Материалы к научно-практической конференции "Healthy Style of Life"
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Материалы к научно-практической конференции на тему “Healthy Style of Life” (8-11кл.)
- Sports and character. (11 класс)
Heywood Broun Human health is the most precious value in life. World Health Organization (WHO) gives the following definition of health: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The guarantee of well-being and quality of life is both a state and a personal task. Healthy eating and sleep, regular physical activities and healthy living help to strive for health. Student life includes lectures, practices, extracurricular activities, tests, exams, etc. All these demand wide knowledge of studied subjects, concentration, high work efficiency and strong health. Healthy living helps to be active at lessons, remember a lot of new information, and overcome stress and the pressure of deadlines. In general, a healthy lifestyle appeals for:
- creation, perfection and improvement of the outside world;
- efficient distribution of strength, knowledge and energy in life and work;
- strengthening and restoration of the organism after hard physical or mental work;
- development of physical abilities;
- moral and spiritual enrichment .
There exist different requirements for a healthy lifestyle:
- fresh air and exercise;
- regular, balanced meals and sleep;
- regular sport;
- comfortable study (working) conditions;
- rational mode of work and rest;
- freedom from vicious habits .
The years of studying are an important stage in the development of a person. The furtherance of physical culture and sport has a number of advantages. Physical culture and sport:
- create the environment contributing to the physical and moral improvement of people;
- neutralize and reduce the negative actions;
- promote stress resistance;
- keep, strengthen and improve health;
- form the skills of a healthy lifestyle and positive attitude to it;
- enable children to earn better grades;
- advance stronger peer relationships and more academically oriented friends;
- teach to interact with adults;
- help to avoid risky behaviour .
In addition, sport advances:
- discipline;
- sense of purpose;
- initiativity;
- perseverance;
- physical exposure and self-control;
- legerity;
- stamina.
Moreover, sport:
- enhances vitality;
- struggles with fatiguability;
- helps to preserve mental health and avoid depression, anxiety;
- improves general health;
- improves quality of life.
Sport teaches such values as discipline, responsibility, accountability, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, self-respect, self-belief and friendliness . There exist some disadvantages of the abundance of sport activities, such as a high demand on students’ time and energy, stress of winning and losing, expensive equipment for trainings, etc. But all of them only make their character stronger.
- How to lead a healthy lifestyle (8 класс)
- Get active each day. Regular physical activity is important for the healthy growth, development and well-being of children and young people. ...
- Choose water as a drink. ...
- Eat more fruit and vegetables. ...
- Switch off the screen and get active. ...
- Eat fewer snacks and select healthier alternatives.
Healthy Way of Life (9 класс)
To become a healthier person, you should follow some rules:
Get a lot of sleep. Sleep is food for the brain. If you sleep little, you will look bad, feel bad and work poorly. Teens need about 9 hours of sleep every night.
Eat healthy food. Healthy eating habits are very important for our health. A balanced diet should include different kinds of products, such as
- Dairy products: milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour-cream
- Meat: pork, mutton, lamb, poultry, beef
- Fruit: peaches, pineapples, oranges, bananas
- Vegetables: beetroots, cauliflower, peаs, pepper, cabbage, leek, onions
- Grains: bread, wheat, corn, buckwheat
You should try to eat more homemade food and less junk food or fast food. People, who eat fast food, can become overweight. Fast food has a lot of additives, flavorings and preservatives.
Do exercises. To be healthy and fit a person should exercise more. It’s possible to lose weight and become fitter just doing regular exercises. You can jog every morning or do stretching exercises in the evening.
Say no to addictions. There are two types of addiction – substance addiction and behavioral addiction. People can become addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sniffing glue or petrol. They can also be addicted to gambling or playing computer games. As for me, I have no bad habits as I understand: the more you care about your health, the longer you will live.
- Influence of Food (10 класс)
Food we eat also influences our health. Nowadays people are very busy and they often eat in fast food restaurants as they don’t have time to cook. Fast food is unhealthy. It is very rich in calories (fatty) and has a lot of additives.This food gives a lot of energy. But if you don’t work it out (израсходовать), it becomes fat in your body. The same is with chocolates, cakes and sweets. They have much fat and sugar.
People should get rid of a habit of eating fast food and get into a havit ofeating organic food such as fruit, vegetables and fish.
There are other bad habits, which can ruin our health. It is smoking, drinking alcohol andusing drugs. Our health depends on many things: our physical activity, the food we eat andour good and bad habits. Although a lot of people are interested in staying healthy, notmany people do very much about it. Modern way of life when people have little physical activity, use cars instead of walking, watch television and work on computers for many hours is quite dangerous for their health. People’s health also influences their mo There are many opportunities to stay healthy and be fit and one of them is going in for sports. But you needn’t be a professional sportsman. Just simple regular exercises give you energy and help you feel and look better.
Exercises that involve repeated movements such as are walking, jogging or swimming are the best. Bending and stretching which are practiced in aerobics or yoga make your body flexible and light. The cheapest and most popular sport is jogging. If you don’t have time for it, make small changes like using stairs instead of the lift or walking or cycling instead of taking the bus and it can help you to improve your health and make you a more active person.
Also it is very important to get rid of bad habits. The worst ones are smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking doesn’t only causes heart and lung problems but also makes your teeth yellow and skin unhealthy.
Food we eat also influences our health. A lot of people like drinking Coca-Cola and coffee and enjoy pizza and hamburgers. But what is tasty is not healthy. You should avoid eating in fast food restaurants and make it a rule to cook meals at home using organic food as much as possible.
Only a healthy man can enjoy his life, work well and be happy. There are proverbs “Health is better than wealth” and “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
- junk food - вредная еда
- become addicted to - стать зависимым от
- balanced diet – сбалансированная диета
- healthy way of life = healthy living — здоровый образ жизни
- unhealthy way of life = unhealthy living — нездоровый образ жизни
- bad/ unhealthy habit — вредная привычка
- take care of your health — заботиться о своем здоровье
- get into a habit of — завести привычку
- get rid of a bad habit — избавиться от вредной привычки
- make it a rule — поставить за правило
- prefer organic food — предпочитать натуральную еду
- food with additives/ junk food/ fast food — еда с добавками, фастфуд
- food rich in calories = fatty food — калорийная пища
- influence our health — влиять на здоровье
- improve health — улучшить здоровье
- ruin health — навредить здоровью
- do harm — причинять вред
- skip breakfast — пропускать завтрак
- be overweight — иметь избыточный вес
- lose weight — похудеть
- put on weight — поправиться
- keep to a diet / be on diet / follow a diet — быть на диете
- have little physical activity — мало двигаться
- take regular exercises — регулярно заниматься упражнениями
- live a regular life — вести правильный образ жизни
- a late riser — тот, кто поздно встает
- an early riser — тот, кто рано встает
- be as fit as a fiddle — быть в добром здравии и прекрасном настроении
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