Inventors and inventions
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
Открытый урок по теме "Изобретатели и изобретения"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Мурманской области «Мурманский строительный колледж им. Н.Е. Момота»
открытого урока
по теме: «Изобретатели и изобретения»
(«Inventors and inventions»)
Группа: 2251-11, 1 курс
Специальность: «Техническое обслуживание
и ремонт автомобильного транспорта»
Преподаватель: Проводина Ю.Н.
Мурманск, 2016
Тема урока: “Inventors and their inventions”
Тип урока: комбинированный с использованием элементов технологии развития критического мышления.
Методы: стимулирование обучения, самостоятельная частично – поисковая работа обучающихся, наглядно – визуальный метод.
Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных способностей обучающихся, умения вести монологическую и диалогическую речь по теме «Изобретатели и изобретения».
Развивающий компонент цели урока: развитие языковых, познавательных способностей обучающихся, развитие готовности к коммуникации на основе предложенного речевого материала.
Образовательный компонент цели урока: расширение лингвистического и общего кругозора, развитие способности анализировать, выделять главное, совершенствование навыков поискового чтения.
Воспитательный компонент цели урока: создание условий для воспитания культуры общения.
Практический компонент цели урока:
- практическое использование приобретённых знаний в кратком диалогическом единстве для обеспечения коммуникативных потребностей;
- совершенствование рецептивных слухо-произносительных навыков на основе предложенных учебных текстов.
Планируемый результат: Повторить пройденную лексику, закрепить навыки детального восприятия информации на слух. Тренировка навыков аудирования, чтения, перевода и письма. Контроль, обобщение и систематизация знаний.
1. Компьютер;
2. Мультимедийный проектор;
3. Презентация по теме;
4. Раздаточный материал.
Ход урока:
- Организационный этап.
1.1 Приветствие (Greeting)
T.: Good afternoon, boys. Nice to see you here. Take your seats. Is everything OK? Are you ready to start our lesson? Do you think you’ll learn something new today? Ok! So, who can help me? What day/date is it today? Who is absent today?
- Warm-up. Разминка: актуализация и обобщение имеющихся у учеников знаний по теме:
T.: You know, children. I’ve got something in this box. Will you guess all these subjects?
- It’s usually small. Each student has it. We write with it. (It’s a ballpoint pen) Can you imagine your life without it?
- I’m totally sure that all the people have them at home. We need them when we are ill (medicines)
- What do you use for watching films? (It’s a TV set)
- Its also small and we can have a lot of information in it? (It’s a fleshcard)
- What do you use for calling somebody? (It’s a phone)
- What do you use for taking photos? (It’s a photocamera)
- We can wash a lot of dishes with it (It’s a dishwasher)
- Another thing – one of the most important in our life now (we can make the presentations, speak with our friends, get the information, watch films, read books and etc.) (It’s a computer)
- We can make our carpets totally clean with this thing (It’s vacuum cleaner)
Question: Can you imagine your life without all these things? What word can we use to name them? Of course, inventions! And people who had invented them are inventors! So, we must define the topic of our lesson: “Inventors and inventions”.
1.3 Формирование мотивации:
T.: So, as you understood, today we continue speaking about inventions and inventors. Our aim for the lesson is to summarize the information you have learned before, concerning to the topic “Inventions and inventors”, and be able to practice these knowledge in different kinds of activities. The motto of our today’s lesson will be: “DREAM!THINK!CREATE!”
3.Основной этап урока:
3.1. Актуализация знаний по теме в игровой форме:
T.: Modern inventions are used in everyday life and have become so commonplace that it is difficult to imagine our lives without them. Your homework was to learn the names of modern inventions by heart.
And now your task is to divide the inventions for “home” and for “college” (предлагаются карточки со следующими словами: TV set, fleshcard, ballpoint pen, printer, computer, washing mashine, fridge, cooker, projector, vacuum cleaner). Can you put it into right columns?
3.2 Аудирование (песня “Inventions and inventors”)
T.: Do you know who invented all these wonderful things? Let’s listen to a song and find it out. Useful words: automobile, electric light bulb, telephone, television, projector, plane, phonograph
Bell | |
Benz | |
Baird | |
Edison | |
Wright brothers |
3.3 Reading (самостоятельное извлечение новой информации и актуализация грамматического материала):
T.: I think it will be interesting for you to get some information about this inventor. I’ll give you a text about one famous scientist. I’d like you to read and guess who the text is about. While reading you have to put all the verbs in brackets into their Past form tense:
He was born in Scotland, in 1847. His father (be)1_________ a world-famous inventor of “Visible Speech”, which (help)2__________ deaf people to pronounce words they could not hear. In 1866 he (start)6___________ thinking about sending tones by telegraph, and it was then that there (come)7___________ to his mind the idea of the “harmonic telegraph”. In 1876 he was able to develop the telephone, which enables people to talk to each other over long distances. In 1915 the first transcontinental telephone was opened. He (die)10__________ on August 2, 1922.
T.: What do you think? Who is this great inventor? You are right! It’s Alexander Graham Bell. And what about his invention? It is phone.
- Динамическая пауза:
T.: Are you tired? Now you can stand up and move. There are stickers with words on the blackboard, you have to gather them and make up sentences.
1) Edison invented an electric light bulb.
2) A helicopter was invented by Sikorsky.
3) Korolyov invented the first satellite.
4) A telephone was invented by A.Bell.
3.5 Listening (прослушивание текста с извлечением частичной информации):
When Edison was a boy of fifteen, he worked as a telegraph operator. He had to be on duty at night, from 7 o’clock in the evening till 7 o’clock in the morning. But at night there was never much work and telegraph operators usually slept. So the boss ordered each operator to give a signal every hour to show that he was awake. Edison’s signals always came at the same time, at the beginning of each new hour. That surprised the boss. So one night he sent an inspector to see how well the boy was working. |
- Choose the best title of the story:
- The invention of telephone.
- Edison’s first invention.
- The first award.
- Find the false answer.
a. Edison worked as a telegraph operator.
b. He had to be on duty at night.
c. There was never much work at night.
d. The telegraph operators usually slept at night.
c. The boss himself came to see how well the operators were working.
- Заключительный этап урока:
- Метод синквейна:
T.: What is the invention for you personally? I suggest you to show your thoughts about todays theme in a sinquein. (Написание синквейна. Групповая работа, каждая группа представляет свой синквейн) Example:
important, new
help, work, create
usefull, great, interesting, helpfull
hard life be without them
4.2 Подведение итогов, рефлексия:
T.: Today we spoke a lot about new inventions and their inventors. What do you think is the most important for you?
S1: I use many of them: a car, a computer, a refrigerator, a vacuum cleaner and so on.
T: I see. What is the most useful thing for your mother?
S2: In my opinion, it is a cooker.
T.: What unit or machine can’t you do without?
S3: It is my computer.
T.: What thing can’t your father live without?
S4: Without TV, to my mind.
T.: What thing can you easily do without?
S5: It is a sewing machine. I hardly ever use it.
Cказать об этом с использованием этих фраз:
1. I think that ….. is the most important thing.
3. Some of the inventions, for example …. is less important.
4. I do not often use…..
5. And I’m sure I/ He/She can do without …..
T.: Very interesting answers!
Your homework is to make an esse “What Would You Like To Invent for college?” This lesson show me that all of you are wonderful students. Today your marks are… Thank you for the lesson!
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