Word formation database
тренажёр по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Синякова Галина Петровна

Данная разработка предназначена в качечтве тренажера по словообразованию для учащихся 10-11 классов и включает наиболее часто употребляемые формы слов. При разработке использовались такие источники, как сборники типовых экзаменационных вариантов под ред. М.В. Вербицкой и др.; Cambridge Dictionary (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/); Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: Грамматика и лексика.  


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Test on Word formation database

  1. His           to ride so fast has always surprised me.
  2. We regret that at the present time we are              to supply the goods you ordered.
  3. She is considered to be           after the car accident.
  4. She is deaf, but refuses to let her         prevent her from doing what she wants to do.


  1.           year begins on the 1st of September.
  2.  He was               much more successful than his older brother.


  1. Such behavior is                at school.
  2.  There have been debates about               of genetically modified foods.
  3. The prices for food in our country are                high.
  4. Staff objected at first, but Angela's ideas have now found general                 in the office.


  1. The words were            written on a piece of paper.
  2. They were            dressed in old worn out clothes.
  3. One of the most important features for girls in          .
  4.  Your information is                – I was born in 1956, not 1965.
  5. I thought he was complaining about               of the assessment in the budget.


  1. Frank Turner, the             in a trial that has attracted national attention, was today convicted of murder.
  2. According to one of the co-defendants, the            was incoherent and misleading.


  1. The great                 of Russian scientists are difficult to overestimate.
  2. The efficiency targets are demanding but                 .
  3. Doubling our sales figures in the next year is an                                                                                     goal.
  4. High              traditionally come from middle-class areas and go to university rather than colleges.


  1. The richer countries of the world must take             to help the poorer countries.
  2. Famous              &               took part in the Oscar ceremony yesterday.
  3. Knee surgery will keep him physically               for two months.
  4. Enemy forces remain              in the mountainous areas around the city.


  1.                 , I'd rather spend the evening at home.
  2.  Future research should further explore the link between filial responsibility norms and                      .
  3.  General market media buyers enact or               media plans drawn up by media planners.


  1. She's young and dynamic and will be a great            to the team.
  2. You can take an                cup of coffee.
  3. "                    , 45,000 people have already exhausted their unemployment benefits this year," he said.


  1. For people with OCD, cleaning can become an        .
  2. Drugs are                         substances.


  1. They've got two                   children and one of their own.
  2. They chose                     because they couldn't have children of their own.
  3. Her                 family gave the young girl a sense of belonging that she had never felt before.


  1.  I'm here because of advice that you gave me to be more            in my life.
  2. Nicole's rich, but that doesn't make me an                .    
  3. Any group that calls itself revolutionary without being deeply tied to the masses, will fall into             and is destined to failure.


  1. This                   company needs a manager.
  2. The                 in the newspaper caused a lot of telephone calls.
  3. Every time a user clicks on the link of                   the search engine earns a fee.


  1.                     housing isn’t enough – we also need job opportunities.
  2. In social                  , they offer possibilities to act from the users.


  1. The two countries signed an                  to reduce their nuclear armories.
  2. The candidates had few               about the major issues.
  3. They spent a /an                  evening together.
  4. I think you'll be                     surprised by what I'm going to say


  1. He is very                  to different fruits.
  2. Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to                   .


  1. I’ll leave with your                  .
  2. He gets a small                   from his father - just enough to live on until he starts to earn money.
  3. The maximum                  dosage is two tablets a day.
  4.  It was about half-past nine, and that estimable nobleman had a select party of about twelve playing the                  game.


  1. park I’ve ever been is Disney land.
  2. I was listening to an                   program on the radio, which made me laugh out loud.
  3. On the subject of childbirth she is                 frank.
  4. The best               .The spelling mistake in their teacher's name was a matter of great                  to the children.


  1. The results were                   late in the evening.
  2. We didn’t hear the                    so we  missed our train.
  3. He was                  for the Mamaroneck Tigers baseball team.


  1. My                 .didn’t let me say what I thought.
  2. He                    look out of the window in hope to see her


  1. Her                   was unforgettable & she knew about it when talking with men.
  2. They will                 arrive early in the morning.
  3. This court restricts lawyers                  as legal representatives.


  1. His letter of                   was quite full of useful information.
  2. Being an                  he studied a lot to enter the university.
  3. The new qualifications are                 to all European countries.
  4. The idea of a fund, therefore, in the strict sense of the word, seems to me particularly                       .


  1.  Nothing can                  you about Auckland which is why it is a popular destination for numerous tourists.
  2. He has taken up a/an                 as Professor of Chemistry.
  3. Their long-awaited homecoming was a bitter            .
  4.  Start the meeting at the                  time and stick to the agenda.
  5.  As an adjective                  means capable of being appointed.


  1.                  of our help was given in time.
  2. She smiled                    at him.
  3. It's nice to have an                 audience.


  1. Their last               was about an hour ago in the city park.
  2. Her words were very                    .
  3.              , the drug should not have been made available.


  1. The government                     militia into police on the 1st of March 2011.
  2. The famous jazz musician Duke Ellington was a composer,                   , and pianist.
  3. The                 of the tea party was great, no one regretted to have come


  1. His early                    was so unexpected!


  1. She was a helpful                  in every difficult situation.
  2. A £1 billion investment would be of

considerable               to the local economy.


  1. This picture is often                    with spring & love.
  2. The British Medical                    is/are campaigning for a complete ban on tobacco advertising.
  3. He was elected to the position of assistant professor in 1980,                   professor in 1989 and professor in 1993.
  4. We                 ourselves from this process and will not vote on this draft resolution.


  1. Pay                    to the most difficult words in the test!
  2. They were listening very                  though nobody made them do it.
  3. He failed the course because of his poor record

of               .

  1. There were 300                at the conference.


  1. The prices for kitchen equipment are so               !
  2.                park in Los-Angeles is thought to be the best on the coast.
  3. Their house is                 decorated.
  4.                or attraction is a quality that causes an interest, desire in, or gravitation to something or someone.


  1. The company made environmental               part of its business ethos.
  2. He was quite                 of the fact that he had been psychologized.
  3. When I first started policing as a young cop in Harlem, there was a total                 that alcohol was a drug.


  1. As far as she was concerned, only the weekends made life                 .
  2. Sometimes life seems                    cruel.
  3. The cost of living is becoming                for retired people in our part of the world.


  1.  But it was just the              .  In 1907, Einstein had what he later called “the happiest thought of my life”.
  2.  Their grammar guide is too difficult for

a             but not detailed enough for an advanced student.


  1. I'm surprised by her bad             toward her friends.
  2. Emotional and                     problems were most prevalent in school-aged children.


  1. Other parents share her               in the importance of reading.
  2. He shook his head in                    when I told him about the crash.
  3. Her tasks are difficult and at times she struggles with people who push her away and               her ability.
  4. The cost of the building was                     .
  5. It was still an                      stupid thing to do.
  6. I’m a / an                   in the public’s right to know.


  1. Such a good behavior is very                for boys.


  1. A / an             job atrophied my mind.…
  2. Most teenagers start taking drugs through        .
  3. She was so               that she slept through the second half of the film.


  1. Elderly people's bones can be highly            .
  2. No longer would people have to live under strict and                 rules.


  1. I hoped that going to college might            my horizons
  2. The                  of the river is over 3 km.
  3.                 speaking, there are five artistic categories within the Western tradition.


  1. My father has always wanted me be become

a    ……..             

  1. The art department and the main college are in two separate                  .


  1. She didn't mean to damage the painting, but she was too                               with it.
  2. Follow the instructions on the back of the packet                             .
  3. Be                        with that glass.
  4. We expect                          and thoroughness from our cleaning staff.


  1. I was given a                      for my speech at the conference.
  2. He had qualified as a / an                    flight instructor.


  1. He made the course interesting with his many small                 explosions and crazy quizzes.
  2.                  at Princeton University have been following a new curriculum.
  3. The fund provides money to clean up   ……    polluted industrial sites.


  1. She earns enough money to live                  .
  2. The silence went on so long that it became very   ………………..
  3. I could move my arm, but I had a lot of            .


  1. Don't forget this is a           enterprise - we're here to make money.
  2. The project is no longer  …………       valuable.


  1. We live in an era of instant                             .
  2. The girl seems very                 , she’s got a lot of friends


  1. The city enjoys an oceanic climate, which is …….       to the climate in most of Europe.
  2. The family emigrated to New Zealand in 1949, which seemed a wonderland in               with post-war England.


  1. Sport               .take place every summer at our school.
  2. The two sisters have always been                , but they're also very supportive of each other.
  3. He wants to prevent the business falling into the hands of a / an                           .
  4. In order to encourage customers to switch providers, broadband services must be              priced.
  5. He spoke in general terms about greater          


  1. All                     should be labeled to indicate their contents.
  2. The cargo was                   for safe and efficient shipping.


  1. His work is known for its                 approach and compassionate social realism.
  2. She's skilled in the art of                            .
  3. He is a very interesting man and a

 brilliant                                      .


  1. The                  was upheld by the Court of Appeal.
  2. Only 4 per cent of the general population are black, but nearly one-third of the                      and imprisoned population are black.


  1. She spoke                         of the need for a more humane prison system.
  2. The facts were so                 that we couldn’t utter a word.


  1. If I remember                    , he's Spanish.
  2. The harbour is described with pointed               .
  3. The letter was returned because it had been addressed                        .
  4. It's                       to say that he is a good administrator.
  5. Many have remained state-operated facilities, such as office buildings or                   centers.
  6.                        measures must be taken at once.


  1. The two men began a / an              that would continue throughout their lives.
  2. Moreover, not all government               wrote for official publications.
  3. Sales are up 10% on the                   period last year.
  4. The longer working hours means that         more work is done each week.


  1. Are you                   ?
  2. He was a man of overflowing                          .
  3.                   of an  airplane changes the world history of travelling.


  1. He must be a             with a rich         biography.
  2. She may face                    charges for lying to a grand jury.
  3. Parents can be held                       responsible for their children’s actions.
  4. The government cannot                 a statement simply because it is false, no matter how important the statement is.


  1. What                 events are held in your city?
  2. Only                 people can drop garbage in the street.
  3.                  , the city has a lot to offer.


  1.                    , we have 3 tickets for this performance.


  1. It’s               to cross the road here!
  2. I was worried because he was running        close to the cliff edge.
  3. The                turtles were translocated to a safe environment.


  1. The new website will allow subscribers to check                  for new job listings.


  1. The term                 may refer to: Judgment (law), as the outcome of a legal case.
  2. The Fisher Act of 1918               raised their status and pay.
  3. Business leaders demanded immediate

and                           action to end the dispute.

  1. 54 percent of voters were in favour, 30 percent against, and the rest were                   .


  1. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and                 . Remember all things are possible!
  2. From that point onwards his work was            to research into childhood leukemia.


  1. It's regarded as a highly                   job.
  2. Too much emphasis is placed on

the                      of being thin.

  1. His remarks had the                    effect.
  2. Events are moving in an                  and dangerous direction.


  1. Ever since was formed in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer                        .
  2.                country is a term generally used to describe a nation with a low level of material well-being.
  3. The term                    country is used to describe countries that have a high level of development according to some criteria.
  4. My theory is still in its                  stage.
  5. By 1960, most of the easily                  land was gone.
  6. The               razed the old school building and built a high-rise condominium complex.


  1. This new music is certainly                but I don't really like it.
  2. People behave                  during a time of war.
  3. «Makes No                »is the first single of the Canadian punk group Sum 41
  4. He was mute, distant, and                   .


  1. The road runs                   south and north.
  2. Sometimes taking an                    path saves time.
  3. Perhaps I was                   responsible for the misunderstanding.
  4. Both churches were built in the early twelfth century and can be approached from two             .
  5. We work with maps to improve the

students'                       skills.

  1. A film                    is a person who directs the actors and crew in the making of a film.


  1.                     Channel online lets you explore science, history, space, tech, sharks, & more with videos & news.
  2. He was not the first great               whom princes had regarded as a dreamer.
  3. A                   website helps learners follow their creativity rather than a prescribed path.


  1. Some new projects came up for                       .
  2. A person who discusses is a                     .


  1. Her behavior at the party was

absolutely                       .            


  1. I heard thunder grumbling in the                     .
  2. Barack Obama is                    related to Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh.


  1.                  is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. 
  2. The report is a monthly publication of the Goskomstat of Russia which contains current complex information related to social and             situation of Russia.
  3. The unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and                         .
  4. An                  knows the value of everything and the cost of nothing.


  1. The paper is                    independent.
  2. An               is an opinion piece written by the senior  staff or publisher of a newspaper or magazine.
  3. He has published 16 books (as author, co-author, or               ) regarding similar social themes.
  4. It would be better to swiften the               of the dictionary.


  1.                 in the largest sense is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual.
  2. A new                  program has been set up for economically disadvantaged children.
  3. The woman who committed the crime

 was               disadvantaged.

  1. The                      educative process needs to begin early in a child's life.
  2. The                   process needs to begin early in a child's life.
  3. The television producer today has to be part of news person, part                      .


  1. This tiny capsule contains two types

of                      painkilling ingredients.

  1. Unfortunately, his secretary is absolutely          .
  2. Tips on how to maximize the potential of search engines by learning how they work, and how to use them quickly and                     .
  3. Doctors say it is too early to measure

 the                         of the drug.

  1. The treaty was imposed by force, and therein lay the cause of its                      .


  1. The report                         the importance of improving safety standards.
  2. Many English verbs have an              form consisting of to do the infinitive and one can make sentence more                          .        


  1. She got her first job through an             agency.
  2. Individual who works part time or full time under a contract of                is                      .
  3. The level of                        is rising.
  4. Computer skills make you far more                .
  5. His drug addiction has made him                     .


  1. There was an                 line at the bank.
  2. Education policy is                    debated.
  3. The shape of the building symbolizes the value and                    of the world of knowledge


  1. Classical music was her chief                          .
  2. We ensure that you have a trouble-free

and                    holiday.


  1. The                   to the estate is behind those trees.
  2. There are two                  to the park.


  1. Although her acting skills were limited, she was a great                        .
  2. There's not much in the way of                 in this town - just the cinema and a couple of pubs.
  3. She delivered an              discourse on the current state of the film industry.


  1. Originally, a /an               was a person possessed by a god.
  2. She thanked the staff for their dedication

and                    .

  1. You don’t seem very                about the movie.
  2. The burden of what he said was to defend     the conservative aristocracy.


  1. The company said that it had always acted in compliance with                    laws.
  2. The new recycling policy is                safe.
  3. An                     broadly supports the goals of the environmental movement .
  4. Additionally, white water rafting trips can promote                        .


  1. The photographer came early to set up his       .


  1. She was charged with giving false           in court.
  2. All jury members should have a copy of

 the                       data.


  1. Her eyes sparkled with …            .
  2. It's an                  adventure story.
  3. I was very                     to go on with my work.


  1. Many people question the                   of God.
  2. The service is available to all            customers.
  3. I think we should improve                  parks rather than create new ones.
  4. Liberalism,                  and anarchism are examples of movements that take the human individual as a central unit of analysis.


  1. The company has                 of making a profit next year.
  2. Differences of opinion are quite                given the present information.
  3. Her death was totally                      .
  4. I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked

 in                           .


  1. On the site you will find information about the most                    things in the world.
  2. All                      will be reimbursed to you.


  1. Did he offer any                   for his strange behavior?
  2. The woman, she has an                  gift in matters of death investigation.


  1. The plan was rejected as too                    .
  2. Tokyo is                       humid in mid-summer.
  3. The number of                  groups is increasing, and they are threatening the lives of civilians.
  4. One of the major security concerns of the region is the scenario of radicalization and                


  1. He was a                       in politics.
  2.                   eyesight forced him to retire early.


  1. What is Russia               for? Its nature, its cities & its sights.
  2. The district is               for its brothels and drug dealers.
  3. Maria and her roommate get along                   .


  1. Vogue magazine quickly became the bible

of          women.

  1. She was                        dressed.
  2. He lived in a /an                area of the city, dirty and polluted.


  1. Russian                   crisis can refer to1998.
  2. We’re in fairly good shape                    .


  1. He                    settled down.
  2. They interviewed all of the                    before making a decision.


  1. His dancing technique is good, but he needs to work on his                       .
  2. He was evaluated as                 for military service..


  1. The band has a large group of                .
  2. We met again the                     day.


  1. An illegal modification or reproduction of an instrument , document, signature is called

a          .            

  1. He is known as one of the most

 talented           .


  1. He reaches his destination despite of

many             contrarieties.

  1.                 there was no damage done.
  2.                  , you were out when we called.
  3. Her injury was a great                         .


  1. When you get a build-up of ice in your              , you know it's time to defrost it.
  2.                      isn't a bad way of preserving food.


  1. He gets really jealous if his girlfriend strikes up a                  with another man.
  2. Everywhere we went, people were                   .
  3. She seems               at first, but she's really very nice.
  4. Our city's reputation for               is unfortunate, but I am sure we can get better.


  1. The body of the                had melted away, but its bones were left.
  2. A                weather front coming down from Canada will bring freezing temperatures this weekend.


  1. It was a great achievement that a month later

a           agreement was reached.

  1. The company has to be able to compete           .
  2.              is the belief in a single idea that excludes alternative points of view.
  3. They are now making an effort to               the company.
  4. Thousands demonstrated against              during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle.



  1. The levels of trade union and political activism in this country have                    declined in the past 15 years.
  2. In this book he makes his closest approach

to              .


  1. The company has shown exceptional           over the past two years.
  2. Before you know it, the children will be       and leaving home.
  3. When you grow something in your garden it

is                            .  

  1.  Each bag of seeds is labeled with the           's name.
  2. This is an improper diet for a                teenager.
  3. The family sells their                 vegetables at the local market.


  1. After nine years in Cambridge, Susannah and Guy moved to Watlington, where they lived         ever after.
  2. I've always believed that                    counts more than money.
  3. We found ourselves in the                  situation of having had our bags, passports, and money stolen.
  4. Her indifferent state of health              prevents her being in town.
  5. Dependence on alcohol often stems

from            in the home.


  1. It is hopeless trying to screen your child from the                        effects of television.
  2. This can                    affect the residents and their treatment
  3. These normally                   substances combine to form a highly poisonous gas.


  1. An honest                        is often a better fellow than a cool friend.
  2. I never wear grey because it reminds me of

my                 school uniform.

  1. His voice was                 mocking.


  1. However, ' inappropriate compensatory behaviour ' was at a level almost as low as in

 the                      control group.

  1. The doctor warned that the patient's corpulence was                and not merely unattractive.
  2. I want to follow a diet that is                    without sacrificing taste.


  1. Your advice was really very                     .
  2. The manufacturers                     provide an instruction manual.
  3. I feel                     . Isn't there anything I can do?
  4. He watched                  as Paula fell into the icy water.
  5. The bad weather added to the                    of the shipwrecked sailors.
  6. In 1916, he began to work as a mechanic           , later on becoming a mechanic proper at a railway shop.


  1. Do you                  think I would do something so stupid?
  2. This law is intended to prevent            people from palming off worthless goods.
  3.                           refers to a set of moral character and denotes positive, virtuous attributes such as integrity and truthfulness.
  4. An official accused of              should be suspended forthwith.
  5. He acted                   when he gave the contract to his best friend.


  1. Mark Twain was known for his             short sketches.
  2. Dickens had               suggested a special service of intercession at St. Paul's Cathedral.
  3. He had a great reputation as a               in his day which is now somewhat difficult to justify.
  4. His mouth twisted in a                    smile.


  1. Poor health resulting from disease of body or mind is                         .


  1. A sense of the                 of national unity stands behind the party's thinking.
  2. Money seems                    when set beside the joys of family life.


  1. The act or process of improving is           .
  2. Our bread does not contain preservatives,

flour                  , or other additives.

  1. The living is valued at £140 a year, but perhaps it may be                          .


  1. New technology is being applied to almost every                   process.
  2. At present, the responsibility of

the                    developed countries is greatly increasing.

  1.                     prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring
  2. The government hopes to               some of the agricultural regions.
  3. The                 played only a minor role and mostly affected smaller companies of the timber industry.
  4. He was an                 and merchant by career.


  1. It was                  to read the latest statistics.
  2. Modern computers can hold huge amounts

of                .

  1. One of the witnesses was a paid                for the FBI.
  2. The programs must be specifically designed to serve the educational and              needs of children aged 16 and under.
  3. The paper is quite                         on this point, it isn’t worth reading.


  1. Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each                        .
  2. The Australian seas are rife with               isles.
  3. Many houses were so badly damaged in the war that they were made permanently                      .
  4. In our town a pauper or two were still inhabiting where                         was possible.


  1. The contraceptive                    contains hormones that prevent pregnancy for up to 3 months.
  2. The amount of fuel delivered is controlled by the fuel                               .


  1. He's been out of action for 6 months with a serious knee                .
  2. The                   were taken to several nearby hospitals.
  3. Smoking is                       to health.


  1. Dolphins are often regarded as one of

Earth’s           animals.

  1. People's power needs have been met purely through using energy more                     .


  1. She is in                   care, where she remains critical but stable.
  2. The motorways are policed                     .
  3. Her easy disposition and sociability masked

the              of her feelings.

  1. It may                  the conflict between them.
  2. “So” can function as an                  , as in “I'm so tired.”


  1. There was a/an                article on vegetarianism in the paper yesterday.
  2. So many days are routine and                   , especially in winter.
  3.                 enough, it does not follow a modern model.
  4. The boy seemed genuinely                  .
  5. The teacher decided to make a career change after having to teach yet another class of           teens.


  1. Science Weekly has a special                   offer – the first issue is free.
  2. Have you read the                       to the third edition?
  3.                       a flat-rate tax would be political suicide.


  1. If you don't patent your                   , other people may make all the profit out of it.
  2. Dr Martin Cooper, a former general manager for the systems division at Motorola, is considered the                    of the first portable handset.
  3. She had an                          turn of mind.
  4. Picasso's liberated shapes and excitingly applied and                   combined colours.
  5. But I did not invest my                     wisely; I should have shared the idea with Barnum.


  1. The work also requires a huge               of time.
  2. An individual who commits money to investment products with the expectation of financial return is a/an                   .
  3. Customers have to have spare cash -     wealth" - of at least £500,000 or pay a monthly fee of £20.


  1. A Special              is clearly needed.
  2. She risks life and limb every day in her job as an undercover                   .
  3. Lack of                reporting in the media is a dangerous democracy deficit.


  1. He joined the company last year but never really got                 in the work.
  2. Early                  in music can awaken an interest that will last a lifetime.
  3. He told us a story                     life on a farm.


  1. He was driven crazy with                    .
  2. He looked at his friend's new car                 .


  1. He was voted " investigative                of the year " for 1987.
  2. Normal                standards don’t allow for this kind of abuse.
  3. The network's news once set the standard for broadcast                     in the United States.


  1. It's             to sport with a young girl's feelings like that.
  2. Your rudeness is beyond endurance -         leave my house!
  3. I don't like the way that the teacher barks at the children so                     .
  4. He was touched by               of his neighbors, who voluntarily took care of his dog while he was in the hospital.


  1. These substances are                  to cause skin problems.
  2. Explorers penetrated deep into             regions.
  3. She looked at us in a                     way.
  4. He would never                  upset people.
  5. Parents may                 make their child feel inadequate or pressured by expecting too much of them.
  6. A lack of                  on the part of teachers is a real problem.
  7.                      historians regard that story as pure fiction.


  1. She's hired a                  who specializes in divorce cases.
  2. It is not                 to kill or injure a pet animal.
  3. "I want only what is                   my own," Jack answered firmly.
  4. They had entered the country by             means.
  5. They cry out against the cruelty of the deed, but on its                    they are silent.


  1. Do remind me because I am           to forget.
  2. He was an          candidate for the position.
  3. Using a seatbelt will reduce the              of serious injury in a car accident.
  4. Given the                   of a tax increase, these programs will probably run out of funding next year.
  5. She seems like a friendly              young woman.
  6. He               any kind of physical contact - he doesn't even like to shake your hand.


  1. In addition to this effort, education of poor

and                    farmers should not be ignored.

  1. Computer                        is only an instrumentality for acquiring an education, and not an end in itself.
  2. The government is trying to combat high rates

of                      .


  1. The storm caused widespread loss

of                         .

  1. The team had a reputation for being

a            year after year.

  1. I apologize for                     my temper.
  2. It was his first day in the office and he seemed a little                      .


  1. The senator argued in favor of              taxes.
  2. We are discussing a group of workers who for many years have been                   paid.


  1. They enjoyed a                        suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs.
  2. The cabin was                     furnished.


  1. He was a bit anxious about the safety of

the                        .


  1. The purpose of the UN is the                       of international peace and security.
  2. After joining Debian, I decided to help out with the New                        process.
  3. A good diet is necessary for                  a healthy body.


  1. Obviously as sales                he'll be very involved in the promotion and marketing of the product.
  2. Many companies go bankrupt due to

bad                            .

  1. Foreign investors pulled money out of the country because of corruption and                    in the banking system.
  2.                     a football team is harder than you think.


  1. My brother got                last year & seems quite happy.
  2. Their                 is not legally valid.
  3. She was still conflicted about

her ex-husband's               .

  1. There are widows who are still not                 .
  2. What is your                  status?


  1. Everyone wants to be a gold                at finishing school.
  2. This golden                     reminded me of my father.


  1. The man I                  yesterday was my ex-boss.
  2. After a six-hour flight and a long day

of               , it's not surprising you're exhausted.


  1. He felt a curious                    of excitement and panic.
  2. This gentleman is of a               reputation.
  3. The first disc is                and the second disc

is                .

  1. Adapters for the food                include a meat grinder and an ice cream maker.
  2. Beat the butter in a          bowl until creamy and soft.
  3. Want to see art related to                  ?


  1. Less obvious were the difficulties in returning to peacetime attitudes and          after six years of war.
  2. Ideas about           and what constitutes dishonourable conduct change over time.
  3. What changed was his view of the means

 to           modern states.

  1. This organic vision of society was shared

by       and philosophers.


  1. The            is present in this room.
  2. I can't stand this                heat.


  1. Her                  beauty made everyone get mad.
  2. The dialogue sounded stilted and          , perhaps because of the translation from the original Russian.
  3. An evaluation such as this is                limited by personal experience.
  4. I admire his                 on stage.
  5. To                     as a citizen of a foreign country, or to retain citizenship in a foreign country disallowing dual citizenship.


  1. This is a nice, quiet                  , with modest single-family homes.
  2. The                      states are feuding over the rights to the river.
  3. They were                     folks, always ready to lend a helping hand whenever necessary.


  1. There were a few                      giggles from people in the audience.
  2. So, instead of being                   funny, he's

just              dull.

  1.                     , fatigue everything came into play and hit me over the head.


  1. Half of the city’s drivers tend to                rules and behave poorly.
  2. They restored the castle, which was thereafter used as prison for                    knights.
  3. The student's                  shocked the teacher.
  4. He went ahead                          and did what his supervisor had warned him not to do.


  1. UN                       were there to ensure the smooth transference of power.
  2. He spent two nights under close                 in hospital.
  3.                        research uses data collected during routine clinical care.
  4. We were able to prove these claims            .
  5. There is an                   old chair in this church.
  6.                     preferences generate observable choices.


  1. Community punishment is used for less

serious                   .

  1. Will they go ahead with their plans, even at the risk of                    the Americans?
  2. Why should I sit down under her

continued                remarks?

  1. Her husband was a small,                       man.


  1. Starting your own business can be a risky       .
  2. There are                  advantages in putting sales and admin in the same building.
  3. The company's founder has not been         active for four years.
  4.                 , could you connect me to the Raffles in Singapore?


  1. The unions are in               to the government over the issue of increasing the minimum wage.
  2. These children are not just being                  for no reason.
  3. The witnesses gave                accounts of who caused the accident.
  4. They alternate between supporting us

and                           us.

  1. I mean, the               has not proved that such a relationship exists.


  1. Some of the                  text has survived.
  2. The comparison to these shows led many critics to describe the show as                         .
  3. The act was                         passed as a safeguard against tax evasion.
  4. The so-called comedy is totally devoid of intelligence,                             , and even laughs.
  5. Professor Adams was the         of the project.
  6. Many European internationalisms            in Latin or in Greek.


  1. Shop            decorated their shops with holly, mistletoe, candles and colorful paper chains and lanterns.
  2. Earlier this year the group took 51%          of the financial services unit.


  1. If you're in financial difficulty, we're happy to let you space out your                 over two years.
  2. All 26 million basic-rate income tax          will benefit next year from a 1% cut in the tax rate.
  3. The rent is                in advance.
  4.                       means not capable of being paid.
  5. The firm will                 you for your travelling costs.


  1. If the accident happened during the        of his regular duties, he’s covered by disability insurance.
  2. Critics can make or break a young                 .


  1. I know that from                   experience.
  2. Please don’t take this                   , but I think you need to brush your teeth.
  3. Sometimes she seems a very                , even unkind mother.


  1. Her father was an interior designer and a talented                     , leaving a wealth of family history images for the future.
  2. You can store                images on your computer’s hard drive.
  3. The telescope at this observatory is used to survey the sky                     .
  4. Introduction of colour print made a revolution in the                         .


  1. These berries are edible, but those are               .
  2. An autopsy revealed no evidence of                   .
  3. The law had little effect, however,

and       continued their deadly business.


  1. The audience clapped                 but without much enthusiasm.
  2. It is                to point at people.
  3. He                asked whether she had been wearing the same clothes for three days straight.
  4.                is the ritual of society, as prayers are of the church.


  1. Why do so few women enter              life?
  2. We suspect that the violence was         inspired.
  3. A                  once said, ‘people are not prisoners of their fate, but of their opinions’.
  4. The task of revolutionaries was to generalize and                   such struggles.


  1. The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental           .
  2. The region's third-largest industrial        reduced its emissions by about a third.
  3. Sulphur dioxide is one of several           that are released into the atmosphere by coal-fired power stations.
  4. The fund provides money to clean up chemically               industrial sites.
  5. We are making a plea to all companies to stop           the environment.


  1. The article was                 written.
  2. The root cause of the crime problem is        .


  1. Greg's tendency to be critical made

him                 with his co-workers.

  1. Their videos of makeup tutorials and clothing hauls quickly garnered a large audience and rose

 in             .

  1.                  is the opposite of popularity.
  2. He also                the expression wack-a-ding-hoi for an idea or guest he believed was a little crazy.
  3. The book presents a              version of American history.
  4. One of the Dynasty Foundation's principal areas of work is the               of basic science in Russia.


  1. The             of Auckland is getting close to 1.4 million.
  2. Hong Kong is one of the most            areas in the world.
  3. As we know, in that sense, it is an          area of the country.


  1. Both sides came together to fight, and it was unclear which side was more                 .
  2. This anthropomorphic religion

reacted                  upon them.  

  1. I wish I could help you, but I am           in this situation.
  2. A significant cause of stress in the workplace is a sense of                 and lack of control.


  1. We could          get some money, if we asked my parents.
  2. The limited number of respondents in these age groups in previous studies made it         to test this hypothesis.
  3. Some sales managers think selling abroad

is      difficult.

  1. Have you considered the            of retraining?
  2. The blizzard made travel a/an                   .


  1. The peace movement may have given

a              outlet for idealistic values which had been long held in check.

  1. It's          to live in one city and work in another.
  2. He was           the only guest at the party.
  3. She sat               her speech, muttering to herself.
  4. A detailed report on the cause of the accident will be made public as soon as … practicable.


  1. A platform had been set up in             for the ceremony.
  2. We are putting these in as              actions to be approved under the 2007 budget.
  3. However, many other visitors, especially between 1940 and 1960, were ill-equipped

and               .


  1. Often, when we are waiting in traffic, we

are            , immobilized, forced to stop and wait.

  1. He has threatened to                           his political opponents.
  2. Challenges to fight are punishable by fine and                  .
  3. Driving while under the influence of alcohol is an                 offence.


  1. The two countries are inhabited by a continuum of infinitely lived individual consumers and                   .
  2. The popular model is scheduled to go out

of             by the end of the year.

  1. Values of products can be imputed back

to                factors.

  1. The company is looking for ways to improve worker                  .
  2. Their working system is based on the belief that people work more                    in a team.


  1. These two books will be especially useful for editors, journalists, and other                users of the language.
  2. Acting                         is a chancy business.
  3. A high level of               is expected when working with clients.
  4. Lack of resources and corruption together further generate                    behavior and a diminished concern for professional ethics.
  5. She's acting             , so you need to tackle this problem as soon as possible.


  1. Heavy          of the country as a tourist destination has brought significant growth in the industry.
  2. In fact,         live in the community they work for, and have a distinctive link into/role in the community.
  3. The town's          literature accents its vital role in American history.


  1. A hypothesis requires more work by the researcher in order to either confirm or            it.
  2. There is sometimes a divide between the spoken word and the                    fact.
  3. There’s absolutely no solid                that he was anywhere near the scene of crime.


  1. Such a person could be a psychiatrist,            , therapist, social worker, licensed professional counselor or other professional.
  2. She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and                    distress.
  3. Is he               suited to be a police officer?


  1. The preparatory certificate is the

minimum                    required to teach English in most language schools.

  1. He might have told you he was

a/an                 electrician, but the truth is quite otherwise.

  1. A former Tour de France champion

is           from this year's race.

  1. The fans' bad behaviour has resulted in

the         of their team from the championship.


  1.                  analysis determines the chemical constituents of a substance or mixture.
  2. Women's experiences are              different from men's.


  1. The right                   of a good poem can tell the moment it strikes him that he has taken an immortal wound--that he will never get over it
  2. The book is informative and highly          .
  3. They are hoping that the paper will have quite a wide                    .
  4. The school uses a combination of modern and traditional methods for teaching                .
  5. I was given the wrong tablets when the pharmacist                  my prescription.


  1. The constraints of politeness wouldn't allow her to say what she                  thought about his cooking.
  2. The town seemed as             as a movie set.
  3. On the one hand, he recognizes the

economic               of the theater.

  1. There was a feeling of                about the trip, as if I'd stepped into another world for two weeks.
  2. She had always been a          , not a dreamer.
  3. You           that your problems are insignificant in comparison.


  1. The committee felt that newspaper coverage of the murder went beyond             bounds.
  2. As a manager she deals with problems      and equably, never losing her temper.
  3. She's absolutely determined to go and there's just no                 with her.
  4. It is              to demand that employees work without a break.
  5. She reacted               when she learned she had failed.



  1. On the basis of past trends, it is estimated that                    for the current financial year will be almost £100 million.
  2. Removal expenses might be              if you have to move to a different area in order to find work.
  3. One computer file proved to be           after the crash.


  1. After thirty years of trading, the company name enjoys global                .
  2. He is one of the country's most      authorities in personal finance.
  3. I hadn't been to the city for 20 years and it was almost              .
  4. He was able to walk down the street

totally            .


  1. At the family reunion, I saw               I haven't seen in years.
  2. We weighed up the             advantages of driving there or going by train.
  3. It was a               founded on mutual esteem.
  4. In another way the answer to the question

is              complex, and of course mostly to the detriment or demotion of logic.

  1. That statement is                to your argument.



  1. An Olympic gold medal is the only thing that has evaded her in her                career.
  2. Tropical fevers can sweep through whole populations in a                 short time.


  1.               have announced that a major breakthrough has been made.
  2. In the course of                 customer needs, we discovered how few families have adequate life insurance.


  1. In all three groups, some               are much larger and better built than others.
  2. He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent                 because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.
  3. The most effective way of helping is to provide the right kind of living environment, in the family home or in                 care.


  1. Parties are permitted, so long as everyone behaves                  .
  2. They discharge the holiest

responsibilities               .

  1. I welcome the increase in companies'

social         and respectful attitudes towards their own workers.

  1. It was an act of gross             to leave someone who wasn't properly trained in charge of the machine.
  2. It would be               to ignore the threats.


  1. Proposed             would enhance companies' ability to exclude economically insignificant proposals.
  2. The                 embraced the primacy of socioeconomic forces in the 1970s and 1980s just as their reductionist dangers were becoming clear in the study of Western revolutions.
  3. The performance of any court system in the world depends upon the behaviour of seven key players: litigants; witnesses; trial courts; appellate or                    courts.


  1. Today, all modern helicopters are based

on                designs of Igor Sikorsky.

  1. After a long series of weak leaders, the people were ready for a                who promised to bring sweeping change to the nation.
  2. This new drug may                cancer treatment.


  1. It's                 to apply for that position.
  2. You showed laudable restraint in dealing with that                  demanding customer.


  1. Armed                          broke into the shop and demanded money from the till.
  2. The prisoner is charged with

attempted              .


  1. Never add fuel to a            engine.
  2. The           of a large household is not easy.
  3. He will be the youngest                in the race.


  1. The changes were made in the interest of public                .
  2. We refer to such a placement as a safe placement; a placement is               otherwise.
  3. We refer to such a placement as a safe placement; a placement is             otherwise.
  4. The pilot managed to bring the plane

down             .

  1. The               of her children was something that she worried about constantly.


  1. As the             goes, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched."


  1. She won a              to Iowa State University.
  2. He has published numerous articles

in             journals.


  1. The              must stop to observe and start to excogitate.
  2. This book incorporates the

latest                  information.

  1. Let's look for a               creditable explanation before going off into the realm of the supernatural.


  1.              , we must institutionalize and reinforce the regional groups.


  1. Make sure all the windows are         fastened before you leave.
  2. I'm on a temporary contract and have little financial                 .


  1. Quick treatment can reduce the                of an injury, and you may even be able to avoid a trip to the doctor’s office.


  1. Despite the ideological             of the two parties, clashes between them became increasingly fierce.
  2.             , ethnic-based groupings appear, creating fear of more ethnic violence.
  3. As in that work, there coexist two     societies - of course separately -, one developed and the other backward.


  1. He also evolved from being        a character in animated cartoons and comic strips.
  2. The great strength of our plan lies in its       .    
  3. Both candidates pledge to        the state's bloated bureaucracy.
  4. There was a need for        of the coordinating bodies' structure.


  1. Obviously, all else being equal, a higher minimum standard is               preferred.
  2. People don't             with their neighbours as much as they used to.
  3. These verbal acts occur within the third frame at dinnertime:             frame.
  4. Criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is                   .
  5. This organic vision of            was shared by moralists and philosophers.
  6. In 1919, agitation over the eight-hour day and textile strikes had seen separate action by         and catholics.


  1. The three chemicals combining into one        .
  2. The president announced the               of the National Assembly.
  3. All cards are visible from the start, but this does not imply that this game is             with strategy.
  4. The true reason why no one has succeeded in finding an                problem is, in my opinion, that there is no unsolvable problem.


  1. The proposal was             resisted by the police.
  2. He showed great                of character when he refused to accept the bribes.
  3. A discussion paper aiming to              the EU's competition regime has been circulated amongst commissioners.


  1. For years,             studies have shown the link between smoking and cancer.
  2. He's an extremely gifted                 student.
  3. The              studious girl graduated at the head of her class.
  4. I was fortunate enough to obtain a

research             studentship at Stanford.


  1. The factory makes good quality men's shoes, but they are not           , and the market for them is drying up.
  2. I like the new Audi in terms of           .
  3. The production is deliberately           , and this takes the play out of its historical context.
  4. Thirty years later he is considered to be one of the top           or letter masters throughout the movement worldwide.


  1. Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women           at work.
  2. Impressionism became the most           "ism" in the history of art.
  3. Few U.S. companies have             penetrated the Japanese electronics market.
  4. The                run for office left him ruined politically and economically.
  5. They tried             to have a baby and finally went to a fertility clinic.


  1. Making unwelcome                remarks to a subordinate will be regarded as sexual harassment.
  2. She is extremely              , and very easily hypnotised.
  3. He did not know what to make of this, but there was a               in her voice that was almost too much for him.
  4. My discomfort was so great that I felt obliged to apologize to don Juan for what I thought was

my                  .

  1. The opposition's main campaign claim was

a                  that the right is more competent than the left in managing the economy.


  1. She wanted to speak to the foremost            in our department.
  2. Both operational and                departments are involved.
  3. In cases of severe mental handicap,

constant                      is recommended.


  1. The                operated on her for appendicitis.
  2. To begin with, his               technique was remarkable. Swift and steady.
  3. All the damage to her body was done           .


  1. The analyzed data indicated                trends.
  2.            , can be found by digging in the past people.
  3.              , the bouncy talk show hostess was a cheerleader in high school.
  4. We were greatly            at the news.


  1. He soon smacked the taste of physic hidden in this                  .
  2. Remember to brush your teeth after eating    .
  3. No artificial              are used in this product.
  4. You may                 your coffee by putting in a knob of sugar.


  1. A full day's          exhausts me.
  2. She was certified as a               .
  3. The book's style makes it very                  .
  4. The dyslexic author had once been considered                   at school.


  1. The steam engine was the

greatest             advance of the 19th century.

  1. In the early 20th century, science

became                     advanced.

  1. The proposed National Innovation Council would have a "select membership" of CEOs, scientists, and                    .


  1. No one is born a           , and no one has to remain one their whole life.
  2. The               got so bad that one day, without warning Mr. Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home.
  3. Nor did we turn out noticeably more          , drug-addled, or unmotivated than nice suburban kids.


  1. My first                 was that something must have changed.
  2. He was a             , kind, and well-behaved boy.
  3. He had                 brought with him some food to share.
  4. It was            and discourteous to leave us waiting so long.
  5. He stared                at the picture.


  1. The room had been                 cleaned.
  2. She showed workmanlike              in everything she did.


  1. Only the              arrival of the police prevented the situation from becoming worse.
  2. Traditional aesthetics assumed the existence of universal and            criteria of artistic value.
  3. The           was set to trigger the bomb in exactly one hour.
  4. Good, you're home. Perfect           — dinner's on the table.
  5. The new train will be formed into the

regular             from next Monday.


  1. A year after the hurricane,  … are gradually beginning to come back to the region.
  2. European … needs massive support in relation both to the development of supply and to joint marketing.


  1. Such a committee could assist local enterprise companies and local colleges as well as local … of personnel.
  2. He started his career as a … with an advertising agency.
  3. The … program lasts three weeks.
  4. We must … the linguists who cannot find employment.
  5. … is necessary to keep up with new production methods.
  6. Are you … in the use of this equipment?


  1. The best … for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.
  2. He should be punished for his … of his mother.
  3. The infection is … with antibiotics.
  4. I wish you'd stop … me like a child!


  1. Academics sitting in ivory towers have no … of what is important for ordinary people.
  2. He just can't face anyone at the moment, which is perfectly ….
  3. They were … upset.
  4. If you think that these transport problems can be solved by building more roads, you completely … the nature of the problem.
  5. In turn, the loss of documents leads to … or oblivion.


  1. The software has a … interface that's easy to operate.
  2. Our intent here is not to review all … of the terms.
  3. Sometimes he would make himself … in the kitchen by cleaning and tidying.
  4. I was … occupied packing dishes all morning.
  5. There is no question of the … of aspirin.
  6. Water had got into the radio, and now it was completely ….
  7. I didn't want to spend the afternoon arguing ….
  8. He is known as Mr Wrong for the … of his predictions.


  1. Time is … commodity to us all.
  2. The … by-products are all wasted and escape into the air in the form of smoke.
  3. The bank provides safe custody for ….
  4. The normal market value is honestly calculated by the district ….
  5. We thought the chair was an antique worth a lot of money, but it turned out to be a … replica.


  1. A … speed drive permitted operation through a range of speeds.
  2. The security guards were … ex-servicemen.
  3. I've spent 10 years researching how much genetic … there is between populations.
  4. … experiments have failed to disprove the theory.
  5. The concept of freedom has been … understood by different people.
  6. The restaurant serves a … of meats.


  1. Pneumonia may arise without any         cause.
  2. They asked,  “Were there really no girls in youth cultures and street gangs or had sociological accounts made them        ?”


  1. She is reputed to be extremely ….


  1. Employers today put a premium on reasoning skills and … to learn.
  2. Both sides have manifested a stubborn … to compromise.
  3. Jane was always … to practice on the piano.


  1. Plan conversions produce potential          and losers compared to expectations of benefits under the old plan.
  2. Her experience and energy are a       combination in business.


  1. This … instrument is the ancestor of the modern metal flute.
  2. They lived in a remote house set high on a … hillside.
  3. … area means territory having no wood.


  1. These figures mean that almost 15 percent of the … population is unemployed.
  2. The company is planning to hire 200 ….
  3. I think the plan is quite ….
  4. This plan has only one drawback: it's ….


  1. One pandemic of Spanish flu took nearly 22 million lives ….


  1. He is widely regarded as one of the best … of our times.
  2. … surfaces such as chalkboard paint or large marker boards also let kids customize their room.
  3. Your … is very neat.
  4. In both written and … traditions, a complex of thoughts and approaches to music are handed down from teacher to student.


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