С.А.Есенин. Биография и творчество
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (8, 9 класс)

Биография и творчество С.А.Есенина. Информационный текст, задания, стихи.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin  is the brightest representative of the Russian soul

New Words

an old Believer – старовер                                        rarely – редко

communicative – общительный                                to mention – упоминаться

various – разнообразными                                a verse – стих

to realize – осознавать                                        calligraphy – чистописание

certificate – свидетельство                                influence – влияние

soul – душа                                                        creative heritage - творческое  наследие.

Sergey Yesenin was born on September, 21st (on October,3rd on the new style) 1895. He grew up in the atmosphere of the national poetry. He spent his childhood with his grandfather an Old Believer. Relatives and friends remembered that the poet was a communicative boy. He was very clever among the first students and interested in various games and fights and at the same time, he was more interested in books.

In 1909 Yesenin finished the school and got «the 5» in the following subjects:  Russian, History, Geography, Arithmetic, Writing (Calligraphy). In the autumn of the same year Yesenin went to study to the Spas-Klepiky teacher’s school where he wrote poems and early realized his way in life. P. Hobachev a classmate of the poet remembered that Yesenin was «a punctual guy, he read books and often stayed in the class and sat in the corner with a book». He read classics: Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Nikitin. By the way, in Yesenin’s first poetic experiences we can see the influence of his favorite poets.

«Yesenin began to write poems in the first year of his studying.» - said his teacher of the Russian language and Literature Eugene Mikhailovich Khitrov. — «But he began to bring his poems to me only on the second year of studying...»

In May, 1912 Sergey Yesenin received a certificate of a school teacher, but he wasn't interested in teacher's work. He went to Moscow.

Nowadays we can surely say that Sergey Yesenin was the brightest representative of the Russian soul. His poetry is human, unique and patriotic. And though Ryazan is rarely mentioned in his verses, it is difficult to remember any other poet, whose creation could be so deeply connected with the native land, with the place where he was born.

The memorial home museum of the poet was opened on October, 2nd, 1965, on the day of celebrating the 70-th anniversary of the date of S.A. Yesenin's birth. Many tourists visit Konstantinovo any time of the year especially in autumn time, on the poet's birthday.

Everything passes. But Yesenin's creative heritage lives because it is a part of the Russian people  culture.

1. Read from the text to prove that:

1) the boy was communicative and had many friends;

2) Esenin studied well and much;

3) reading influenced his poetry;

4) he could be a teacher;

5) his poetry is g patriotic;

6) Yesenin's creative heritage lives

2.Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What kind of literature did Sergey Esenin read?

2. When did Yesenin begin to write poems?

3. What can we see in Yesenin’s first poetic experiences?

4. When do tourists visit Konstantinovo?

3. Ask your own questions to clear up any information from the text.

4. Read the text, and say if the sentences below are true or false. Correct the false sentences.

  1. Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin   spent his childhood with his uncle
  2. Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin was   never interested in books.
  3. Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin   began to write poems in the first year of his studying
  4. Many tourists visit Konstantinovo every time of the year especially in the winter time, on the poet's birthday.
  5. Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin   was interested in teacher's work.
  6. Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin   became to bring the poems to his teacher  only in the third year of studying

5. Look through the text and say what information was:

- unknown,

- interesting,

- surprising,

- known.


to return – возвращаться

warning – предупреждение

shabby overcoat - потрепанное пальто

still alive - все еще жива

to blossom – цвести

pain and fear - боль и страх

 roadside - край дороги, обочина.

A Letter to Mother

Are you still alive, my dear granny?

I am alive as well. Hello! Hello!

I’ll return in spring without warning

When the garden blossoms, white as snow.

Please don’t wake me early in the morning,

As you did before, eight years ago.

Please  forget  about your pain and fear,

Please don’t  worry over me a lot

Don’t go out  to the roadside dear,

Wearing your shabby overcoat.


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