Тест для 9 класса по теме " Образ жизни"
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Тулупова Наталья Вадимовна

В тесте проверяется освоение обучающимися 9 классов лексики по теме " Образ жизни", навыков аудирования, чтения с общим пониманием, употребления фразового глагола make, основных правил употребления инфинитива, герундия.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test 2.

  1. Listening.

Listen and mark each statements as true, false, not stated.

1. Janet is angry with her brother.

        a true    b   false     c  not stated

2. George is a very messy person.

        a  true   b   false     c  not stated

3. Janet does some household chores in the evening.

        a  true   b   false     c  not stated

4. Janet has talked to George about the problem.

        a  true   b   false     c   not stated

5. Laura thinks that Janet is being selfish.

         a  true   b   false     c   not stated

6. George will soon start helping Janet around the house.

         a  true   b   false     c    not stated

  1. Vocabulary.

Choose the correct word/phrase.

  1. I usually stare/watch out the window for the entire journey when I am on a plane.
  2. The prime minister stood up, ready to receive/recognize the guests.
  3. The use of poisonous chemicals/litter in farming results in serious environmental damage.
  4. The child let go of the balloon and watched it float/send away into the sky.
  5. It’s such a beautiful evening, let’s go and sit on the drive/porch for a bit.
  6. It’s important to cover/block your eyes with sunglasses when you look at the sun.
  7. Please buy me a kilo of potatoes when you go to the grocer’s/ newsagent’s.
  8. There is not enough room for a cycle path on this street-it’s too wide/narrow.
  9. Is your new neighbour/neighbourhood very crowded?
  10.  What I enjoy most about living at/in the suburbs is the peace and quiet they offer.

  1. Vocabulary.

Complete the following with too or enough and the words in brackets.

  1. Our new neighbours are nice people, but I don’t think they are………….(sociable). That’s why they never come to any of our parties.
  2. I don’t like this new, modern block of flats; it looks………………(ugly).
  3. It’s……….(noisy) in here. Why don’t you go to the study to do your homework?
  4. Let’s not sit in this park. It’s not………….(clean).
  5. Do you think this armchair is…………(modern)? I don’t want to buy anything old-fashioned.
  6. Our vacuum cleaner is……………..(old). We need a new one.

  1. Word formation.

Fill in the correct form of the words in bold.

  1. Jenny prefers honey in her tea; it has the………………..(sweet) of sugar, but it’s healthier.
  2. When it comes to choosing an area to live in, safety is of great …………(important).
  3. Mrs Williams is very good at suggesting fun learning ………..(active) that help her students understand her lessons better.
  4. John says that dogs have a high level of……………..(intelligent), which is why they learn tricks so easily.
  5. More and more people are starting to complain about the ……(frequent) of the local bus service.

  1. Phrasal verb.

Complete the sentences with the prepositions: off with, up, out, of, up for.

  1. Stephen gave up his sister a big bunch of roses to make……..forgetting her birthday.
  2. One minute my next-door neighbor is really nice to me, and the next he’s extremely rude; I don’t know what to make……him!
  3. According to the newspaper report, the thieves made………. Goods worth over ten thousands pounds.
  4. Can you make…………what it says here? The letters are too small for me to read.
  5. You don’t need to make…..an excuse for being late; just tell your teacher the truth.

  1. Infinitive or gerund.

Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or -ing-form.

When my sisters and I were young, we loved 33) ………(spend) our summer holidays in Brighton. I can remember all of us 34)……………..(look) forward to the end of the summer term at school, so we could 35)……..(start) packing our suitcases. The fun started before we even got there: all of us wanted 36)……(sit) at the front seat of the car, our mum made us 37)……..(play) a game of “rock-paper-scissors”. The winner sat at the font! In this way, we avoided 38)…..(argue) with each other.  During the three-hour trip we enjoyed all sorts of car games, in which the whole family participated. After 39)……….( drive) for about two hours, my father always stopped 40)……..(have) some rest. Then, we continued 41)……..(travel) until we got to Brighton. That’s where the real fun began! Our parents let us 42)……(do) almost whatever we wanted, for the next three weeks! And you know what? We did!

  1. Reading.

Read the texts and choose the headings  to them.

  1. Only the rich are invited
  2. Construction of magic
  3. Have a holiday to your choice!
  4. An accidental start
  5. The first is the best
  6. Modernized every year
  7. Enjoy a cool night!
  8. Ice rooms to any taste and budget
  9. Environmentally friendly

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