"Future Tenses"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Класс_9________ Тема: Будущее время.
Цели: 1.Освоение способов выражения будущего времени (повторение, обобщение);
2. Развитие умений и навыков во всех видах деятельности;
3. воспитание интереса к познанию окружающего мира, освоение технического прогресса, гордость за достижение отечественной науки и техники.
Задача: совершенствовать навыки распознания и употребления в речи будущего времени.
Ход урока:
Checking h\w
Warming up &Vocabulary
Hello students! Nice to see you, take your seats. How are you today? Good.
So, what was your h\t today? Let’s check it.
Good. Now, as usual, open your WL’s and study the new words to our topic. You have 1 min. If there are any difficulties, I’ll spell and explain it. Study the grammar rules of the future tenses forming and using.
Ex.1, p.46 – read and identify the tense. What is this? Explain using GRM5.
listening for comprehension ex.3 p. 46. Put the verbs in brackets and explain reasons using GRM5. Listen and check.
discussing future plans. Cliché: I would like to be a(n)… By the time I will have finished school I… I will have been passing my exams on … for two month by the end of June, etc.
write a letter to you pen friend George about your future plans. Answer his question: What are your plans on the future? Would you like to stay at school or enter the college? Why? (as h/t)
future simple; be going to; future continuous; future perfect; future perfect continuous; present continuous; present simple; time clauses; clauses of purpose; clauses of result. Practice in ex.2, 6, 9 as CW.
Future Simple
Future Continuous
-We know the action-time in the future
Future Perfect
-by the time in the future
Future Perfect Cont.
- By the time in the future FOR
WILL BE + Ving
Good job. It’s time to finish, so I’d like you to fill the cards which can help you to identify the level of knowledge of this lesson.
Thank you for the lesson! Your marks are.. .See you next lesson!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Future Tenses Test
к учеьнику Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В. 7 класс, тест на активизацию употребления времен группы Future...

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Презентация "Future Tenses"
В презентации "Future Tenses" представлены разные способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке. Подходит для 8-11 классов....