"The story of my school is a story of success", статья
статья по английскому языку

Сычева Ирина Олеговна

Статья посвящена истории школы, в которой я работаю много лет.


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The story of my school is a story of success

Irina Sycheva

School 411 «Harmony»


Saint Petersburg

«Do not go where the path may lead,

Go instead where is no path

And leave there the trail»

R. W. Emerson

We live in a global society where demand for quality education is a pathway to a better career. In this way, school plays a vital role in promoting intellectual, physical, socio-emotional, moral, spiritual and aesthetic development of all young Russians. So, school builds future, creates an opportunity, providing students a strong foundation, lifeskills, which are the primary tools for success in life.

        These days we’re celebrating the 30th anniversary of school 411 «Harmony».  Anniversaries are a time to look back at the good times and a time to look ahead to wonderful tomorrows. My school rose to this challenge 30 years ago and continues to address that challenge nowadays. It has established a good reputation and fine traditions for these thirty years. It’s been a long journey to battle together to shape our school. That’s why I’m particularly pleased and honored to witness our remarkable achievement to be a part of my friendly school family.

        School 411 has survived its Childhood, Adolescense and now it is continuing to enter the Adulthood. But it is still young and is full of bright, innovative ideas, courageous in achieving excellence.

        Under the brilliant leadership of its ex-Principal Svetlana Vishnyakova (Svetlana the Great, as Americans call her), with a present-day Principal Irina Nosaeva, with support of committed and professional teachers’ staff, a lot of initiatives have been introduced and successfully implemented.

        Special thanks to Svetlana Vishnyakova, a great educationalist and enthusiast, who has made a lot to cultivate a happy and motivating environment in school. It is she, who has given flexibility and freedom to the teachers to try out new initiatives and develop the students’ intellectual potential. So, the program of Integrated Humanities, connected English and Music made students (and not only of elementary school) feel happier to learn.

        As a proud parent of my daughter, a graduate of Harmony school, who has made significant progress in her scientific career, I’m indebted to all highly-qualified, passionate teachers who work so hard to shape our children into tomorrow’s leaders. They see the students as the centre of educational process and challenge them with different perspectives in different environment.

        Today we are looking forward and go ahead to use teachers’ skills to make students educated, developing critical thinking and creativity, supporting them with unfailing and selfless love. Numerous teachers’ awards prove that this success does not happen by chance, and we have been working for those long 30 years to stay students motivated, providing them with freedom of choice.

        We, teachers, are sculptors, dealing with a large piece of marble. The mind, will and skill of a sculptor decide the shape of this marble. And as a great Michelangelo, the famous sculptor, painter, architect once said, « I saw the angel in the marble and carved it until I set him free».

        My heartfelt congratulations to the teachers, parents, to all it may concern for their fantastic effort in nurturing out youngsters in whom we trust the future of our country.

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