Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Входная контрольная работа по английскому языку 8 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Входная контрольная работа 8 класс

I. Прочитайте тексты о праздниках в Великобритании и соотнесите текст и название праздника.

Christmas, Halloween, Mother's Day, St.Valentine's Day, New Year's Day, Easter

1. On this day people visit their mothers and give them flowers and small presents. Husbands and children help with the meals and washing up.

2. On this day people usually visit their friends. They try to be the first person to wish good luck to their friends in the new year. There is a lot of dancing and eating. At midnight everybody joins hands and sings a special song.

3. On this day people send cards to their friends, parents and relatives. People put trees in their rooms and decorate them with toys and coloured lights. On this day children get up early in the morning. They want to see a stocking full of small presents on their beds. A traditional dinner on this holiday is roast turkey, roast potatoes and pudding.

4. People send special cards to people they love. They shouldn't write their names on the cards. The person who gets the card must guess who sent it.

5. At this holiday schools close for two weeks. People give each other chocolate eggs. Sometimes parents hide eggs in the house or in the garden and children look for them.

6. On this day they say ghosts and witches come out. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people have parties and dress as witches and ghosts. It is celebrated on the 31st of October. Children walk from house to house and ask "Trick or treat?"

1 _____,2____3_____4_____5_______6_______

II. Put in the words: play, speak, exchange, taught, take, hobbies, an interview, stay.

Denis Korolev is a ten-year old student. His 1)_____________ are sport and music. He can 2)_______________ the guitar well. He likes to 3)_____________ pictures of his friends. Denis can 4)______________ and read English. Last year Barbara Grey from Great Britain 5)______________ him and his friends. She is going to arrange a students' 6)_____________ . Yesterday Denis gave 7)_____________ to a youth magazine about the Russian-English student exchange. Denis is going to 8)_____________ with his pen-friend's family.

Часть II.

 Лексико-грамматический тест.

1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Вычеркни его.

a) boots, shoes, trainers, trousers

b) ocean, river, lake, desert, sea

c) granny, postman, grandpa, dad, brother

d) sheep, horse, cow, camel, whale

e) Maths, PE, Thursday, Reading, Russian

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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