Лексико-грамматический тест 10 класс
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (10 класс)

Гарбузова Ирина Валерьевна

Данный тест составлен по УМК "Starlight 10" К. Барановой, Дж. Дули. Тест направлен на контроль владения обучающимися лексикой Модуля 2, умения использовать данную лексику в речи. Грамматический раздел теста проверяет умение обучающихся переводить предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, используя правила согласования времен, а такжже знание глаголов, вводящих косвенную речь и умение использовать их на практике. Тест состоит из 2 вариантов и может быть использован как при промежуточном контроле, так и прои итоговой оценки знаний за I полугодие.


Файл test_10_klass_starlight_10._module_2.docx15.38 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


I variant

I. Fill in: desperate, distressed, underweight, brittle, examination, infections, guilty, additives, prescription, portions.

1. Consumers are becoming more aware of dangers of … in foods.

2. Lack of calcium can cause your bones to become … .

3. Julia had an eating disorder and was severely … .

4. He had to undergo a routine medical … when he joined the army.

5. The doctor wrote me a … for some tablets and cough medicine.

6. The restaurant was famous for the huge … it served customers.

7. Ear … can be intensely irritating and very painful.

8. The town was in … need of food and medical supplies after the earthquake.

9. Connie felt … after the offensive comments she made about Anna.

10. The actress was deeply … by the bad reviews of her latest film.

II. Complete the phrases with the following words: medical, health, mood, body, dairy.

1. …benefits

2. …products

3. …attention

4. …swings

5. … image

III. Change the sentences into reported speech using: forbid, allow, order, suggest, remind, beg.

1. “Please, please help me”, he said to me.

2. “You can go to the party”, he said to me.

3. “Don’t forget to call Steve”, he said to me.

4. “You cannot eat in the classroom”, he said to me.

5. “Why don’t we go to the cinema?” he asked me.


II variant

I. Fill in: flavor, spices, ingredients, stall, course, dish, dessert, snack, bill, tip.

1. We were surprised to be offered cheese and biscuits as a first … -  we are more used to eating it at the end of a meal.

2. The secret of good cooking is to use the freshest … you can find.

3. We were astonished when we got the … because we had expected to pay a lot more.

4. Indian food is famous for the large number of … that are  used in its preparation.

5. Many office workers today just have a … at lunchtime.

6. The waiter looked very offended when we did not leave him a … but the service had been awful.

7. This herb has a wonderful … that goes well with salads.

8. It is easy to produce a tasty … using fresh fruit and cream.

9. We found a … selling delicious sandwiches and pastries at the country fair.

10. Grilled fish with a fresh salad has to be my favourite … for a hot summer day.

II. Complete the phrases with the following words: sugary, low, life, prevent, locally

1. … threatening

2. …drinks

3. …illnesses

4. …in calories

5. …grown

III. Change the sentences into reported speech using: remind, warn, advise, order, recommend

1. “You should stay at home for a week”, my doctor told me.

2. “Don’t forget to phone your Granny”, mother told Ann.

3. “Don’t park your car here!” the policeman told Bob.

4. “Why don’t you  go back home”, Mike told Jane.

5. “Don’t move,” I told her.

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