Сказки на английском языке
материал по английскому языку
Данная работа представляет подбор материала для чтения (2-4 класс)
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Part 1
This is the story of the three Goats: Big Goat, Middle Goat and Little Goat. One morning Big Goat, Middle Goat and Little Goat came to a river. They looked at the long green grass on the other side of the river.
Big Goat: look at that grass.
Middle Goat: It looks very good.
Little Goat: Let’s go and eat it.
Big Goat: We can’t eat it.
Little Goat: We can’t? Why not?
Big Goat: Can you see the bridge? There is a big troll under the bridge. It’s his
bridge. So we can’t cross it.
Little Goat: He can’t stop me. You just watch!
So little Goat came up to the bridge and started to cross it.
Troll: Who is crossing my bridge?
Little Goat: It’s me, Little Goat. Please let me cross your bridge. I want to eat the
long green grass on the other side of the river.
Troll: And I want to eat you.
Troll put his hands onto the bridge. His fingers were very big. Little Goat stopped and looked at Troll’s big fingers. Then he had a very good idea. He thought: “I am so little and Troll’s fingers are so big. I can cross the bridge between his fingers”. And Little Goat crossed the bridge. The two brothers – Middle Goat and Little Goat – looked at Little Goat, who was on the other side of the river. He was eating the long green grass.
Middle Goat: Look at our little brother! He is eating the long green grass! I want to
eat it, too!
Big Goat: Don’t go!
Middle Goat: What Little Goat can do, I can do!
Middle Goat went to the bridge and started to cross it.
goat [gout] – козел
middle – средний
river – река
grass – трава
side – сторона
bridge – мост
troll – тролль
cross – пересекать
just – только
between – между
Part 2
Troll: Who is crossing my bridge?
Middle Goat stopped and thought. He had a very good idea, “I can tip-toe over the bridge”. He crossed the bridge and started to eat the long green grass, too. Big Goat looked at his two brothers who were eating the long green grass on the other side of the river and thought, “I want to eat grass, too. What my two brothers can do, I can do!” Big Goat went to the bridge and started to cross it.
Troll: Who is crossing my bridge?!
Big Goat: It’s me, Big Goat. Please, let me cross your bridge. I want to eat the long
green grass, too.
Troll: And I want to eat you.
Troll got onto the bridge. His eyes were very little and red. His nose was as long as a banana. Big Goat stopped and looked at Troll. Then he had a very good idea, “Troll is a very big but I have got two horns.” And Big Goat started to run. And he hit Troll with his horns. And Troll fell into the water.
Troll: Oh, help me! Big Goat! Middle Goat! Little Goat! Help me!!
Big Goat: We can help you if you let us cross your bridge every day. Look! Here is a
long stick.
Troll: You can cross my bridge every day. But please help me!
The three Goats took the long stick, put into the river and helped Troll to get out of the water.
Troll: Thank you! My bridge is your bridge now. Let’s be friends!
tip-toe – идти на цыпочках
horn – рог
hit – ударил
fell – упал
stick – палка
Cinderella lives with her step-mother and two bad and ugly step-sisters. She has to work all day while her sisters do nothing. There is a ball at the prince's palace and Cinderella's sisters are ready to go to it. Cinderella is very sad. She is not go to the ball. Suddenly, a Fairy Godmother comes to the house. "Do not worry, Cinderella", — she says. She waves her magic wand. In a moment a very beautiful dress appears and there is a coach with two horses ready to take her to the ball. "But remember, — says the Fairy Godmother. — You must come back before 12 о’clock".
Cinderella is in the palace. There are many ladies but she is the prettiest. The prince dances with Cinderella all the time. When the clock strikes 12, Cinderella runs away. She leaves a beautiful little slipper on the stairs.
The prince looking for the beautiful lady from the ball. He came to Cinderella's house. Cinderella's sisters are ready to try on the little slipper. But their feet are too big. Then Cinderella puts on the slipper. It is just right. "Now I know, — the prince says. — You are my beautiful dancer. I want you to be my wife!" Cinderella and prince are very happy. They live long and happily ever after.
Rana and his Donkey
Rana was a young boy who loved nature and all that was beautiful. He lived in a beautiful house, away from the town.
He did all his work himself with the help of his donkey who was very good. Rana grew vegetables himself to live on. He was very happy to live alone in his lonely place.
Though his donkey did all the work he was asked to do, Rana was not pleased with him. He thought that his donkey was very lazy and did not carry much load.
One day, he was returning from his fields. An idea struck him. He said to himself, "How nice it will be if I exchange my donkey with a motor car. In a car, I shall look great. A car is really faster than this slow donkey of mine. The donkey was very sad and heart-broken.
Next day, Rana went to the town with his donkey. There he changed him for a car. He was very happy because now he could go anywhere. When he left the town in his car, he had two friends with him. His friends asked him to drive faster and faster, and he drove as fast as he could.
The donkey was very sad. "My master! I never thought you would be so heartless," said the donkey with tears in his eyes. Rana was driving the car with great enthusiasm. Suddenly the car jumped and stopped, making strange noises. "It is dead!" said Rana. They all came down. Rana got under the car to repair it. But, he knew nothing about its mechanism. His friends stood aside and laughed at him and his car, "Look, this is Rana's car!"… "What a fine car which does not move!"
Rana realized his mistake. He was very sorry. Rana left the car in the way and went back to the donkey. The poor donkey welcomed his master this time with joy in his eyes. "My dear friend, I am sorry I forgot you and your good qualities. You would have never left me in the way as that car has done. I wish I had not changed you for the car. I have been the loser," said Rana to the donkey.
Rana had learnt the lesson that all that is new is not always better than all that is old.
Part 1
The wicked Queen
One winter day a Queen has a baby girl. The child is white as snow. So the Queen called her Snow White.
But soon Snow White’s mother died and the King married again.
The new Queen is very nice. She has a magic mirror. The magic mirror said to her: “Young Queen, young Queen, You are the nicest young Queen!”
But as Snow White grew up, she became more beautiful day by day, and one day the mirror said to the Queen: “Queen, you are nice, but Snow White will be more beautiful then you to see”.
The Queen became very angry. She sent for one of her servants and said to him: “Take this little girl to the forest, I will give you a big bag of gold.”
The servant takes little Snow White into the forest and ran back to the palace.
dwarf [dwo:f] – гном
wicked [wikid] – злая
soon – вскоре
marry – жениться
magic mirror – волшебное зеркало
grew up – расти
angry – злой
servant – слуга
forest – лес
gold – золото
palace – дворец
Part 2
The house in the forest
When little Snow White looks round for the servant and can not see him. She wants to get back to the palace. She ran, ran and ran. She see a little house in the forest. The door is open and she walks in. She don’t see anybody in the house. There are a little table in the room. There are seven little plates, seven little glasses, seven little spoons on the table.
Snow White is very tired, she wants to sleep. There are seven little beds in the room. She go to bed and very soon she is asleep.
Late in the evening the masters of the house came home. They are seven little dwarfs. When they walk into the room, they see Snow White in one of the beds. She is asleep. They all look at her and say: “How nice she is!”, “What a beautiful girl!”
want [wont] – хотеть
walk in – входить
table – стол
plate – тарелка
glass – стакан
spoon – ложка
to be tired – быть уставшим
master – хозяин
dwarf [dwo:f] – гном
Part 3
Sweet home
The masters of the house came home. They don’t awake Snow White. In the morning, when she wake up, she see seven little dwarfs near her. “They are kind little men” – think Snow White.
“What is your name?” they ask.
“My name is Snow White” – she say, and she tell them her story.
“Poor girl! Do you want to live here and help us about the house – to clean the rooms and cook?” – they ask.
“With great pleasure” – says Snow White.
So they all live very happily together!
wake up – вставать
near – рядом
kind – добрый
poor girl – бедняжка
clean – чистить, мыть
cook – готовить
with great pleasure – с удовольствием
together – вместе
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