Final test the 10th grade
тест по английскому языку (10 класс)

Агафонова Вера Александровна

Final test fo 10 th graders


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                                                              Итоговая контрольная работа                                                           по английскому языку                                                                                                   учени_____  10 класса                                             __________________________                                                        __________________________

Вариант 1

1. We started early in  … morning.    

A -       B a       C the

2. Can you play … piano?  

A a       B -       C the

3. My favourite subject at school is … History.  

A the       B a      C –

4.  Who are you waiting …?  

A to       B for       C from

5. Do you really believe … ghosts?  

A on       B for       C in

6. We generally … quite early during the week.  

A  eat       B are eating       C eating

7. –Where is Dickie?  -  He … in the garden.    

A  plays       B  is playing       C will play

8.  It … outside; 1 do not like to walk in such weather.  

A rains        B  is raining        C is rain  


9. My colleagues usually … four days a week, and this week they … five days.

A work, work       B are working, are working      C work, are working

10.  Ferdinand (just)  …  to Santa Monica.    

A return        B has returned       C had returned

11. He looks angry. He … his wallet.  

A lost        B has lost       C has been loosing

 12. Why are you late? I … here four two hours.

A have been waiting       B waited       C will have been waiting  

13. This time next week, I … on the beach.  

A be lying        B am lying        C will be lying

14. A. Christie … detective stories.  

A has written        B had written        C wrote

15. When I saw Mary last Sunday she was tired, she … a party the night before.

   A had been to        B was to        C has been to

16. “What are you doing next Friday?” – “I … to Moscow, I have my ticket.”

A flies        B fly        C am flying

17. Flowers die  if you … water them.  

A wouldn’t       B doesn’t       C don’t

18. Would you mind … the door?  

A to close        B close       C closing  

19. When he was 6, he … swim very well.  

A might        B could        C can

20. This is the girl … parents I know.  

A who        B which        C whose

21. Two ..... ago, Rome ruled the Mediterranean.      

A years       B centuries       C millennia

22. Sunday shopping has become very  …. .    

A numerous      B normal       C popular

23. It’s bad for your eyes to .... at a computer screen all day.  

A stare       B watch       C browse

24. We're all looking ….. to seeing you again soon.  

A ahead       B around       C forward

25. The doctor told him to give ….. smoking.  

A in       B away       C up

26. He went to the airport to see them ..... .  

A of       B off       C out

27. My new car has broken … .  

A up       B down       C on

28. He received an excellent _________________________________________. EDUCATE

29. Are you taking part in the school __________________________________? PЕRFORM

30. Child actors cannot usually have a normal ______________________________. CHILD

31. The police found the information he gave them very _________________________. USE

32. I’ve made some very important __________________________ about my life.  DECIDE

33. You can’t hope to win the race without any _____________________________.  TRAIN

34. He has the best ______________________________ of ancient Greek coins.  COLLECT

35. The oil spill caused massive ______________________________ in the area. POLLUTE

                                                 Итоговая контрольная   работа                                                           по английскому языку                                                                                                   учени_____  10 класса                                             __________________________                                                        __________________________

Вариант 2

1. I have never seen … panda  in the wild.    

A a              B -       C an

2. How do you usually get to … school?  

A a           B an            C –

3. The Moon goes round … Earth every 27 days.  

A a        B the        C an

4. We must all learn to deal .... difficulties in life.  

A on       B with       C at

5. The twins differ ..... each other in many ways.  

A from       B for       C at

6. The meeting is ...... progress at the moment.  

A on          B at            C in

7. My parents generally … quite early during the week.    

A  eat       B are eating       C eating

8. –Where is Dickie?  -  He (play) in the garden.  

A  plays       B  is playing       C will play

9. When the phone rang, she … the meal  

A was cooking        B cooked        C has cooked

10. My parents usually … four days a week, and this week they … five days.

 A work, work       B are working, are working      C work, are working

11. Ann (just)  …  to Florida.    

A return       B has returned       C had returned

12. He … two foreign languages at school.  

A learned        B has learned        D learning

13. I … here for two hours already.  

 A sit        B will be sitting        C have been sitting

14. Look at the clouds, I think it … .  

A will rain        B is going to rain        C rains

15. When I saw Tom last Monday he was tired, he … a party the night before.

  A had been to        B was to        C has been to

16. “What are you doing next Sunday?” – “I … my grandparents in the country.”

   A will visit        B visit        C am visiting

17. He offered ….. dinner for us.  

A making       B to make       C make

18. They’ve decided … shopping.  

A to go       B going       C go

19. We are looking forward to … this film.  

A seeing       B see        C sees

20. Mathew is really good at … .  

 A cooking        B cook        C to cook

21.  You … return the bike, if you use it.  

A can        B must         C should

22. This is  the actor … won Academy award.  

A who        B which        C whom

23. The operator told Ben to .... the line while she connected his call.  

A take       B hold       C connect

24. There was no ..... that he had committed the crime.  

A evidence       B point       C problem

25. As people get more health-conscious, ....  food is gaining in popularity.  

A exclusive        B cold       C organic

26. This book is a … of time.  

A loss        B pass        C waste

27. Do you get … well with  Alex?  

 A on       B over       C at

28. A lot of people buy a newspaper to read about their __________________ sport. FAVOUR

29. He drove fast cars and liked  __________________________________ driving. DANGER

30. This advice is very  ___________________________________________________. USE

31. I’m not sure she has a ___________________________________ character. STRENGTH

32. Nowadays young people like films with plenty of ___________________________. ACT

33. They’ve made an amazing archaeological _________________ in the Lebanon. DISCOVER

34. The children went to bed early but they were too ____________________ to sleep. EXCITE

35. We saw a wonderful ____________________________ of the ballet Swan Lake. PERFORM

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