Презентация к уроку по теме "Моя семья"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс)
В презентации подобраны задания на закрепление и обобщение лексики по теме "Моя семья", грамматические навыки по глаголу to be в настоящем времени.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What is family? Family is the most important thing in life for everyone. These are close and native people, those whom we love, care and wish good and happiness!
What are family values? Love Respect for elders Understanding Traditions and family holidays
Family values...
The purpose of our lesson – to review family values. Objectives: обобщить знания лексики грамматики по теме « My family »; построить высказывания о семье в устной и письменной речи; сделать выводы по понятию «Семейные ценности»
Речевая зарядка My mum is like a bee Because she's as busy as she canbe My dad is like an ox Because he's strong and he can box My sis is like a mouse Because she's quiet in the house My granny is like a snail Because she's show and can't send an email But l am like a mule Because l'm stubborn but really cool!
Family members
a grandmother a mother an uncle a daughter a brother a son a sister a grandfather a father an aunt Match the pairs
Fill in the gaps with the verbs are/am/is This … my happy mother We…friends I…a good pupil You…clever aunt Ann and Mary…beautiful sisters My uncle’s name… John Kate…my granny I… a funny boy They…my relatives My uncle… a teacher
Find the odd one out Grandmother, brother, sister, cat Mother, grandfather, black, father Father, school, mother, sister Brother, pet, family, grandmother Aunt, grandmother, son, café Uncle, park, grandfather, brother
mother’s or father’s brother is … uncle mother’s or father’s sister is … aunt mother and father are … parents father’s mother is … grandmother mother’s father is … grandfather Read the descriptions of people and say what they are…
New words nephew ['nefju : ] племянник niece [ni : s] племянница cousin ['kʌz(ə)n] двоюродный брат, сестра
Let’s have a rest!
Listening 1 Ann A - football 2 Tony B - painting 3 Pat C – computer games 4 Bill D - cooking 5 Laura E – playing the guitar F – singing G - dancing
answer 1- f критерии: 2 – d 5 правильных ответов - 5 3 – b 4 правильных ответов - 4 4 – e 3 правильных ответов - 3 5 – g меньше 3 - 2
Translate the sentences : 1. My nephew has a small dog. 2. His niece is a very beautiful girl. 3. Our cousins live in Moscow.
Proverbs. East or West home is best! ( В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше ) The family is a haven in a heartless world! ( Семья – это приют в бессердечном мире )
Conclusion! Families are all different! And how do they differ? Habits The atmosphere Traditions
Reflection Red sticker - excellent Green sticker – good Blue sticker – bad
Home work Make up story about your family.
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