Презентация к уроку "Архитектура" в 11 классе
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс)
В презентации сделана подборка самых странных домов с кратким описанием.
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1. The most unusual housing was recognized Nigerian house-plane. The architect built into the top floor of a nice mansion with balconies and columns a real airplane – with a cabin and wings.
2. The second place went to the house-cactus, which is located in the Dutch city of Rotterdam. Kind of exotic plants for the Netherlands latitudes give it a giant balcony-terrace.
3. In third place i s Mexican architect Javier Senosiain who came up with the dwelling in the form of the clam shell of the Nautilus. Living room flows smoothly inside the "shell" house in the bedroom or bathroom, furniture grows out of the walls, the plants are turned into part of the interior, and not placed on the windowsills. The architect is going to borrow ideas from nature in the future. In turn, the house is a hornet's nest and the house is a ball of a dung beetle.
4. In addition, there is an interesting complex "reversible fate", which is located in Mitaki , a suburb of Tokyo. Nine curves and absolutely ridiculous houses with a chaotic layout: the route from the bedroom to the bathroom turns into a real quest. Such a tense life according to the architect's plan awakens instincts and as a result lengthens life.
5. Another house-the ship is in Kemerovo. Its architect is Nikolai Orekhov , who originally planned to build a ship, but then it turned out that the water in the vicinity of his creation is only in the water supply. In this regard, the Russian craftsman was forced to change the purpose of the structure
6. In the Canadian forest houses hang in the form of giant wooden balls. As the name implies, they live in a "free spirit."
7. In Poland, a house was built, standing upside down. In the literal sense-the collapse at the bottom, the foundation-at the top.
8. Kuban farmer Mikhail Shchurov built a house in the form of the Spasskaya tower of the Moscow Kremlin. In the near future, the eccentric is going to continue perpetuating the capital's attractions on his site.
9. The Swiss dug a house for hobbits in the mountains. However, it should be noted that not only "Shorty", but also a human family of several people will be able to comfortably accommodate in a multi-room hole.
10. Kansas city public library, USA.
11. House Forest Spiral, Germany
12. The house of Wonders, USA
13. Houses-Cuba, Holland
14. Mountain house, Portugal
15. House hole, USA
16. House-basket, USA
17. House-Boiler, USA
18. Home-Mind, Spain
19. Crooked house, Poland
20. Crazy House, Vietnam
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