Подготовка к ЕГЭ. Раздел Устная часть.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)
Презентация для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Раздел Устная часть.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Устная часть содержит 4 задания 3 задания базового уровня: Чтение вслух (1балл) Задать вопросы (5 баллов) Описание картинки (7 баллов) 1 задание высокого уровня: Сравнение 2 картинок (7 баллов) Максимальное количество баллов - 20
Task 1 Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.
Task 1 Is French toast from France? Yes and no. Dipping bread in eggs and frying it is a pretty universal solution to making stale bread go further. The French certainly had a medieval version and this later became a name that has been enthusiastically adopted for the de luxe versions. The earliest recorded recipe for the dish occurs in the work of the Roman cook in the first century AD. In his book The Art of Cooking, he writes, rather casually, that it’s just another sweet dish. However, the dish was also sometimes referred to as ‘Poor Knights of Windsor’. One theory offered in explanation is that the most expensive part of a medieval banquet was dessert – spices and nuts were costly imports. Although titled, not all knights were rich, so a dish of fried eggy-bread served with jam or honey would have fulfilled the requirements of etiquette without breaking the bank.
Pronunciation short vowels — long vowels (e.g. this - these ) voiced sounds — unvoiced sounds (e.g. had-hat ) silent letters ( e.g. k ni gh ts , althou gh ) stress in multisyllable words (primary stress/secondary stress — e.g. medieval, explanation, enthusiastically )
Sentence stress main stress ( content words: nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives ) secondary stress ( structural words: prepositions, articles, pronouns, determiners )
Linking Join words together at the word boundaries e.g. part of, not all
Task 2 условный диалог-расспрос с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию (картинку) 5 баллов
Task 2 Study the advertisement. You are considering going on this sightseeing tour and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following: London Bridges Sightseeing Tou r! 1) duration of the tour 2) the starting point 3) number of bridges you’ll visit 4) the price for a group of 10 5) discounts for students You have 20 seconds to ask each question.
Some tips Questions must be general: Are there any discounts for students? special How many bridges are we going to visit? How long does the tour last? How much does the tour cost for a group of ten?
Avoid asking the following questions What about.....? Could you tell me about.......?
Task 3 создание монологического тематического высказывания с опорой на вербальную ситуацию и фотографию (картинку) 7 баллов
Imagine that you are showing your photo album to your friend. Choose one photo to present to your friend. You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes. You have to talk continuously. In your talk remember to speak about: · when you took the photo · what/who is in the photo · what is happening · why you took the photo · why you decided to show the picture to your friend
Useful phrases The picture shows...... You can see..... in the picture There is / are .............. The person / people in the picture is/are..... He /she might ............. Linkers and but when Besides, while so…that because In fact, Moreover, In addition, In other words, So
Введение: (0) Well, I have chosen photo number 1. Look at this photo. (1) I took it a month ago when I was going on a trip to another city with my classmates. It was one of my best trips I've ever had (2) This picture shows our bus driver . As you see, he is smiling and he looks very friendly. We made friends with him. (3) We were going to St Petersburg, and on the way he told us a lot of amazing facts about the city we were heading for . By the way, he has lived in St Petersburg since his birthday. (4) Well, I was so impressed by his personality. That is why I took the photo . As you know, I have a great collection of pictures of interesting people that I've already met. So, I decided that it would be a good idea to add that photo to my collection. (5) A job of a driver seems to me not so boring now. I would like to show you the photo of this man as he is a very well-read and fascinating person . Besides, I believe he likes his job. You know, there is a saying «Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life». (6) That’s all I wanted to say. (заключительная фраза)
Some tips В этом задании надо будет немного пофантазировать, то есть придумать ситуацию к фотографии. При описании Вы можете использовать разные времена . В данном задании 5 опций (пунктов плана). Каждую опцию надо раскрыть, сказав В СРЕДНЕМ по 3 предложения. Использовать слова-связки и союзы , они делают ваше описание более естественным и связным (логичным).
Task 4 монолог — сравнение 2 фотографий (картинок) 7 баллов
Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs: • give a brief description of the photos (action, location) • say what the pictures have in common • say in what way the pictures are different • say which of the leisure activities presented in the photos you'd prefer • explain why You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.
Useful phrases Both pictures show.......... In both pictures........... in the first /second picture I can see.... In picture 1, I can see..........whereas/ while picture 2 shows......... Another similarity is that.......... What both pictures have in common is.... The main similarity / difference of these pictures is......... Another important difference is (that)... In contrast, the second picture......
1.Вступление Well, I would like to compare and contrast the photos which are presented here. Obviously, both pictures are related to the same theme. It is... 2. Аспект 1. Краткое описание фотографий (действие, место) Let me start by describing the first picture, which shows … As for the second picture, you can see … 3. Аспект 2. Сравниваем две фотографии: что общего The pictures have a lot (little) in common... 4.Аспект 3 Сравниваем две фотографии: чем отличаются Obviously, there are some differences... 5. Аспект 4 Выражаем свои предпочтения (личное мнение) Personally, I like..... I would prefer....
Типичные ошибки Дается не сравнение, а последовательное описание фотографий. Не выделяются общие и отличительные черты фотографий. Не выражено личное отношение. Нет вступительной и заключительной фразы. Не использованы разговорные клише. Не использованы средства логической связи.
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