Презентация "Frans Lanting"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)

Николаева Татьяна Ильинична

Презентация "Frans Lanting" служит иллюстративным материалом для работы над текстом "To the Ends of the Earth" (Unit 5.3, Starlight 11), а также дополнительным источником информации о жизни и творчестве всемирно известного фотографа дикой природы Франса Лэнтинга. Кроме того, в презентации содержатся две пары фотографий животных этого фотографа, которые могут использоваться для тренировки ответа на задание 4 устной части ЕГЭ - сравнение и противопоставление картинок.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Frans Lanting a National Geographic photographer, author, speaker, and creator of images, stories and events to inspire wonder and concern about our living planet. born July 13, 1951 in Rotterdam, N etherlands

Слайд 2

Lanting's wife Christine Eckstrom is a writer, editor , producer, and works on joint books of nature p hotography.

Слайд 3

His books : A Journey Through Time , Jungles , Penguin , Living Planet , Eye to Eye , Bonobo: The Forgotten Ape , Okavango: Africa's Last Eden , Forgotten Edens , and Madagascar: A World Out of Time .

Слайд 4

Lanting has received numerous awards for his work as a photographer and conservationist, including top honors from World Press Photo, the Sierra Club's Ansel Adams Award, the title of BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year, and Sweden's Lennart Nilsson Award. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands inducted him as a knight in the Royal Order of the Golden Ark, that country's highest conservation honor.

Слайд 5

Tuatara – the most ancient reptile, a three-eyed lizard

Слайд 6

Lionesses drinking at waterhole

Слайд 7

Family of elephants

Слайд 8

An elephant seal bellows on South Georgia island

Слайд 9

Botswana’s freshwater oasis

Слайд 10

A photograph or a painting? Surrealistic trees in Namib-Naukluft Park.

Слайд 11

Compare and contrast the pictures

Слайд 12

Compare and contrast the pictures