Should, Shouldn’t, Must
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс)

Кизилова Ангелина Сергеевна

1.                  You … eat too much salt and sugar.

2.                  You … drive carefully.

3.                  You … go to school, Jonny. 

4.                  Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.

5.                  It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.

6.                  The exam is next week. So you … study hard.

7.                  I  help my mother. 

8.                  I … learn English. It will help me in the future.

9.                  You …. smoke.

10. You …. eat so much chocolate. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

  1. You … eat too much salt and sugar.
  2. You … drive carefully.
  3. You … go to school, Jonny. 
  4. Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.
  5. It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.
  6. The exam is next week. So you … study hard.
  7.  help my mother. 
  8. I … learn English. It will help me in the future.
  9. You …. smoke.
  10. You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

1.        You … eat too much salt and sugar.

2.        You … drive carefully.

3.        You … go to school, Jonny.

4.        Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.

5.        It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.

6.        The exam is next week. So you … study hard.

7.        I … help my mother.

8.        I … learn English. It will help me in the future.

9.        You …. smoke.

10.        You …. eat so much chocolate.

Should, Shouldn’t, Must

1.        You … eat too much salt and sugar.

2.        You … drive carefully.

3.        You … go to school, Jonny.

4.        Your shirt is dirty. You … change it.

5.        It’s quite cold today. We … wear our jackets.

6.        The exam is next week. So you … study hard.

7.        I … help my mother.

8.        I … learn English. It will help me in the future.

9.        You …. smoke.

10.        You …. eat so much chocolate.

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