to occupy e.g. I’m afraid I’ve taken up too much of your time. This table takes up very much room here. 3) браться за ч.-л., избрать профессией to give one’s attention to; to engage in a profession, pursuit, hobby, etc. e.g. He took up photography when he was quite young. She intends to take up medicine after school. 4) продолжить, подхватить to continue, to pursue further. e.g. As soon as he stopped singing they took the song up. 6) прерывать; поправить, «одернуть» to interrupt or correct (a speaker). e.g. He was taken up on two points. 7) приступать к исполнению служебных обязанностей to start work, to go on duty. e.g. I am going to take up tomorrow.
  • to take up with быть довольным, удовлетворенным к.-л., ч.-л. (usu. Passive), to be pleased with smb., smth. e.g. She was taken up with the delicate-looking but strong – willed girl.


  • to turn away 1) отказаться принять; прогнать to refuse to admit e.g. The manager turned away all the applicants. The doorkeepers turned away anybody who hadn’t got a ticket. 2) (from) отклоняться, отворачиваться to turn in a different direction, to move away from smb. or smth. e.g. He set his mind on the work and never turned away from it.
  • to turn down 1) убавить (свет, газ, звук и т.д.) to reduce (the flame, sound, etc.) e.g. Will you turn the tape recorder down? The children are asleep. 2) перевернуть вверх дном, опрокинуть to place smth. face downward. e.g. Turn down the glasses to let the water run off. 3) загнуть, подвернуть to fold down. e.g. Don’t turn down the pages when you are reading. 4) отвергнуть, отказать to refuse to consider. e.g. His application was turned down. We have turned down your plan.
  • to turn  перемениться to change from smth. to smth. e.g. I think the weather may turn from fine to thundery.
  • to turn in ложиться спать to go to bed. e.g. I think I’ll turn in early today.
  • to turn into превращать(ся) во ч.-л.(к.-л.) to become, to change into. e.g. He will turn into an excellent painter with time. Look, they’ve turned the boat into a floating home.
  • to turn off закрывать (воду), выключать (свет) to stop or check the flow or activity by means of a tap, a switch etc. e.g. Turn off the water at the main, to stop the leakage.
  • to turn on 1) открывать (кран), включать(свет) to allow to flow, to operate by turning a tap, a switch, etc. e.g. Will you turn on the radio, please? 2) накинуться, напуститься to face in a hostile manner, to attack e.g. I did not expect him to turn on me like that after what we had gone through together.
  • to turn out 1) выпроводить, выгнать to expel, to put out. e.g. Many people were turned out for delay in paying the rents. She turned out the children for a walk. 2) вывертывать (карман); просматривать, разбирать, проводить уборку to empty; to expose to view in order to search, to examine smth. e.g. I had to turn out my pockets to find the ticket. I turn my bag once every fortnight. 3) выпускать (продукцию); готовить специалистов to produce smth.; to train smb. e.g. The factory turns out an increasing number of cars. Our institutes turn out tens of thousands of engineers every year. 4) оказываться to prove to be, e.g. How did the new car you bought turn out? Everything turned out well finally.
  • to turn over  1) перевертывать(ся) to change position by rolling or turning. e.g. Will you turn over the music for me, please?  He turned over in bed the whole night. 2) обдумывать всесторонне to think about. e.g. I keep turning things over (in my mind).
  • to turn to обращаться (за помощью, советом) к к.-л. to go or apply to smb. e.g. He had no one to turn to when he got into trouble.
  • to turn up 1) неожиданно появляться, оказаться, найтись to appear, to arrive, to be found by chance. e.g. He turned up with a friend of his. The book turned up in one of the boxes. 2) поднимать вверх, отворачивать to fold, to unfold upwards. e.g. He turned his coat-collar up to keep the rain out.   

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Phrasal verbs

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Презентация "Phrasal verbs"

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