Тест по грамматике 2 курс 4 семестр
тест по английскому языку

Кашуба Валерия Юрьевна



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Тест 2 курс 4 семестр
Рубежный контроль (контрольная работа)

1. By this time tomorrow we_______ the meeting.

a) will have b) will have had c) are having d) will had had

2. I’m fed up with you. You ______ your keys!!!

a) always lose b) have always lost c) are always losing d) are never losing

3. We _____ in touch since we _______ school.

a) haven’t been, left b) weren’t, have left c) haven’t been, have left d) were, left

4. Hardly _______ when thunderstorm ________.

a) had we come in, had started b) we had come in, started
c) came in, started d) had we come in, started

5. The news ______ at the moment.

a) are being broadcast b) is broadcast c) broadcasting d) is being broadcast

6. The police ________.

a) has just called b) have just been called c) have been just called d) has just been called

7. If you’d come to the theatre last night, you _______ the play.

a) would enjoy b) had enjoyed c) would have enjoyed d) will enjoy

8. If you _______ so absent-minded, you ______ the date.

a) wasn’t, wouldn’t have missed b) hadn’t been, wouldn’t have missed

c) weren’t, hadn’t missed d) weren’t, wouldn’t have missed

9. If I ______ English, I _______ a better job.

a) knew, would get b) know, get c) had known, would get d) will know, will get

10. I wish I _______ a car, I’m tired of catching the bus.

a) have b) was having c) had d) had had

11. They ______ last night, but I’m not sure.

a) may come b) might come c) should come d) may have come

12. She worked hard yesterday and ______ type all the letters.

a) was able to b) can c) could d) would be

13. I know he didn’t thank you, but he _______ have done so.

a) must b) may c) would d) should

14. They laughed a lot last night. The film ______ very funny.

a) should have been b) must have been c) was to be d) should be

15. We _______ better hurry up or we’ll be late.

a) would b) should c) had d) ought

16. I wouldn’t mind_______ tonight.

a) to go out b) go out c) going out d) to going out

17. She _______ working under pressure.

a) used to b) is used to c) is used d) used

18. Don’t forget ______ those letters.

a) to post b) posting c) to posting d) post

19. Where have you put my keys? I clearly remember ______ them on the table last night.

a) to leave b) left c) did leave d) leaving

20. _______ thinking that he would win the lottery.

a) There was no use b) It was no point c) It was no use d) It was usefulness

21. a) Ask her when will be ready the food.

b) Ask her when will be the food ready.

c) Ask her when the food will be ready.

d) Ask her when will the food ready be.

22. His life was so ________ that he decided to commit suicide.

a) depressed b) depressing c) depressful d) deep-pressing

23. I couldn’t mend the PC myself, so I ______ at the service centre.

a) had it mended b) had it mend c) did it mend d) had mended

24. Let’s go to the theatre, ______?

a) don’t we b) let us c) shall we d) will we

25. I’ve never been to Egypt. — ________.

a) So did I b) Nor have I c) So haven’t I d) Neither haven’t I.

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Каждое из заданий оценивается в  1 балл






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