методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс)
Этот материал поможет провести обобщающий урок по видам музеев для учеников не только интересно и с пользой, но и расширит кругозор учащихся, привлечет их внимание к многообразию и полноте мира музеев не только в России,а во всем мире.
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WARM UP What does the word “museum” mean ? 1 «a collection of pictures » 2 « a temple of soul » 3 « a temple of muses »
The Tretyakov gallery is the most famous art Museum in Russia, founded by merchant Pavel Tretyakov in 1856. What city is this Museum in ? 1 Ryazan 2 Yekaterinburg 3 Moscow 4 Saint Petersburg
The State Hermitage is the greatest museum in Russia. It has more than 3 million items in its collections. What city is it situated in? 1. Sochi 2. Kazan 3. Moscow 4. Saint Petersburg
1 round On the 18 th of May people celebrate International Museum's Day . What international event happens this day? 1 « Evening of museums » 2 « Day of Museums » 3 « Night of Museums » 4 « Museum’s morning »
How do we usually call the things in the museum? ? 1 folios 2 exhibits 3 duplicates
How do we call the art works of which have volumetric form and are done from solid materials ? 1 sculpture 2 paintings 3 cinema
2 ROUND Who is the author of the painting "Rooks have arrived"? 1 Vasily Ivanovich Surikov 2 Alexei Kondratyevich Savrasov 3 Vasily Kandinsky 4 Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi
What was the first Museum founded in Saint Petersburg ? 1 The Hermitage 2 The Kunstkammer 3 The Zoological Museum
Mamayev Kurgan is a hill where the Monument-ensemble "Heroes of the battle of Stalingrad“ is located. W hat city is this Monument i n ? 1 Moscow 2 Volgograd 3 St. Petersburg 4 Kursk
One of the unique attractions of this city is the Museum of forgotten music, which has musical instruments of different peoples of the world, some of these instruments are considered to have disappeared and are not used. What city are we talking about? 1 Samara 2 Armavir 3 Voronezh 4 Kostroma
State military-historical and natural Museum " Kulikovo field“ is a unique memorial object, which remind about one of the most important events in Russian history. The battle with Khan Mamai took place here , which became the beginning of the liberation of Russia from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Name the date of this battle 1 December 2, 1805 2 September 8, 1380 3 September 12, 1490 4 April 5, 1242
“ The White horse gallery” is rather an unusual Museum. Just imagine, all the exhibits of the Museum are made of... garbage! What city is this gallery in? 1 Voronezh 2 Gelendzhik 3 Sochi 4 Veliky Ustyug
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