Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку, 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку (учебник SPOTLIGHT) предназначена в качестве итоговой контрольной работы для учеников 8 класса. Контрольная работа состоит из двух вариантов, базовой части и повышенного уровня.
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Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса
Вариант 1
- Choose the correct item.
1. Don’t be late. The film ….. at 8:00 pm.
A. is starting B. will start C. starts
2. This picture took off ten minutes after the last passenger had ….. it.
A. caught B. booked C. boarded
3. Dan’s health has really ….. ever since he stopped eating junk food.
A. developed B. increased C. improved
4. Ben tells the ….. jokes I’ve ever heard.
A. funnier B. funniest C. most funny
5. There was thick black …..coming out of the burning building
A. fog B. smoke C. smog
6. What time does the train ….. Bristol?
A. arrive B. get C. reach
7. The burning of fossil fuels has a bad ….. on our environment.
A. drawback B. impact C. fault
II. Put the verb into correct passive form.
1.The newspapers ….. ( deliver) every day in the morning.
2. Our office ….. ( clean) every evening.
3. A mystery is something that can’t ….. ( explain).
4. I hope this book ….. ( translate) into Russian soon.
5. The park gates …. ( paint) last summer.
- Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.
1.“ We went to the cinema last Tuesday,’ John said.
2. “ I’m flying to Madrid this Sunday,” Paula said.
3. “ I didn’t go to work yesterday,” Luke said.
4. “ I haven’t talked to Jane recently,” Anna said.
5. “You can visit us any time,” Jenny said.
- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the –ing form.
1. a We regret …..( tell) you that you have not been selected for the job.
b Helen regretted ….. ( tell) her best friend that she is a liar.
2. a They had been driving for quit a while before they stopped ….. (have) some coffee.
b I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately so I’ve stopped ….. ( have) coffee in the afternoon.
3. a. I hate ….. ( bother) you, but may I use your phone?
b. I hate …..( cause) you so much trouble.
4. a. Tim will never forget ….. ( meet) Jenny for the first time.
b. Gary forgot ….. (buy) milk and there isn’t any in the fridge.
Advanced Level
- Phrasal verbs.
1. Jane has difficulty in getting her ideas …..( communicating).
2. The dog went ….. the kitten. (chased)
3. This song brings ….. happy memories from my childhood. ( cause to recall)
4. The fire fighters managed to put ….. the fire. (stop)
5. John called ….. last Saturday to have lunch with us. ( visited)
- Read the text and mark the statements ( 1 to 5) as T ( True), F (False) or NS ( Not stated).
White roofs for a bright future!
The effect of global warming are becoming more and more noticeable with the passing of the years. The number of floods, storms and heatwaves has increased as a result of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that do not allow the sun’s heat to escape the Earth’s atmosphere. However, a simple and quite possibly effective idea has been suggested as a way to help lessen the consequences of climate change.
Professor Steven Chu, the US Energy Secretary and a Nobel Prize winner, suggests that painting our rooftops while we help the Earth’s temperature to drop. The idea is that if enough surfaces – rooftops, pavements, roads – are painted white, more sunlight will reflect off these surfaces and go back into space. This will help cool our planet down.
According to scientists, if rooftops and roads were painted white it would reduce the amount of CO2 by billions of tons. This would be the same as taking every car in the world off the streets for 11 years. Not only this, but homes with white rooftops and cars that are painted white wouldn’t absorb so much heat from the sun. This means that they would be cooler and people wouldn’t have to turn on their air conditioners as much. Consequently, we would save more energy and reduce he amount of CO2 released in the atmosphere.
Although the idea of white rooftops has been generally welcomed by the scientific and environmental communities, there appear to be a few problems. One of these is the fact that colour white would be too bright if it was painted on too many large surfaces. Another concern is that keeping the white surfaces in good condition for a long period of time would be too expensive.
Pessimists feel that though painting rooftops and pavements in light colours is good in theory, it is just a very small step to take towards reducing the Earth’s temperature. What we must remember though, is that there is no one solution to global warming. It’s the combination of different methods that will help our planet get back on its feet.
- There has been an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in recent years…….
- Professor Chu suggests painting every large surface on Earth white……..
- Buildings with white roofs don’t need air conditioning……..
- Professor Chu’s suggestion has been accepted by many experts……
- Some people feel that painting surfaces white will not be enough to solve the problem of global warming……
Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса
Вариант 2
I. Choose the correct item.
- This picture ….. at the beginning of the century.
A. was painted B. had painted C. painted
2. Look at Martha’s expression. She …. screaming any minute now.
A. is starting B. is going to start C. will start
3. We ….. half the rubbish on the beach by the time Jeff arrived.
A. have cleaned up B. had cleaned up C. had been cleaning up
4. Gary didn’t mean …. you. He was just in a bad mood.
A. hurt B. hurting C. to hurt
5. A good way to ….. a problem is to think about it calmly and carefully.
A. win B. beat C. gain
6. Mr. Adams speaks ….. than anyone I know.
A. slower B. more slowly C. the most slowly
7. My mum says she’ll never forget ….. my dad for the first time.
A. to meet B. she met C. meeting
- Put the verb into correct passive form.
1. The tickets ….. ( sell) in the booking office every day.
2. Computer ….. ( use) in every family.
3. All the questions must ….. ( answer) at once.
4. The bicycle ….. ( invent) over 150 years ago.
5. We ….. ( meet) at the station by our friends.
- Rewrite the sentences in Reported Speech.
1. “It’s so cold today,” Ann said.
2. “I’ll be here next Monday,” Charlie said.
3. “They are getting married next Sunday,” Sue said.
4. “John has quit his job,” Diana said.
5. “I can’t wait to meet you, “ Bob said.
- Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the –ing form.
1 .a . He didn’t mean …..( be) rude. He was joking.
b. Dieting means ….. ( be) very careful about which foods you eat.
2. a. I’m sure I had my wallet with me because I remember …..( put) it in my bag before I left home.
b. Did you remember …..( buy) some milk?
3. a. She went on ….. ( type) reports until 5 pm.
b. After she had completed her Italian course she went on ….. ( improve) her Spanish.
4. a. Why don’t you try ….. ( plant) a few flowers to make your garden look nice.
b. I tried …..( open) the window but I couldn’t.
Advanced Level
- Phrasal verbs.
1.The sooner we start writing the report the sooner we get it…… (finish)
2. The price of petrol has gone ….. again. ( increase)
3. The new government has brought ….. many changes in education. ( cause to happen)
4. It’s cold. Put ….. a sweater. ( dress oneself)
5. The doctor called ….. my grandmother to check if she was OK. (visit formally)
- Read the text and mark the statements ( 1 to 5) as T ( True), F (False) or NS ( Not stated).
White roofs for a bright future!
The effect of global warming are becoming more and more noticeable with the passing of the years. The number of floods, storms and heatwaves has increased as a result of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases that do not allow the sun’s heat to escape the Earth’s atmosphere. However, a simple and quite possibly effective idea has been suggested as a way to help lessen the consequences of climate change.
Professor Steven Chu, the US Energy Secretary and a Nobel Prize winner, suggests that painting our rooftops while we help the Earth’s temperature to drop. The idea is that if enough surfaces – rooftops, pavements, roads – are painted white, more sunlight will reflect off these surfaces and go back into space. This will help cool our planet down.
According to scientists, if rooftops and roads were painted white it would reduce the amount of CO2 by billions of tons. This would be the same as taking every car in the world off the streets for 11 years. Not only this, but homes with white rooftops and cars that are painted white wouldn’t absorb so much heat from the sun. This means that they would be cooler and people wouldn’t have to turn on their air conditioners as much. Consequently, we would save more energy and reduce he amount of CO2 released in the atmosphere.
Although the idea of white rooftops has been generally welcomed by the scientific and environmental communities, there appear to be a few problems. One of these is the fact that colour white would be too bright if it was painted on too many large surfaces. Another concern is that keeping the white surfaces in good condition for a long period of time would be too expensive.
Pessimists feel that though painting rooftops and pavements in light colours is good in theory, it is just a very small step to take towards reducing the Earth’s temperature. What we must remember though, is that there is no one solution to global warming. It’s the combination of different methods that will help our planet get back on its feet.
1. There has been an increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in recent years…….
- Professor Chu suggests painting every large surface on Earth white……..
- Buildings with white roofs don’t need air conditioning……..
- Professor Chu’s suggestion has been accepted by many experts……
- Some people feel that painting surfaces white will not be enough to solve the problem of global warming……
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