Сценарий спектакля «The magic of OZ» (внеурочная деятельность "Театральный английский")
проект по английскому языку (6 класс)

Волкова Ольга Дмитриевна

Сценарий спектакля «The magic of OZ» является результатом внеурочных занятий ( "Театральный английский") и осонован на книге Ф.Баума «The magic of OZ». Спектакль был показан на районном и городском конкурсах драматизации.

Необходимое количество артистов - 10-12 человек.


Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение школа № 464 Пушкинского района г.Санкт-Петербурга

Сценарий спектакля по мотивам книги

 F. Baum «The Magic of Oz»

Спектакль показан в рамках районного конкурса иноязычного речевого и драматического творчества «Лингва»

в номинации драматизация


Автор сценария: Волкова О.Д.,

 учитель английского языка




The Magic of Oz

Author :

Our story is about а little girl who lived on the great Kansas prairie. Her name was Dorothy. She lived with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em.

Aunt Em:

Oh ! Our prairie is so boring and grey! There are neither trees nor flowers. Even the grass is grey.

Uncle Henry:

We work so hard, I have no time to laugh or have a rest! But our little Dorothy often laughs.


Of course, I laugh. I’m happy to have a family and my friend Toto. Look at him, he’s very cute! Let’s play, Toto!


One afternoon Uncle Henry was at the door of his house. He looked at the sky.

Uncle Henry:

I don’t like this grey sky, I feel the storm is coming. I must look after the cows!

Aunt Em:

A cyclone is coming! Quick, Dorothy, run into the house and stay there! I must help Uncle Henry.


At that moment a terrible thing happened. The cyclone lifted the little house into the air.


Oh! What shall I do! It’s so dark! What will happen to me and Toto?

Well I can do nothing but wait

Приземляется в прекрасном лесу.


Toto, where are we now? What a beautiful place with fruit trees, flowers and singing birds. Look! I see some funny people.

Good witch  of the North:

You are welcome, beautiful Fairy, to the Land of Oz. We are Munchkins. We thank you very much.


I’m not a fairy and I haven’t done anything for you yet!

Good witch  of the North:

We thank you because you killed the Wicked Witch of the East with your house. Our people were her slaves but now they are free.


Who are you?

Good witch  of the North:

I’m the witch of the North. But I’m a good witch


Are there any other witches?

Good witch  of the North:

Yes, there were four witches in the Land of Oz. Two -wicked and two -good.


If you are a good witch, please, help me to go back to Kansas!

Good witch  of the North:

We can’t help you, my dear. We don’t know where Kansas is.

Dorothy is  crying

Good witch  of the North:

Listen to me. Only the Great Wizard of Oz can help you. He lives in the Emerald City


How can I get to the city?

Good witch  of the North:

You must walk all the way there. The road to the Emerald City is made of yellow brick.


I have to walk alone, but it’s so dangerous!

Good witch  of the North:

Here are the silver shoes of the Wicked Witch of the East. There is some magic in them. They may help you. Good luck.


Come along, Toto


Dorothy and Toto began to walk along the yellow brick road. Evening came. Dorothy was tired and decided to have a rest.


Toto, what’s that? Is it a Scarecrow?

The Scarecrow:

Good day!


Hello! I’m Dorothy and I’m going to the  Emerald City. How do you do? I hope you are well.

The Scarecrow:

No, I’m not well. I don’t like to stay here day and night. But I must keep the birds away. Why are you going to the  Emerald City?


I want to ask the Great Wizard of Oz to send me back to Kansas.

The Scarecrow:

Can he?


I don’t know, but I should try.

The Scarecrow:

So I’m going with you. I want to ask him to give me a brain. I have no brain and people call me stupid.


Dorothy was very sorry for the Scarecrow and they went to the Emerald City together. On their way there they  met a strange man.

The Scarecrow:

Who is this man made of iron?

The Tin Woodman:

Hello! My name is the Tin Woodman. My body is shining so bright because I’m made of tin.

The Scarecrow:

Nice to meet you. I’m the Scarecrow


I’m Dorothy. And we are going to the Emerald City. I want Wizard of Oz to send me back to Kansas.

The Scarecrow:

And I want to get a brain.

The Tin Woodman:

May I go with you? You see, I haven’t got a heart. I can’t be happy without it. May be the Wizard of Oz will help me?


They started for the Emerald City together. Soon they come to a forest. Suddenly they heard a terrible roar and saw a lion.

Lion knocked down the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman. Dorothy run up to Lion and gave him a blow on the nose.


Don’t touch my friends! Don’t touch my dog. You are a big coward! Only cowards can be bad to small ones.


Yes, I’m a coward. I’m not brave! I roar and scare people because I don’t want them to know that I am afraid of people and animals.

The Tin Woodman:

Would you like to go to the Emerald City with us and ask the Wizard to give you some courage?


It would be great! I hope we’ll become friends.


So four friends started to the Emerald City. After a long way they saw the high wall and the only gate in it.

Green Lady:

Who are you? What do you want in the Emerald City?

The Tin Woodman:

We want to see the Great Wizard.

Green Lady:

Do you think he will see you? He sees no men, women or children. Even I have never seen him.


But we need it very much. We want to ask him to help us. I need courage.

The Scarecrow:

I need a brain

The Tin Woodman:

I need a heart


And I need to come back to Kansas.

Green Lady:

Oh! The Great Wizard has big heaps of courage, brains and hearts. I don’t know what Kansas is, but I’m sure, he can give it to you. I’ll take you to him.


That’s great! Thank you very much!

Green Lady:

Here is the palace of the Great Wizard of Oz! You may come in.


They came in the throne room. They saw a ball of fire and heard a terrible voice.


I’m OZ, the Great and Terrible. Who are you and what do you want?


I’m Dorothy and I want to come back to Kansas.

The Scarecrow:

I’m a Scarecrow and I want to have a brain.

The Tin Woodman:

I’m a Woodman and I want to have a heart


I’m Lion and I want to have some courage.


I can do it for you. But you must help me first. You must kill the Wicked Witch of the West. Then come again


Oh, I’m not sure we can

The Tin Woodman:

But we must.

The Scarecrow:

Let’s come to the west and see what will happen.


Now we are going to tell you about the Witch of the west. She had only one eye. But this eye was very strong. It was like a telescope. She sat at her door and saw our friends.

Wicked Witch

I don’t want strangers in my country! Hei! My little monkeys, fly to those people. Kill the Tin Woodman and Scarecrow. The little girl and Lion will work for me. Hahaha!

Мартышки ломают дровосека и пугало на землю и приводят льва и Дорети к ведьме

Wicked Witch

Now you are mine! Hahaha! (в сторону) But her shoes! They have great magic! Some day I’ll take them. Little girl, go and wash the floor. And you, Lion, go and take some water!


I won’t work for you!

Wicked Witch

Then I won’t feed you!


Dorothy work day and night and sometimes bring food to Lion

Ходит по сцене со шваброй и ведром.

Once Dorothy ran against a bucket of water. The silver shoes came off.

Ведьма хватает туфельку.


Give me back my shoe!

Wicked Witch

No! Some day I will get the other shoe, too!

Дороти сердится, хватает ведро и обливает ведьму. Ведьма кричит

Wicked Witch

What have you done! I’m melting!


I’m sorry!


And she was melting and getting smaller. And finally disappeared.


We are free now! Lion! We must find our friends!

Друзья чинят Пугало и Дровосека


Now we must go back to the Wizard of Oz.


They were very happy to be back but there were no people in the Throne Room.


Where is Oz! I’m very angry! (рычит, за сценой кто-то пугается, колышется занавес)

Tin Woodman

Who’s there?


I’m Oz, the Great and Terrible. Don’t kill me, please.


Oh, well. We have done what you want. Now give us what we need.


You see, really I can’t.

All together



I’m not a wizard, I’m just a circus artist and came here by occasion. Hot air balloon brought me here. And Munchkins thought that I’m a great Wizard.

Tin Woodman

So, what about my heart. What about my poor friends? Did you fool us?


Yes, I did. But don’t you see…You have already got what you need.

(подходит к каждому)


Tin Woodman, you’ve got friends and you’ve got a heart.

Lion, you were very brave and you’ve got courage already

Scarecrow, you can think about what you really need and you’ve got a brain.


I’m so happy about my friends, but what about me?


You have what you need, too. Your shoes. You must turn round on your left foot and say: «I want to get back to Kansas!»


Good bye, my friends! I want to get back to Kansas! (крутится)

Все разбегаются. Дорети на сцене, выбегают тетя и дядя

Ann and Henry

We so glad to see you !(обнимаются)


Sometime we want something and don’t realize that we have already got it. Все выходят на сцену. Think about it, our dear friends, and be happy.

Поклон. На экране The end.

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