Infinitive or Gerund? (Grammar)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)
Презентация по английской грамматике "Инфинитив или герундий?" предназначена для обучающихся 9-11 классов общеобразовательной школы.
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Подписи к слайдам:
The infinitive form of a verb is the verb in its basic form . It is the version of the verb which will appear in the dictionary. The infinitive can be used: with to ( full infinitive or to-infinitive) without to (bare infinitive) e. g .: I need to run every day. I must run every day.
The to-infinitive is used : to express purpose ( цель , намерение ); after certain verbs such as agree , appear, decide, expect, hope, promise, refuse, want, etc ; after would like, would prefer, would love, etc ; after s uch adjectives as happy , glad, sad, eager , reluctant, clever , kind, etc ; after too, enough
The bare infinitive is used : after modal verbs such as must, can, should etc ; after the verbs let, make, see, hear and feel .
Gerunds are words that end with - ing . Read → read ing (- ing form) This is Simon. He enjoys reading books . Note : Reading is used here as the name of an activity that he enjoys . He may not be reading a book right now. So we are not talking about what his is doing (verb). We are talking about an activity that he enjoys . Teach → teach ing (преподавать/преподавание) Wash → wash ing (стирать/стирка)
In its meaning and function, the gerund all the time moves like a balance between two poles : Note! In contrast to the noun in gerund: there is no article there is no plural form VERB NOUN GERUND
Gerunds are usually used after prepositions ( of / at / after / before / in / for etc ); after certain verbs such as love / like / hate / enjoy / suggest / mind / miss / stop / start / begin etc ; after expressions such as: be busy / it’s no use / it’s no good / it’s (not) worth / what’s the use of / can’t help / there’s no point (in ) / can’t stand etc ; after the verbs spend / waste /lose (time, money ).
Note: prepositions + - ing form verbs of preference like/hate +- ing form/to-infinitive fancy/suggest/deny +- ing form look forward to + - ing form don’t mind + - ing form can’t stand/help/imagine + - ing form how about etc + - ing form to express purpose: to–infinitive too/enough constructions + to–infinitive want + to–infinitive remind etc + to–infinitive can’t wait + to–infinitive would love/like/hate + to–infinitive modal verbs + infinitive without to let/make + infinitive without to
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