контрольные срезы для 2-11 классов
тест по английскому языку
грамматические задания по английскому языку.
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Предварительный просмотр:
2 класс
1.Сколько букв в английском алфавите?
Сколько гласных? Запишите их.
2. Заполни пропуски.
B__; __f; G___; X___; ___l; ___z; H___; Y___; M___; ___s; ___t; Z___;
R___; ___d; V___; W___; ___e; Q____.
3. Соедини буквы и соответствующие им звуки:
k a i s c q x
[k] [ӕ] [I] [z] [s] [ks] [kw]
4. Напиши, какие буквы соответствуют следующим звукам:
1). [i:], [e]____________
2). [ei], [æ] ___________
3). [g], [ʤ]____________
4). [s], [k]_____________
5). [i], [ai] ____________
5. Соедини большие буквы с маленькими.
х h a f i b y p g j
6. Соедини стрелкой английское слово с переводом на русский язык.
Pig лиса
skip ручка
pen поросенок
sing шесть
fox петь
bag прыгать через скакалку
six портфель
dog лягушка
frog собака
- класс
1.Прочитайте текст.
Jim has got a pet. He is a parrot. His name is Toby. He is big and funny. He likes corn. He can speak well. The bird cannot read. Jim teaches (учит) his parrot to read: “Please, Toby, read”.
I. Выбери название к тексту.
a) Bird’s teacher
b) Toby
II. Закончи предложения.
a) The parrot’s name is … .
b) He eats … .
c) Toby can speak … .
d) Jim teaches Toby to … .
III. Отметь неверное утверждение.
a) Tobyisn’tfunny.
b) Jim has got a bird.
c) Toby can’t read.
2. Лексика
I. Составь названия овощей.
a) rracto - __________________
b) totpoa - ________________
II. Вставь пропущенные слова (одно лишнее): school, read, nine, friends, breakfast, like, together.
I am Ben. I am . I go to ……… . I can ……… and write. I ……… to swim and skip. I have got many ……… . We play ……… on Sundays.
3. Грамматика
I. Выбери правильное слово.
My friend can … well.
a) skates b) skate c) to skate
II. Вставь слова в пропуски: am, is, has, like.
a) She …… got a nice kitten.
b) They …… to play together.
c) Tom …… a brave boy.
d) I …… ten years old.
III. Напиши слова во множественном числе.
a box -
a book -
a fox -
a pen -
4 класса
1.Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.
Прочитай текст. Закончи предложения и ответь на вопрос, выбрав из предложенных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста.
Hello! I’m Lucy. I’m 12 years old. I’m not tall. I’m not fat. My hair’s black. My eyes are blue. My face is round. My nose is short. I’m beautiful. I like pizza. I can sing and dance. I can ride a bike, but I can’t ride a horse. I like playing tennis and football, but I play football not very well. I live with my dad, mum, and brother Bob.
I. My name is …
II. What colour is her hair?
a) black b) brown c) red
III. I can …
a) sing b) ride a horse c) play football
I.Какое слово лишнее? Зачеркни его.
Ten, twelve, tea, fourteen.
Hockey, tennis, football, corn.
Cheese, bread, breakfast, meat.
Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tom.
II.Напиши парами слова с противоположным значением.
Good, country, white, short, cold, happy, town, tall, sunny, black, bad, hot, sad.
1._____________________ 4.__________________
2._____________________ 5.__________________
3._____________________ 6.__________________
I.Выбери правильную форму глаголу.
She ___ her brother last week.
a)sees; b) saw; c) see.
II.Выбери правильный вариант.
1.I think the blue jeans are the _______.
a) goodest; b) best; c) most best.
2.There is ___ juice in the glass.
a) no; b) any; c) some.
III.Составь предложения из слов.
- Jill, not, play, did, games, computer.
- the, lays, the, table, morning, Ann, in.
- you, help, grandma, your, Will?
I.Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос.
1.Where are you from?
a) – I am ten.
b) – I am from Russia.
c) – It is fine.
2.May I have some bread?
a) – You are welcome.
b) – Yes, you may.
c) – Here you are.
II. .Дополни диалог.
- Hello!
- _____________________________
- What is your name?
- Where are you from?
- _____________________________
5 класс
1.Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.
Dear pen friend,
Thank you very much for your letter. I am sorry, I haven’t written because I was very busy. I will tell you about my family.
Our family is a typical British family. We are four in the family. There is a mum, a dad, my brother and me.
And I also have got grandparents. My dad is 40 years old and my mum is 38. I am 12. My birthday is on 26 April. We are a loving and close family.
And I have got a great - grandmother ( прабабушка). She will be 90 next year. She is very old.
My father’s brother lives in the USA. He has got a farm. He has got a lot of cows and ducks. There are 132 cows and 1560 ducks. Besides he has got 12 dogs. I also love animals. I’ve got a cat and a fish. And what about you?
Best wishes,
Задание к тексту: Верно +, не верно -
Pam lives in Russia._____
Her family is a typical British family. ______
Pam’s great grandmother is 99 years old._______
Her uncle lives in Great Britain.______
Pam’s uncle has got a farm. ______
Pam’s uncle has got a lot of animals. ______
Pam has got 12 dogs and a cat.______
I. Вычеркни ‘ лишнее’ слово.
- History, Maths, English, Christmas, Music;
- fourteenth, second, first, twelfth, last, third;
- father, mother, partner, brother, grandfather;
- teach, speak, healthy, keep, read.
II I. Выбери слова по темам: 1.”Sport” 2.”Seasons” 3.”Animals”.
Summer, monkey, chess, badminton, wolf, winter, cycling, guinea pig, spring, camel, autumn, darts,.
Sport Seasons Animals
___________ _____________ ____________
___________ _____________ ____________
___________ _____________ ____________
___________ _____________ ____________
I. Выбери пропущенный в предложении глагол, обведи нужную букву в кружок.
Art lessons … interesting.
a) is b) are c) to be
- Выбери правильную форму глагола и обведи нужную букву в кружок.
- Helen … playing badminton.
a) enjoy b) enjoys c) to enjoy…
- I… a letter to my friend yesterday.
a) wrote b) writes c) write
III. Образуй множественное число существительных.
a box –
a city –
a mouse –
I. Допиши реплики, чтобы получился диалог.
- Hello!
- _________________
- Where are you from?
- …
- Do you speak English?
- …
6 класс
Прочитай текст и выполни задания после него.
My friend.
My friend’s star sign is Leo. He is honest. He is kind and likes giving presents. He is careful about his clothes. They are clean. He is always tidy. Sometimes he’s a bit bossy. I think it’s because he’s hardworking and clever. He is a good leader.
All my classmates obey his orders and support him. I like my friend very much.
(Support –поддерживать)
I.Какие из утверждений верны: true or false
1. My friend’s star sign is Leo.___
2. He’s greedy.___
3. My friend is untidy.___
4. He likes giving presents.___
5. He’s a good leader.___
II. Какое из предложений будет являться ответом на вопрос:
Why is my friend a good leader?(отметь галочкой)
- he is honest.___
- he likes giving presents.___
- he is tidy.____
- he is hardworking and clever.____
- Найди лишнее слово и зачеркни его
English, German, Russian, Britain, French, Italian.
II. Соотнеси пары антонимов:
A. kind a. rude
B. clever b. lazy
C. hardworking c. cruel
D. polite d. stupid
III. Выбери слова по темам: «Погода», «Одежда», «Дом».
Skirt, kitchen, shorts, bed, windy, armchair, kind, cloudy, hot, carpet, trousers, rainy, T- shirt, summer.
Weather Clothes Home
_____________ _______________ ________________ ______________ _____________ ________________
_____________ _______________ ________________ ______________ ______________ ________________
I. Выбери правильный вариант:
1. They … to visit galleries and museums.
a) likes b) are liking c) like
II. Составь предложения из данных слов:
1. Has, Ann, never, to, Tower, London, of, been, before, the.
2. The, went, Browns, a, ago, week, to, south, the.
I. The UK consists of
a) Scotland, Wales; b) England, Wales, Ireland; c) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland
II. Закончи название:
1. Westminster -
2. Trafalgar -
3. The Kensington -
a) Abbey b) Palace c) Square d) Garden
1. Составьте предложения из слов.
1. what, you, will, drink, tomorrow?
2. her friend, to the swimming pool, next month, will, go?
3. he, not, will, fish, for lunch, have, tomorrow.
4. next week, Meg, shopping, go, will, with her friend.
5. computer, next, games, they, Sunday, won’t, play.
6. to me, you, evening, come, will, in, the?
2.Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. My little brother (wants/ is) to go to the Zoo.
2. My friend Amy (doesn’t watch/ don’t watch) TV late at night.
3. (Do/Are) you take a bath in the morning?
4. Mike (isn’t do/doesn’t do) his homework.
5. Where (do/are) your friends go on holidays.
6. Does your family (decorate/decorates) a Christmas tree every year?
7. My little dog (doesn’t like/isn’t like) fish.
3. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.
1. Mike and Ann are at school now.
2. He is ten.
3. My cousin is from London.
4. Crocodiles are green.
5. My mother and my sister are happy in America.
4.Выберите подходящий синоним словам.
1. He was a well-known politician.
a) remarkable b) industrious c) famous
2. Pupils have just read a wonderful novel of W. Scott.
a) amazing b) boring c) interesting
3. Many tourists like visiting American restaurants and enjoying their dishes.
a) eating b)coming c)walking
4. I like to live in the country.
a) town b) village c) settlement
5. This deli has great blintzes, but it also has amazing sandwiches.
a) fast food b)fantastic product c) delicacies
- Read the text and do the tasks below
School in the Slums
Slums – трущобы
Locks – замки
Guards — охранники
Permission — разрешение
Mellish school is in the slums of Brooklyn for pupils between twelve and fifteen years of age. There are about 1500 pupils there, and 90 teachers.
It’s a problem school, perhaps one of the most difficult schools in America. The white teachers can’t walk to the school because they may be attacked. They all drive to school, and their cars have special locks. There’s always a black policeman at the door of the school. He has a radio contact with the school guards. Pupils must have a written permission from the teacher if they want to go to the toilet. There’s a guard outside the washroom. Only one child can go into the washroom at a time, and he can’t stay there long.
The children who live in that district go to that school. They are all black children. However, why do the teachers work there?
“It’s very hard of course,” says Jane Flinch, a forty- five-year-old teacher. Most children have problems at home. Some of them are beaten by their parents. Some of them sleep at the lessons because they had to work at night. Some of the children get sick at the lessons because they didn’t have breakfast or even a meal for a day or two.
It’s the love of the job that keeps the teachers in that school. They teach and do social work. They feel that they are doing something good for the children who need help.
I.Say if the statements are true, false or not mentioned.
1.Mellish school is in the slums of Mexico.__
2.Most children have problems at home.__
3.Mellish is a problem school.__
4.The principal of the school has 5 children in his family.__
5.It’s good salary that keeps the teachers in that school.__
II. Answer the questions.
1.Where is Mellish school situated?
2.How many pupils are there in the school?
3.Is it hard or easy for the teachers to work in this school?
4.Why do some of the pupils sleep during the lessons?
2. Choose the right variant
1. I broke my leg yesterday and I … take part in the football match.
a) can’t b) couldn’t c) could
2. Mr Garret … have a personal bank account.
a) doesn’t b) don’t c) isn’t
3. … birthday is it next week?
a) Whose b) Whom c) Who
4. Run downstairs. Your sister … for you now.
a) waits b) waiting c) is waiting
5. Perhaps they …a new house next year.
a) will buy b) buy c) shall buy
6. Don’t worry about your letter. I … it yesterday.
a) have sent b) sent c) sended
7. Timothy can play cricket well, …?
a) doesn’t he? b) can he? c) can’t he?
8. My elder sister is afraid … height.
a) - b) of c) with
3.Translate into Russian.
1.A flood happens when a lot of water comes over a place that is usually dry.
2.Yungay was a terrible earthquake that happened in Peru.
3.Etna is a volcano in Italy. It is a mountain with a crater on the top.
4.A drought is a long period of dry weather. People suffer from heat and then from hunger as the crops cannot be grown without water.
5.A tornado is a violent wind in the form of a very tall funnel. It goes over the land.
6.A hurricane is a very strong wind that destroys houses, uproots checked trees and can kill people.
9 класс
- Read the text and do the task bellow.
A Trip by Plane
An American farmer wanted to make an air trip. There was an airport close to his farm. So one morning he came there to ask if he could make an air trip.
"You see," he said to one of the pilots, "I have never flown before, but I would like to." The pilot told him that the price of the trip was 10 dollars for a ten-minute trip. "Oh, it's a dollar a minute," the farmer said. "Can't you reduce the price?" The pilot thought for a minute and then said, "I won't take any money if you don't say a word during the whole trip." The farmer agreed.
"By the way," said the pilot, "you may take your wife too." The farmer was happy.
The next day at three o'clock the farmer and his wife arrived at the airport. Soon they were up in the air. The plane flew at a high speed, it went up and down very quickly, but since the passengers didn't say a word.
"You are brave people," said the pilot. "I thought you would be afraid to fly."
“Well,” said the farmer, “I am glad, I will not have to pay for the trip, as I didn’t have to say a word, but I wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane”
A Write down whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
The farmer didn't like the price of the trip.___
It was a trip on the ship.___
The farmer decided to take his wife because it could make the price of the trip less.___
The price was 10 dollars for each minute.___
The passengers kept silent when they were in the air.___
The farmer's wife was quite well after the trip.___
2.Вставьте слово в правильной форме.
Do you believe that some jobs are more ____________1 (suit) for men and some occupations are more appropriate for women? If you do, don’t tell John Tailor about it! He is a teacher in a nursery school and loves his job very much.
He took up that job as a temporary one, and at first he didn’t take it _____________ 2 (serious). Bringing up and _____________3 (teach) young children is a good job for women – this is the stereotype. John applied for the job ____________4 (main) because he needed money and because he hadn’t been able to find anything appropriate for several months. «It’s a prejudice», says John Tailor, “to think that men are not as good with little kids as women are. This prejudice ____________5 (courage) many men from working in schools. It’s only through experience that I found out how interesting, ____________6 (demand) and rewarding this job is. Kids can’t forgive lies and indifference, they never justify ____________7 (betray) and unfairness. They bring me up too – every minute and every day. Very often I have a feeling as if I were taking an exam. A «good guy» qualification exam! And I feel a great job____________8 (satisfy). Being a teacher is a job for clever, strong and _____________9 (ambition) men.
3. Use the complex object with TO or without TО
We expect you _____come to his birthday.
She made him ____promise to give the picture to her.
The teacher wanted me _____read this book.
Who made your brother ____do it?
I wouldn’t like my friends ____see me now.
Don’t let them ____upset you so much.
4.Put in the right article.
1.He usually has ---- tea with ---- milk.
2.Are ---- French more polite than ---- Germans?
3.I like ---- dogs and my friend likes ---- cats.
4.---- falcone is the fastest animal.
5.Do ---- Americans understand ---- English?
6.I am afraid of ---- mice and she is afraid of ---- pigeons (голуби).
10 класс
- Read the text and continue your opinion. (write down 8-10 sentences).
The Environment.
The Earth is more than just the place you call home. The Earth is your environment. It means that the land, air, water, and wildlife that surround you affect the way you live.
People cut down trees, destroy the habitats of thousands of animals and contaminate water in rivers and seas. The increasing number of cars in towns and cities has led to the growth of the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Also, you know, that many rare animals and plants are disappearing .
How can you help the environment?
- Choose the right variant.
1, When she is alone, she often talks to….
a) her b) herself c) she d) herselves
2. The day before yesterday Mary was made…the poem by heart.
a) to learn b) learn c) learnt d) learning
3. This house…in the 18th century looks very beautiful.
a) build b) to build c) built d) building
4. The team wouldn’t have lost the game if they …harder.
a) trained b) would train c) had trained d) train
5. She …sit here. The seat is free.
a) must b) may c) has to d) should
6. It is the least interesting book I have ever read. It is so…
a) boring b) fascinating c) exciting d) enjoyable
7. In a different job he could get a higher salary and better conditions of….
a) employed b) employment c) employer d) employable
8. To be responsible…
a) of b) to c) in d) for
3. Read the sentences and fill in the suitable words in them.
1. He received an excellent _____________. EDUCATE
2. Are you taking part in the school ________________? PRRFORM
3. Child actors cannot usually have a normal ______________. CHILD
4. The police found the information he gave them very _____________. USE
5. I’ve made some very important ______________ about my life. DECIDE
6. You are looking really ____________ in that dress. GLAMOUR.
7. You can’t hope to win the race without any ______________. TRAIN
8. He has the best _________________ of ancient Greek coins. COLLECT
9. He was feeling quite ________________ about the past. SENTIMENT
10. The oil spill caused massive ____ in the area. POLLUTE
4. Choose the right preposition.
1. …the way, where are my books?
a) From b) At c) By d) With
2. …Sunday afternoon I usually go for a walk in the country.
a) At b) After c) In d) On
3. Who is the woman … that photograph?
a) on b) in c) at d) of
4. It has been raining …three days without stopping.
a) for b) during c) while d) in
5. I saw Jack … the football match on Saturday.
a) in b) on c) at d) until
1.Fill in the gaps with the positive or negative forms of can or
to be able to in the correct form.
In very early times, all the people on the Earth 1-------- speak the same language. They lived together and -2--------- understand each other. People at that time were strong and ambitious. One day they had idea. “If we all get together, we 3---------- build a great city. We will call it the city of Babel and the tower of this city will go up to the sky. If we 4-------- do it, everybody will happy.”
When the men started the tower, God was watching them. “They work really fast,” he thought. Everything was going well and people forgot about God. They thought that they 5---------build the tower without him. God got very angry with the people. He decided to punish them. He gave them different language so that (так чтобы) they 6----- (not) understand each other. After that people 7------(not) finish the tower. They 8 ------(not) live together and went to different places of the world.
Nowadays people 9--------- speak many languages, but most of them 10------also speak English.
Maybe, one day English will become the language of the earth and people11-----communicate easily again.
- Choose the right answer.
«Doing anything special this weekend? » there was a funny note in Julia’s voice which ________ (1) me turn down the volume of the TV and look up at her.
«No, nothing special. Two or three good films are going to be on. But why do you ask? »
«I have absolutely nothing to wear, » said Julia. At that moment she ________ (2) trendy jeans and a black and silver jumper, which she _______ just _______ (3).
«I’m going shopping on Saturday. ________ you_________ (4) with me? »
I don’t like shopping very much. And I ________ (5) shopping with Julia. But we _______ (6) friends for many years and I didn’t want to disappoint her. So, I _______ (7).
On Saturday morning Julia _______ (8) to pick me up. By the afternoon we ________ (9) a dozen of shops and lots of different clothes _________ (10). Some of them were too conservative, some too dull, some too silly to Julia’s taste. We bought nothing at all, and on the way home I had to listen to Julia complaining about how tired and stressed out she was.
1.a) makes b) made c) was made d) had made
2. a) was wearing b) had worn c) had been wearing d) was worn
3.a) is…bought b) has… bought c) were…bought d)had…bought
4a) are…coming b) shall…come c) do…come d) have…come
5a) hate b) am hating c) have hated d) was hated
6 a) are b) were c) have been d) will be
7a) agree b) agreed c) had agreed d) will agree
8 a) drop by b) drops by c) has dropped by d) dropped by
9a) toured b) have toured c) had toured d) had been toured
10a) were tried on b) are tried on c) have been tried on d) had been tried on
- Read the sentences and fill in the suitable words in them.
1. I love the way he depicts people and his …………………. SENSITIVE
2. It is such a good …………………. EXHIBIT
3. Rembrandt’s pictures are always ………………….. for me. IMPRESS
4. The improvements were simple but remarkably …………… EFFECT
5. Cubism is a European art …... initiated in France in 1907. MOVE
- Use the Passive Voice.
1. An e-mail (to receive) yesterday.
2. Susan (to visit) to Moscow next week.
3. My friend (to give) a very useful book last Friday.
4. Many houses (to build) in our town every year .
5. We (to invite) to a concert next Saturday.
6. His new book (to finish) just .
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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