Spotlight 8 Going Green Module 2
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс)
Spotlight 8 Going Green Module 2
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We always ask a question when it comes time to decide what to take with you to the store: paper or plastic bag?
On the one hand it’s a simple choice, but lets think about these two different things. Each has its advantages and disadvantages . Let's look at what they differ.
Paper bags Paper comes from trees. It takes about three tons of wood to get one ton of paper pulp.
Advantages Paper bags take less time to decompose. But paper bags for us, in Russia, are not particularly common, such as in the United States. So that we cherish our forests .
Disadvantages On the other hand, the paper bags have a number of drawbacks. The main disadvantage of the paper due to the fact that it is afraid of water. Using lamination helps a little.
Another and very significant drawback - the high cost of raw materials and ways to improve it. If you take it to a recycling center it means more energy and chemicals are used.
According to the magazine “National Geographic”, in the manufacturing of paper bags more energy, more water than in the production of plastic bags are used.
According, papermaking pollutes air 70% more than the production of plastic bags.
Plastic bags Plastic comes from oil. Everyone of us uses plastic bags in our everyday life.
Advantages Advantages of plastic bags are undeniable. They are cheap to produce, well tolerate humidity, strong and durable. Another advantage of the polyethylene to paper - the possibility of long-term use. Plastic bag, which served as a time, can be used for a long time.
Disadvantages Plastic is a very useful material, which is very important in modern life, but the problem is that it can lie on the ground or swim in the water for decades.
In fact, in the UK,for example, they recycle only 1 in 200 plastic bags.
Besides , plastic bags cause over 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animals to die every year, when animals mistake them for food.
Who is the winner then?
The best way to carry your shopping and protect the environment at the same time is to choose a reusable fabric bag.
Reusable Bio bag.
Some steps have been already made
Conclusions. Both plastic and paper bags are harmful for our environment. Paper bags are even more unhealthy than plastic ones. Its preferable to use fabric bags or the so-called Bio bags.
Предварительный просмотр:
"Going green. Plastic bags VS paper bags. Which is best?" 8-й класс
- Образовательный компонент: овладение языком как средством общения, овладение навыками и умениями устной речи, умение воспринимать речь на слух, говорить, читать, писать по-английски в заданной учебной ситуации.
- Развивающий компонент: развитие интеллектуальной, информационной, коммуникативной культуры учащихся; развитие внимания, логического мышления, памяти, сообразительности, чувств, эмоций.
- Воспитательный компонент: формирование «зеленого» взгляда на использование природных ресурсов планеты.
- Здоровьесберегающий компонент:
- профилактика умственного перенапряжения путём смены видов деятельности;
- создание атмосферы психологического комфорта учащихся на уроке, сохранение здоровья детей с разным типом психического восприятия информации.
- Мотивация на изучение экологических проблем (на примере упр. 1 с.38)
- Освоение приёмов работы с текстом, относящихся к технологии критического мышления, мотивация к познавательной деятельности (на примере упр. 2 с. 38)
- Развитие умений поискового чтения (на примере упр. 3 с .38).
- Освоение тематической лексики через контекст (на примере упр. 4 с. 39)
- Развитие умений изучающего чтения; освоение приёмов работы с текстом, относящихся к технологии критического мышления (на примере упр.5)
- Освоение способов словообразования (приставка RE- с глаголами для обозначения повторного действия (на примере упр.6 с .39)).
- Развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог-побуждение к действию) с опорой на схему.
- Развитие умений монологической речи (выражение личного аргументированного отношения к прочитанному).
I. Организационный момент
T: Good afternoon everybody! Glad to see you. How are you today?
II. Сообщение цели урока и ожидаемых результатов
– Today we are talking about an extremely actual and, I hope, interesting topic: Paper bags VS plastic bags.
(На доске можно повесить два пакета с нарисованными лицами, как в учебнике)
– What is the winner? Let’s find out.
– What are we going to do?
SS: We are going: (план записан на доске, читают 4 ученика по одному пункту плана)
- To read about the environment;
- To discuss the most important problems of the topic;
- To learn some new words and rules;
- To make the conclusions about what is really better for our planet.
III. Повторение пройденного. Проверка домашнего задания
T: But before we start I’d like to ask you to open the workbooks and check your home tasks. (WB: p.20)
T+SS (checking and correcting)
T: Well, as you see, a flea market is a good place for shopping if you want to find cheap things such as souvenirs, something vintage for you collection or for our room design. Also flea markets are friends of our planet. Why? Because people don’t use new resources, for example water, electricity, wood or oil to produce goods for flea markets. People just reuse it again and again.
IV. Введение новой темы
А) Лексика
T: And of course, when you go shopping you use a bag, don’t you? (ex.1 p.38) What type of bag do you usually carry your shopping in?
4-5 SS: I usually carry my shopping in…. (возможные варианты ответа учащихся: a plastic bag\ a paper bag\ a fabric bag\ in my hands).
Можно составить таблицу на доске или просто вести счет в блокноте учителя, опросив всех в группе и сравнив с результатами в конце урока, спросив what type of bag are you going to use now?
T: Ok, some of you go shopping with a plastic bag. Let’s watch the clip that shows clever animals doing shopping.
Сlip 1:
And let’s meet an octopus who fell in love with…a bag.
Сlip 2:
As you see plastic is not in fashion now. Why? Let’s find out.
Perhaps you’ll need some vocabulary for the lesson. You can see the words on your desks.
VOCABULARY (листок каждому ученику или один на парту; читают по одному ученику каждое слово с дефиницией)
1/renewable – another name for alternative energy
2/resource – oil, gas, wood and so on
3/recycling – to repeat using
4/decompose – to be broken down physically and chemically by bacterial action
5/wood chips – small pieces of wood
6/paper pulp – soft mass
7/bleach – to make or become white or colourless
8/chemicals – substances used in chemistry
9/harm – hurt , injury , damage
10/pollution – dirtying
11/ manufacturing – to process or make a product from a raw material
12/landfill site (landfills) – waste material buried under layers of earth
For clip 3 (это можно прочитать позже, непосредственно перед просмотром клипа 3)
13/ sweatshop – a workshop where employees work long hours under bad conditions for low wages (потогонное производство (c тяжёлым немеханизированным трудом и низкой заработной платой; обычно на небольших полулегальных предприятиях)
Б) Объяснение новой технологии ТКМ (по-русски)
Сегодня мы познакомимся с новым способом получения информации из текста. Такой метод называется технология критического мышления. (c. 38 study skills разбираем на русском языке).
You have got a sheet of paper with the chart. Let’s fill the first two rows. (На доске копия таблицы, либо презентация (Приложение 1). Если дети затрудняются дать прямой ответ, можно задать наводящие вопросы типа: What are bags made of? Which type of bag is easier to recycle, paper or plastic? etc.)
What I already know:
What I want to know: |
№5 |
How can I learn more: |
– Now we are ready to learn more info about the topic.
– Read the task of ex. 3, please.
S: (#3) (читают по одному утверждению, не исправляем до чтения)
T: Now we’re going to listen and check your answers (Listening #3)
Затем вернуться к предложениям и проверить ещё раз.
Поисковое чтение
– Now you’ll work in pairs. In ex.3 you had some underlined words. Match the underlined words to their meaning in ex. 4. You’ll have 3 min for the task.
SS: (читают по одному словосочетанию-синониму)
– Now we are ready to fill the last parts of the chart: SS (2-4).
№5 |
How can I learn more: |
T: Very well, thanks. Was it difficult to find the info in the text? (What was difficult for you?)
SS: No, it wasn’t. (Yes, it was.)
– Do you think it is a good way to understand the text better?
SS: Yes, I do.
С) Введение нового материала (словообразование)
Word formation
In the text you could see some words such as “recycle and reusable”. We used the prefix RE- to make the words. Read the box in ex.6 to catch the idea of the rule.
SS: (с.39 №6 рамка) Разбираем на русском языке
IV. Закрепление нового материала
Данный вид задания можно использовать вместо упр. № 7, которое в уроке не использовано ввиду технической невозможности, т.к класс на группы иностранного языка не делится; в классе 21 человек.
А) Group Work.
– Now we are ready to present every type of a bag.
– Work in a group of 5-7 students (3 groups) to prepare for presentation.
Group 1: We don’t want to use plastic bags because…
Group 2: We don’t want to use paper bags because…
Group 3: We want to use reusable fabric bags because…
Дети получают большие листы бумаги (полватмана) для создания плакатов на тему. На выполнение даётся 4 минуты, далее выступает представитель от каждой группы, доказывая свою точку зрения.
V. Подведение итогов урока
T: Well Done! Let’s vote for or against different types of bags. Hand up who thinks plastic bags are best? Hand up who thinks paper bags are best? Hand up who thinks fabric bags are best? (Посчитать всех и сравнить с началом урока)
– Thanks a lot! I’m glad to see you think about the environment and the planet.
– And as a final joke I’d like to show you one more clip about shopping.
Сlip 3: (you’ll need one word from your vocabulary list)
– As you understand it was a joke. Now we know that it is better to have a reusable bag for shopping.
– To finish the lesson I’d like to tell you the words of a famous candy-maker Jeff de Bruges: (слайд на доске) Save the Earth… the only planet where Chocolate “grows”!
– And a surprise from Jeff de Bruges! A reusable shopping bag!
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