Тест на английском языке для 7-8 классов
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Лебедева Ольга Алексеевна
Тест на английском языке для 7-8 классов


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                                            Test 7                                                                                                   8 form                                                                              

  1. Match the words to their meanings.
  1. effect                                     a. extension
  2. sometimes                            b. tell of
  3. cope with                              c. to be fixed on
  4. talk                                         d. deal with
  5. focus                                      e. impact
  6. speak to sb angrily              f. chat
  7. addition                                g. concentrate
  8. send written messages      h. text
  9. stuck                                      i. occasionally

  1. Match the words to form phrases.
  1. chat                                        a. messages
  2. check                                      b. to music
  3. read                                        c. programmes
  4. connect                                  d. games
  5. send                                        e. attention
  6. edit                                          f. online
  7. install                                      g. DVDs
  8. download                               h.to the Internet
  9. play                                          i. emails
  10. listen                                       j. pictures
  11. divide                                      k. books
  12. watch                                      l. files

  1. Media jobs. What is he(she)?                                                           

Director, newsreader, presenter, producer, reporter, sound engineer, editor

  1. Who reads the news on the radio or on TV?
  2. Who decides the sound quality?
  3. Who decides how a film or play will appear on stage or on screen?
  4. Who introduces a TV or radio programme?
  5. Who decides what will be published in a newspaper or magazine?
  6. Who produces plays or films?
  7. Who investigates the latest news events and  tells people about them on TV or on the radio

  1. Translate.
  1. Weather forecast-
  2. Coverage-
  3. On air-
  4. Breaking news-
  5. Prime time-
  6. Review-
  7. Broadcast-

  1. Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.

Grapevine, prime time, connect, breaking, headline, downloaded, timetable, installed, forecast

  1. The TV station interrupted its regular programme to give the………………..news of a hurricane approaching the country.
  2. In order to ………………….to the Internet you need a modern and a working telephone line.
  3. David couldn’t remember what time his geography class started, so he checked his………………..to find out.
  4. The weather ……………………for tomorrow is predicting heavy rain. Maybe we should cancel our plans for a picnic.
  5. Have you read the……………….in this morning’s paper? A lion escaped from the city zoo!
  6. I can’t believe they’re showing such violent films on…………………………….TV. Many young people watch at this hour.
  7. My brother has…………………an electronic dictionary on this computer.
  8. I heard through the…………………….that John is getting a promotion. Is that true?
  9. Jane has…………………………………….some great recipes from the Internet, and tries a different one every week.

  1. Choose the correct item.

  1. You don’t have to / mustn’t  water the plants. I’ve done it.
  2. Do I have to / Could I speak to you for a minute, please?
  3. Pete can / must skate very well.
  4. It’s raining. You can / should take your umbrella.
  5. Could / Must I borrow your pencil, please?
  6. You shouldn’t/ don’t have to walk to school, because your dad drive you.
  7. You don’t have to / mustn’t use your mobile phone in class.
  8. You have to / should pay to park here.
  9. Students may / must stand when their teacher enters the classroom.
  10. You want to go out with your friends but your mum said you needn’t / can’t go until you have finished your homework.


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