Контрольная работа №2 Вербицкая М.В. 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Шатурная Наталья Дмитриевна

Контрольная работа №2 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant1 №1. Form Comparative and Superlative Degrees of the adjectives given below




№2. Fill in the gaps with the following words There is an extra word!  cold, kind, shy, tired, happy, sad.  

1. When she is ______        she sleeps.                                                                                                    2. When she is ______    she helps.                                                                                                     3. When she is ______   she cries.                                                                                                      4. When she is ______  she goes red in face.                                                                                   5. When the weather is _______    she puts on warm coat.      

№3. Read the text and choose the right answer.

Did you know how they celebrate the New Year in America?

New Year’s Day celebrates the start of a new year. Americans celebrate New Year’s Day on the first day of January, but the celebration actually begins on December 31, New Year’s Eve, the night before New Year’s Day. I like New Year’s Eve, because my parents allow me to stay up until midnight. Some people stay up all night! We blow horns and whistles at midnight to announce the beginning of a new year. Some people shake hands, kiss, hug, sing and shout “Happy New Year!”

1. Most Americans begin celebrate New Year’s Day on December 31 and this day is called

a) Happy New Year     b) New Year’ Eve           c) New Year’s Day

2. Children like New Year’s Eve because

a) parents allow them to stay up until midnight        b) people shake hands and kiss                            c)  they can sleep all night

3. To announce the beginning of a new year people                          

a) hug and sing            b) shake hands and kiss           c) blow horns and whistles                  №4.Complete the sentences using the degrees of comparison.

1) Mary is (young) __________            than her sister Jane.

2) Richard is (clever)_____________         boy in this group.

3) The Volga is (long) _____________      river in Europe.

4)The weather today is (good) ______          _     than it was yesterday.

5)Life in the country is (relaxing)____________   than in the city.

№5. Complete the sentences using an adjective or an adverb.

1) He speaks French ___________.      (slow/slowly)

2) It is ___________________________ to learn languages. (interesting/interestingly)

3) I swim away from the shark __________. (quick/quickly)

4) Jane`s answer wasn`t ______________.(correct, correctly)

5)  It was _________________ in the garden.(cold, coldly)

№6. Answer the  questions . 

1.Are  there high mountains under the sea?

2. Do jellyfish float near the surface?______________________________________

3. Where do rays live?_________________________________________

4.Where do coral reef grow?_____________________________________________

5.Is the great white shark dangerous?____________________________________________

Variant2 №1. Form Comparative and Superlative Degrees of the adjectives given below




№2. Fill in the gaps with the following words There is an extra word!  sad, kind, excited, happy, warm, frightened. 

1, It is ________ when the sun shines brightly.                                                                                2. When she is ______     she runs away.                                                                                              3. He is _______     when he gets a bad mark.                                                                                     4. When she is _______    she can’t sleep.                                                                                             5. When we are ________       we laugh.                                  

№3. Read the text and choose the right answer. Did you know how they celebrate the New Year and Christmas in Spain?

In Spanish-speaking countries Christmas is celebrated in the family circle. In every country there are traditional dishes cooked for Christmas supper. In Spain, for example, they cook turkey or sea-fish. For dessert they eat ‘turron’ – a special kind of halva which is served only at Christmas. The night of December 31, the last night of the year, is called ‘old’ in Spanish. When the clock strikes twelve you must eat 12 grapes – one for each strike. If you do it, the New Year will bring you happiness.

1. How do Spanish celebrate Christmas and New Year?

a) with friends        b) alone     c) with the family

2. How many grapes must each man eat, when the clock strikes?

a) ten grapes           b) twelve grapes               c) thirty one grapes

3. What is a special Christmas dish in Spain?

a) Halva                   b) Sabots                       c) Reveillon            

№4.Complete the sentences using the degrees of comparison.

1) Mary is (young) __________            than her sister Jane.

2) Richard is (clever)_____________         boy in this group.

3) The Volga is (long) _____________      river in Europe.

4)The weather today is (good) ______          _     than it was yesterday.

5)Life in the country is (relaxing)____________   than in the city.

№5. Complete the sentences using an adjective or an adverb.

1) He speaks French ___________.      (slow/slowly)

2) It is ___________________________ to learn languages. (interesting/interestingly)

3) I swim away from the shark __________. (quick/quickly)

4) Jane`s answer wasn`t ______________.(correct, correctly)

5)  It was _________________ in the garden.(cold, coldly)

№6. Answer the  questions . 

1.Are  there high mountains under the sea?

2. Do jellyfish float near the surface?______________________________________

3. Where do rays live?_________________________________________

4.Where do coral reef grow?_____________________________________________

5.Is the great white shark dangerous?____________________________________________


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