Контрольная работа для 5 класса УМК Комарова Ю.А.,простое прошедшее время
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)

Козлов Валерий Александрович

Контрольная работа для проверки навыков по теме "простое прошедшее время"


Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 1

Variant 2

  № 1

See, be, buy, get (2), have (2), watch, take, leave, go (2)

Last Saturday, I (1) up early and (2) breakfast. Then I (3) the bus into town with my friends. We (4) shopping. I (5) a new T-shirt. Then we (6) a pizza for lunch. In the afternoon we (7) a film at the cinema. The film (8) very funny. We (9) town at six o clock, and I (10) home at half past six. Then I (11) Tv and I (12) to bed.

№ 1

Buy, get, take, go, have, leave, be, read, see, sit

Yesterday, Zack and Zoe (1) in Oxford. They (2) a fantastic day! In the morning they (3) a bus from their home to the city centre. It was sunny, so they (4) on the grass in a park, and they (5) magazines. They (6) the park at quarter past twelve and (7) to an Italian restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon they (8) some T-shirts. Then they (9) a film at the cinema. They (10) home at half past eight.

№2  Ask questions using past simple

  1. Take / a taxi/ to the city centre / they
  2. Read/ a newspaper/ in the park/ they
  3. Have lunch / in a restaurant/ Jim
  4. Be/ at home/ yesterday/ she
  5. Be/ in Oxford/ last night/ they

№2 Ask questions using past simple

  1. A / you /player/ have
  2. Computer/ use you/
  3. Cycle/ to school/ you
  4. Your friends/ at school/ yesterday
  5. She / in the bedroom/ in the morning

N 3 Answer the questions

  1. Are you a pilot?
  2. Was John a football player?
  3. Does Jill take a taxi to school?
  4. Did we sit on the grass?

N  Answer the questions

  1. Is Bob a farmer?
  2. Were they dancers?
  3. Do Jim and Sarah play tennis?
  4. Did Sasha surf the internet?

Variant 1

Variant 2

  № 1 Use Past Simple

See, be, buy, get (2), have (2), watch, take, leave, go (2)

Last Saturday, I (1) up early and (2) breakfast. Then I (3) the bus into town with my friends. We (4) shopping. I (5) a new T-shirt. Then we (6) a pizza for lunch. In the afternoon we (7) a film at the cinema. The film (8) very funny. We (9) town at six o clock, and I (10) home at half past six. Then I (11) Tv and I (12) to bed.

№ 1 Use Past Simple

Buy, get, take, go, have, leave, be, read, see, sit

Yesterday, Zack and Zoe (1) in Oxford. They (2) a fantastic day! In the morning they (3) a bus from their home to the city centre. It was sunny, so they (4) on the grass in a park, and they (5) magazines. They (6) the park at quarter past twelve and (7) to an Italian restaurant for lunch. In the afternoon they (8) some T-shirts. Then they (9) a film at the cinema. They (10) home at half past eight.

№2  Ask questions using Past Simple

  1. Take / a taxi/ to the city centre / they
  2. Read/ a newspaper/ in the park/ they
  3. Have lunch / in a restaurant/ Jim
  4. Be/ at home/ yesterday/ she
  5. Be/ in Oxford/ last night/ they

№2 Ask questions using Past Simple

  1. A / you /player/ have
  2. Computer/ use you/
  3. Cycle/ to school/ you
  4. Your friends/ at school/ yesterday
  5. She / in the bedroom/ in the morning

N 3 Answer the questions

  1. Are you a pilot?
  2. Was John a football player?
  3. Does Jill take a taxi to school?
  4. Did we sit on the grass?

N  Answer the questions

  1. Is Bob a farmer?
  2. Were they dancers?
  3. Do Jim and Sarah play tennis?
  4. Did Sasha surf the internet?

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