Ответы на общие вопросы
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Презентация - тренажер помогает освоить особенности кратких ответов в английском языке. Тренажер подходит для самостоятельной работы.
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Восстанови краткий ответ Has she got a bike? – Yes, she has . Can Tom swim? – Yes, he can. Are the girls nice?- Yes, they are . Can you sing? – Yes, I can . Are you happy? – Yes, I am. Does he read well? – No, he does n’t . Are you at home? – No, I am not .
Восстанови краткий ответ . Can Bob ride a bike? – No, ________. Can Nelly play the violin ? – Yes,________. Can you sing? – Yes, _________. he can’t she can I can
Восстанови краткий ответ . Is Bess at school? – Yes, ______. Are the boys funny? – Yes,________. Are you a student? – Yes, ______. she is they are I am
Восстанови краткий ответ . Have Ben and Helen got bikes? - Yes,_________. Has Lucy got white blouses? – No ,_________. Have you got a guitar? No, _________. I haven’t she hasn’t they have
Answer the questions. Is Ann in the park? + Can the girl run fast ? - Has Ann got a dog? + Is the dog big? – Does the girl walk her dog? - Has Ann got a hat? + Is Ann’s hat red? – Does the girl wear it? + Yes, she is. No, she can’t. Yes, she has. No, it isn’t. No, she doesn’t. Yes, she has. No, it isn’t. Yes, she does.
Answer the questions. Is your brother’s name Fred? + Is your brother a poet? + Does Fred write p oems? + Do you like his poems? - Has Fred got any books? – Are you a poet? Can you write poems? Yes, it is. No, I don’t. Yes, he is. Yes, he does. No, he hasn’t. Yes, I am./ No, I am not. Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
Answer the questions. Have Bob and Sam got bikes ? + Can the boys ride bikes? + Are their bikes new? - Are Bob and Sam in? - Are the boys riding their bikes ? + Are you with the boys? - Do Bob and Sam ride well? + Yes, they have. Yes, they do. No, I am not. Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. No, they aren’t. Yes, they can.
Answer the questions. Are you strong? Have you got skates? Are your skates new? Can you skate? Do you skate well? Are your friends happy? Can your friends ski? Do your friends ski? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t. Yes, they can/ No, they can’t. Yes, they do/ No, they don’t. Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t. Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t. Yes, I am/ No, I am not. Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.
Восстанови вопросы и ответь на них . 1 ) is , name, your, What ? 2 ) you , Are, happy? 3 ) got , a, you, Have, ball? Have you got a ball? – Yes, I have/ No,… Are you happy? – Yes, I am. What is your name? – My name is …
Восстанови вопросы и ответь на них . 4 ) play , Can, football, you? 5 ) you , football, to play, Do, like? 6 ) football , like, Would, to play, you? Would you like to play football? – Yes, I would/ No,… Do you like to play football? – Yes, I do. Can you play football? – Yes, I can.
Восстанови вопросы и ответь на них . 1) you , chess, got, Have? 2 ) play, Can, you, chess? 3 ) you, a, Are, player, good? Are you a good player? Yes , I am/ No... Can you play chess? - Yes , I can/ No... Have you got chess? – Yes, I have/ No…
Восстанови вопросы и ответь на них . 4 ) you, chess, play, Do, well? 5 ) to, you, play, Do , like? 6 ) a , chess, game, Is, good? Is chess a good game? Yes , it is/ No... Do you like to play? - Yes , I do/ No... Do you play chess well? – Yes, I do/ No…
Thank you!
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