Образец домашней работы по звукам [r]-[h], темам "Артикль" и "Animals"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку
Закрепление следующих тем:
-звуки [r]-[h]
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Предварительный просмотр:
Соотнести картинки со словами
Написать транскрипции к словам
guinea pig
Написать животных
Упражнение 5. Определите правильный вариант.
1 a shower or the shower?
a) _________ is broken at the moment.
b) There isn't __________ in this bathroom.
2 a garden or the garden?
a) Our house hasn't got ___________
b) Maria is outside in ____________
3 a poster or the poster?
a) Look at ____________
b) I've got ___________
4 a woman or the woman?
a) I can see _________
b) Who is ___________?
Упражнение 6. Вставьте подходящий артикль, где таковой необходим
- ___ best pet for ___ child is ___ dog.
- If you don’t like ___ public transport, you should get ___ car.
- ___ car isn’t ___ best way to travel in ___ city.
- There was____dead mouse in _____ corner.
- At ___ bottom of ___ page it said ‘Please turn over’.
- I don’t take ___ sugar, thank you
Упражнения на артикли. Часть 2.
Так как статья Упражнения на использование артиклей в английском языке пользуется популярностью у читателей большой популярностью, я решила добавить еще больше упражнений на артикли.
Упражнение 7. Вставьте артикль the там, где он необходим:
1. ___ Asia 2. ___ Arctic 3. ___ Moscow 4. ___ USA 5. ___ Caucasus 6. ___ Pacific ocean 7. ___ Niagara Falls 8. ___ Hudson Bay 9. ___ Lake Ladoga 10. ___ Ontario | 11. ___ Black Sea 12. ___ Latin America 13. ___ Nile 14. ___ Andes 15. ___ Elbrus 16. ___ Bahamas 17. ___ Indo-China 18. ___ Sahara 19. ___ Canaries 20. ___ South-East Asia |
Упражнение 8. Вставьте артикль the там, где он необходим:
1. ___ Fleet Street 2. ___ High Street 3. ___ Wall Street 4. ___ Hyde Park 5. ___ Memorial Park 6. ___ Snowdonia National Park 7. ___ University of Moscow 8. ___ London University 9. ___ Trinity College 10. ___ London Airport | 11. ___ Times 12. ___ Liberal Party 13. ___ Tower 14. ___ Albert Hall 15. ___ Polish 16. ___ Opera House 17. ___ Lake District 18. ___ Kalinin Region 19. ___ Wednesday 20. ___ Polish language |
Упражнение 9. Insert the articles if they are necessary.
- It is evident that ___ people want ___ peace.
- The acting was poor, but we enjoyed ___music.
- Bring milk from ___ kitchen.
- ___ Earth is millions of kilometers from ___ Sun.
- ___ Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in London.
- ___ Queen of ___ Great Britain is not young.
- Can you give me ___ book over there?
- I want to go to ___ cinema to see ___ film about___ France and ___ French.
- Tell him ___ truth.
Упражнение 10. Insert the articles if they are necessary.
- Against her parents’ wish, she wants to be___ doctor.
- ___ gentleman stood up to give___ seat.
- «You see», said___ girl with___ smile.
- ___ Christmas is___ religious holiday.
- ___ article was published in___ Times on___ May 10th.
- As I came up our street, I saw my ___mother and my brother waving from ___ window.
- ___ Italians have given___ world some first-class film producers.
- ___ young are often intolerant.
Упражнение 11. Supply the articles, where necessary.
- ___ money which he gave my father was coming to___ end.
- I know there is a man like you here and I'll have___ eye on you___ day and night.
- ___ English people are forever complaining about the weather, but in fact ___ British Isles have a reasonable climate on the whole.
- We always stay at the Palace Court Hotel because it is ___ only one with___ facilities for___ disabled.
- ___ Swiss Alps are a good place to go if you like skiing. There is usually plenty of___ snow during the winter months.
- The grasshopper had nothing to eat and an ant lived near him. He went to___ ant and begged her for___ little corn.
- ___ rich get richer and___ poor get poorer.
- He was___ extremely boring fellow.
Упражнение 1. Поставьте артикль a (an) перед существительным, где нужно.
- This is … boy. That is … girl.
- This is … cat. It is my… cat.
- Is this your… dog? No, I have no… dog. I have … cat.
- Is that his … car? No, it isn’t his … car. It is his father’s …car.
- She has … sister. Her sister’s … husband is … dentist.
- They have got two … children.
- Their daughter’s … name is …Nancy.
- Nancy is … kind girl. She is … 15.
- He has many … friends.
- Her… brother is … very clever.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте артикль a (an) перед существительным, где нужно.
- This … cat is very … nice.
- That … dog is very … big.
- My… dog has three … puppies.
- I can see … animal in the picture.
- This … monkey is … funny.
- Give me … pencil, please.
- I will draw … dolphin.
- Would you like to draw … animals?
- … lions are very … strong.
- This … family has no … pet.
Упражнение 3. Поставьте артикль a (an) перед существительным, где нужно.
- This is … cup. This is … my mother’s cup.
- This is … apple pie. These are … apple pies.
- There is … shop in the street. There is no … kiosk in the street.
- It’s … nice yellow jacket. This … jacket is Kate’s.
- I have got … child. My … child is clever.
- That … man is … pilot. Those … men are … pilots, too.
- My hamster eats … apples, … carrots and … potatoes.
- I like … sweets and … cakes.
Упражнение 7. Поставьте артикли a (an), the перед существительным, где нужно.
- Ann has got two children: … boy and … girl. … boy’s name is Steve. … girl’s name is Susan.
- I have got … pets: … dog and … cat. … dog is black and … cat is white.
- What … clever dog! … dog can understand my questions.
- What … lazy cat! … cat sleeps all day.
- We bought … vase yesterday. … vase was very large.
- I like … sun. … sun gives us light and warmth.
- I like to see …. stars. … stars are always beautiful.
- … forth poem was … shortest.
- … garden has no … flowers.
- I can see … birds in the trees. … birds are crows.
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