Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему: "Декларация прав человека".
презентация к уроку по английскому языку
Описание и суть декларации прав человека.
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When the public knew about the ferocity of fascist Germany it became obvious that the UN’s Charter doesn’t determine the human rights exactly. The Universal Pact, which could enumerate and describe human rights, was inevitable. World War II showed that it is necessary to write the Universal Pact of human rights. In 1941 year Franklin Roosevelt in his Appeal “About the situation in the country” called to support four essential freedoms: The freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, the freedom of need and the freedom of fear. It gave a new stimulus to the development of human rights as the necessary circumstances for peace and ending wars.
The emblem of the United Nations expressed the main ideas of this international organization very exactly. The olive branches are considered to be the symbol of peace and the symbolic picture of the planet reflects the spheres of the UN’s interests. It means the peaceful co-existence of all the peoples. The use of the emblem and the seal of the United Nations, according to a special resolution, is possible only with an official permission of UN Secretary-general.
In 1948, the United Nations wrote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It listed 29 different human rights. According to the declaration, every person has the right to speak freely, to marry whomever he/she wants, to choose the work he/she likes and to get an education. The list of human rights includes protection against cruel punishment and protection against racial, ethnic, sexual, and religious discrimination. These rights are important for people throughout the world.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an advisable for the entire UN countries document, which was adopted by the UN’s General Assembly in December, 10th, 1948 in the Palace Shayo in Paris. The text of the Declaration was translated into 375 languages and dialects and it is the first global definition of the human rights. The Declaration consists of 30 articles; it’s the part of the International Bill of Human Rights on the same level with the International Pact of economic, social and cultural rights, the International Pact of civil and political rights, two Optional Certificates.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its complete version was approved by 48 countries in December, 10th, 1948.
The Declaration has only the status of recommendation, but on its basis two compulsory pacts were adopted: the International Pact about civil and political rights and the International Pact about economic, social and cultural rights. Some regulations such as banning of tortures and slavery are compulsory as an imperative standard; in some countries the Declaration is partly observed. In 1950 the United Nations set up a holiday – the Day of Human Rights in honor of the Declaration which is celebrated in December, 10th
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