Викторина по страноведению
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Round 1 General knowledge
1. What is the biggest manmade structure on Earth? — The Great Wall of China
2. What do the letter LCD stand for? — Liquid Crystal Display
3. When did the first Apple i-Phone first go on sale? — In 2007
4. What are the three primary colours? — Blue, red and yellow
5. What is the longest day of the year? — On or around June 21, also known as the Summer Solstice ['sɒlstIs]. 4
6. What soft drink did John Pemberton invent? — Coca-Cola
7. British stamps are different to any other stamps in the world as they do not bear... (what?) — The name of the country
8. How many bytes are there in a kilobyte ['kIləU"baIt]? — 1024
9. What well known brand uses the motto “Just do it”? — Nike
10. How many hours are there in seven days? — One hundred and sixty-eight (168)
Round 2 Geography
1. What is the largest island in the world? — Greenland
2. What colour is a New York taxi? — Yellow
3. What is the largest state in the USA? — Alaska
4. Where in Britain is St Andrews University located? — Scotland
5. In which American state is Harward University situated? — Massachusetts
6. What group of Europeans are believed to have first entered America? — The Vikings
7. What is the currency of Spain? — The euro
8. The Northern Hemisphere of the world is made up of more water than the Southern Hemisphere. Is it true or false? — False. The Southern Hemisphere has more water because its northern counterpart is made up of more land.
9. What country has the longest coastline in the world? — Canada
10. Lake Baikal contains nearly 20 % of the world’s unfrozen freshwater reserve. Is it true or false? — True. It is the oldest and deepest of the world’s lakes.
Round 3 Famous people
1. In what country was Coco Chanel born? — France
2. What jubilee did Queen Elizabeth II celebrate in 2012? — Diamond = 60 years on the throne
3. What famous artist cut off part of his ear? — Van Gogh
4. What famous woman was nicknamed “the Iron Lady”? — Margaret Thatcher
5. What is the name of the man who invented a computer mouse? — Doug Englebart
6. In what year did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? — 1969
7. What is another name for Santa Claus? — St Nicholas
8. Who discovered Australia? — James Cook
9. Who converted Russian people into Christianity in 988? — Vladimir I, Grand Prince of Kiev and of all Russia, also known as Vladimir the Red Sun
10. Who became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 2010? — David Cameron
Round 4 Literature
1. What fairy tale character slept for 100 years? — Sleeping Beauty
2. How many lines does a limerick have? — 5
3. Where did King Arthur hold court? — Camelot
4. What was the surname of Juliet in Shakes-peare’s “Romeo and Juliet”? — Capulet
5. How many lines are there in a sonnet? — 14
6. “Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do.” — Lewis Carroll, ‘Alice in Wonderland’.
7. “Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind Christopher Robin.” — Alan Alexander Milne, “Winnie-the-Pooh”
8. “Scarlett O’Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realised it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.” — Margaret Mitchell, “Gone with the Wind”
9. “Two households, both alike in dignity in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood make civil hands unclean.” — William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”
10. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.” — Jane Austen, “Pride and Prejudice”
Round 5 Nature
1. How many ribs are there in a human body? — 12 Pairs of ribs (twenty-four ribs total)
2. Do camels store water in their humps? — No, they consist of fat
3. What is the softest mineral in the world? — Talc
4. What illness is also known as a kissing disease? — Glandular fever
5. What is the biggest spider in the world? — Golliath Birdeater
6. What part of a horse would you examine to tell its age? — The teeth
7. Which of the five senses develops first? — Smell
8. What is a cowslip? — A flower (примула)
9. In the USA this season is called the fall. How is it called in Great Britain? — Autumn
10. What animal is responsible for the most human deaths in Africa? — The hippopotamus
Round 6 Entertainment
1. What is the name of the planet Superman comes from? — Krypton
2. What is the name of Shrek’s wife? — Fiona
3. What colour lipstick did silent movie stars wear? — Black
4. What is the name of the actor who played the role of Harry Potter in the film series? — Daniel Redcliffe
5. What character did Jennifer Aniston play in the sitcom “Friends”? — Rachel Green
6. Who made the quote “I’ll be back” famous? — Arnold Schwarzenegger
7. Name the director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.— Peter Jackson
8. Which fictional character lived at 221b Baker Street? — Sherlock Holmes
9. Who directed the Soviet film “Battleship Potemkin” (1925) which is considered to be one of the most important films in the history of silent pictures? — Sergei Eisenstein
10. Who wrote the longest-running play “The Mousetrap”? — Agatha Christie (first performed in London’s West End in 1952, and still running there)
Round 7 Music Round
Listen to the soundtracks and guess what cartoons they are from
(предлагается 10 саундтреков)
Round 8 General knowledge
1. What occurred first; the Stone Age or the Bronze Age? — The Stone Age
2. What is the square root of 100? — 10
3. Which is heavier, gold or silver? — Gold
4. What is the first letter of the Greek alphabet? — Alpha
5. What is the smallest prime number? — 2
6. Garlic helps to prevent heart disease. Is it true or false? — True, as it helps to lower the level of cholesterol [kə'lestərɒl] in our blood.
7. What is two thirds of 270? — 180
8. What name is given to someone who does not eat meat? — Vegetarian
9. What country has the world’s oldest flag? — Denmark
10. What German city was divided by a wall? — Berlin
Round 9 Sport
1. How many players are there in a baseball team? — 9
2. What country has the most football clubs? — South Af rica
3 . What spor t is known as the Sport of K ings? — Horse racing
4. How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol? — 5
5. The diameter of a basketball is half the diameter of a basketball hoop. Is it true or false? — Tr u e
6. What do the rings on the Olympic Games symbol represent? — Continents
7 . In what country were the 2008 Olympic Games held? — China
8 . What country hosted t he 2016 Olympics? — Brazil , Rio de Janei ro
9 . What is the most popular sport throughout the world? — Football (soccer)
1 0 . Oly mpic gold meda ls contain more silver than gold. Is it t rue or false? — Tr u e
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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