С. Моэм.
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс)

Ознакомление с творчеством английского писателя С. Моэма. Развитие навыков говорения и лексики.


Предварительный просмотр:

1 Author - Do you have a free table? 

2 Waiter- Yes , of course. Are you alone ?

3  Author - No , I am not. A table for two, please! 

4  Waiter-  Follow me, please. 

5   Madam- Hello

6 Author - Hello

7  Author - Could you bring the menu , please ?

8 Waiter- Yes , of course. ( After some pause)    Here it is

9  Madam - I never eat  anything for luncheon

10  Author -Oh , don’t say that –

11 Madam - I never eat more than one

 thing . I think people eat too much nowadays, A little  fish , perhaps. I wonder if they have any salmon.

12  Author-  Could you bring us some salmon( Официанту)    

13 Waiter- Just a moment 

14 Waiter- Sorry, salmon is being cooked now

 15 Waiter- Would you mind order anything else while it is being cooked?

16  Madam -  Oh, no. I never eat more than one thing. Unless you had a little caviar. I never mind caviar.

17 Author - Please some caviar for lady and a mutton chop for me

18 Waiter- Yes ,sir

19   Madam -Oh , I see that you are in the habit of eating a heavy luncheon. I am  sure it’s mistake. Why don’t you follow my example and just eat one thing  ? I’m sure you’d feel much better then

20 Author - Would you like  to drink?

21  Madam - I never drink anything for luncheon

 22 Author- Oh, so do I

23  Madam -  ( after pause)

 Except white wine. These French white wines are so light. They are wonderful for the digestion.

24 Author- What would you like   to drink then ?

25  Madam -  My doctor won’t let me drink anything but champagne

26   Author -Could you bring me a glass of champagne? to ( Waiter)

27 Waiter- in a minute , sir

28 Author - But my doctor strongly recommend me not to drink champagne

29  Madam- Oh,  But what are going to drink then?

30  Author- Water , only water

--- ( She was eating and talking much)

( Author  is being served with a mutton chop by a waiter )

31 Madam-  I see that   you’re in the habit of eating heavy luncheon. I am sure  it’s a mistake. Why don’t you follow my example and just feel much better then

32 Author-  I am only going to eat one thing

33 Author - Will you bring the  bill , please?

34 Waiter – Just a moment

  • Madam - (She waved her  aside with a light gesture.)

35  Madam- No, no, I never eat anything for luncheon. Just a bite, I never want more than that. I can't eat anything more unless they had some of those giant asparagus. I should be sorry to leave Paris without having some of them.’

36 Author - Madame wants to know if you have any of those giant asparagus

37 Waiter-  Oh yes . I would like to assure you that we have  so large, so splendid, so tender asparagus

38 Author - Please asparagus for lady

39 Madam  -I'm not in the least hungry,  but if you insist I don't mind having some asparagus.’

       40  Madam - Aren't you going to have any?

       41 Author - No, I never eat asparagus.

       42  Madam -I know there are people who    don't like them.

      43 Author -Coffee?

      44  Madam -Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee

     45 Waiter- Your coffee and your coffee and ice-cream

      46  Madam -You know, there’s one thing I thoroughly believe in. One should  always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.

    47 Author -Are you still hungry?’

  48  Madam -Oh, no, I’m not hungry; you see, I don’t eat luncheon. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and then dinner, but I never eat more than one thing for luncheon. I was speaking for you.

49 Author - Oh, I see!

50 ( Waiter - While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter, with a smile on his false face, came up to us bearing a large basket full of huge peaches. Peaches were not in season then)

51 Madam - You see, you’ve filled your stomach with a lot of meat and you can’t eat any more. But I’ve just had a snack and I shall enjoy a peach

52 Author - Please  peaches for madam

53 Waiter- Oh ,yes , of course

54 Author - Could you bring us the check ,please ?

55 Waiter-Here it is

56  Madam-Follow my example and never eat more than one thing for luncheon.’

55  Author - I’ll do better than that.  I’ll eat nothing for dinner tonight.

56  Madam - Humorist!  You’re quite a humorist!



По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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