Задания по контролю чтения для 7 классов
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (7 класс)
Данные задания предназначены для контроля чтения учащихся 7-го класса.
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Предварительный просмотр:
- The annual themes Reading Comprehension 7th form
- Why do we encourage bilingualism?
- A multilingual community
- What is a bilingual child?
- International Mother Language Day
- Learning foreign language is important for future
- Being bilingual means being able to speak two languages well and also knowing something about both cultures. It’s about being able to understand when someone is speaking another language and being able to switch into speaking it with them. A bilingual child at two and a half can understand that ‘Daddy speaks French and Mummy speaks English.
B. In this case it is logical that with an English mother and French father children should be able to speak both languages to communicate, not only with parents but also with other family members. Learning two or more languages helps children to accept cultures other than their own. If speaking their mother language or languages at home and at school is encouraged, they are more likely to enjoy their difference and see difference in general as a positive thing.
C. The first Mother Language Day was celebrated internationally on 21 February 2000. This date originated in Bangladesh where in 1952 a few students were killed in demonstrations protecting their mother language, Bangla. UNESCO has been celebrating International Mother Language Day for nearly 20 years now with the aim of encouraging cultural difference and worldwide tolerance.
D. Each year the celebration presents a different aspect of language from how children improve their grammar skills at school to how to save some of the 6,000 languages that exist worldwide. One year was about developing the teaching of mother languages, and in 2002 the celebration helped raise linguistic and cultural traditions around the world.
E. By speaking other languages as well as your own, or having two or more mother languages, you can help to create global community. Our support to this multilingual community is to get our children acquainted with varied cultures and languages and to try and learn a language of people around us.
A | В | C | D | E |
2. Read the text and mark true and false statements after it.
Why Do Men Wear Beards?
When you see a man with a beard, doesn’t he somehow look impressive and important? In the history of man, this has been the way people looked upon beards. It was a sign of manhood.
That’s why you will find that in ancient times, when an important person was shown, he was usually shown with a beard. The Greek god, Zeus, was shown with a beard; drawings representing God showed a beard; Abraham and King Arthur were always pictured with beards. In the western civilization, there is no general rule about beards. Sometimes they were considered stylish and right for men to have, sometimes no man would want to be seen with a beard. Long before the conquest of England by the Normans, the beard was considered unfashionable and not worn by men. Then the style changed and beards became popular again. The kings of England, who set the fashions that men followed, demonstrated different tastes for beards. For example, Henry II had no beard, Richard II had a small beard, Henry III had a long beard. By the middle of the thirteenth century, most men were wearing full and curled beards, and it was common in the fourteenth century. Then beards disappeared again during the fifteenth century, and slowly began to come back into fashion with the sixteenth century. It was Henry VIII who made the beards fashionable again. During the time of Queen Elizabeth I, lawyers, soldiers, courtiers, and merchants all had beards. But when Ann became queen of England, nobody who was anybody wore either a beard or moustache, or whiskers. In fact, when George III was imprisoned and his beard was allowed to grow, many of his followers felt this was the most horrible and insulting thing of all.
So you see that shaving the beard off for a man has not been a question of having a razor*. These have existed for thousands of years. To wear a beard or not has been simply a question of style.
Surfing is unusual and difficult, it’s more an art than a sport. It’s not one of the sports where you meet your friends or you may depend on their help. In surfing you are absolutely on your own with something very fast and complicated*. A great number of people don’t understand this sport. For them surfing is climbing a board and riding a wave into the beach. In fact, one fights with a wave and controls it. To achieve this control one needs some special techniques. You should be able to turn at a proper angle**, to slow down, etc. It is important to move around the board, to use your body weight to make the board work for you. All the time you should face the wave thinking over what you are going to do next. Speed*** is the most exciting thing in surfing. In the fastest part of the wave the board moves at nearly 45 kilometres an hour. Nowadays surfboards are light and made of modern materials. They are different from old long, narrow and heavy boards of the past when Captain Cook first saw them in Hawaii in 1778.
1. In surfing you ____ your friends.
a) meet b) don’t meet c) sometimes meet
2. _______ understands surfing.
a) everyone b) every child c) not everyone
3. You need special techniques to _____the wave.
a) control b) stop c) turn
4. A surfboard rider uses his ____ to ride waves.
a) hands b) shoulders c) body weight
5. In surfing speed is ______.
a) exciting b) dangerous c) unpleasant
6. The original surfboards were used by _____.
a) Captain Cook b) individuals c) Hawaiians
7. Surfing is a sport for _____.
a) individuals b) companies c) friends
Предварительный просмотр:
Reading Comprehension
Read the text and choose the right statements among those given after the text.
What Is Language?
A language is not “a lot of words and grammar”. A language is the means by which one person expresses his thoughts and feelings to another person so that he understands them.
A language can be made up of signs, or sounds, facial expressions, or just gestures or bodily actions. Or it can be all these things taken together. When you have something to say, you not only speak, you make gestures and change the expressions of your face.
As civilizations grew older, people began to live in large groups, life became different, people learned more and more new things, languages also became less primitive. But surprisingly enough, we do not really know how languages began. Some think they began from the natural cries that people made to express surprise, happiness or pain. Others think languages began by imitation of the sounds of animals. And it is possible that each of these methods had a part in the beginning of language.
We know that practically all the languages spoken on earth today come from several ancient languages. The ancient language with all the languages coming from it is called a “family” of languages. English is also a member of the Indo-European family of languages. Other members of this family are such languages as French, Italian, German, Norwegian, Russian and Greek.
- a) A language includes only words and grammar rules
b) A language includes more than words and grammar rules.
- a) We need languages for communication.
b) We need languages only for self-expression.
- a) Primitive civilizations have rather primitive languages
b) Primitive civilizations do not have any languages.
- a) People know that languages began from the natural cries of primitive people
b) People have several theories about the beginning of languages.
- a) Languages are united into families by their origin
b) Languages are united into families by the territories on which they are spoken.
- a) The Indo-European family includes only languages spoken in western Europe
b) The Indo-European family includes languages spoken in western, eastern and southern Europe and in Asia.
(10 points)
Your summer holidays are over and you are at school again. Write an e-mail to your English-speaking friend Dick and tell him about your class and school. Do not write down the address.
Do not forget to write about:
- if you have got a lot of friends in your class
- what you like doing together
- if you’ve got new subjects
- whether you like to go to school and why
You should write about 100-120 words.
(10 points)
Your summer holidays are over and you are at school again. Write an e-mail to your English-speaking friend Dick and tell him about your class and school. Do not write down the address.
Do not forget to write about:
- if you have got a lot of friends in your class
- what you like doing together
- if you’ve got new subjects
- whether you like to go to school and why
You should write about 100-120 words.
(10 points)
Your summer holidays are over and you are at school again. Write an e-mail to your English-speaking friend Dick and tell him about your class and school. Do not write down the address.
Do not forget to write about:
- if you have got a lot of friends in your class
- what you like doing together
- if you’ve got new subjects
- whether you like to go to school and why
You should write about 100-120 words.
(10 points)
Your summer holidays are over and you are at school again. Write an e-mail to your English-speaking friend Dick and tell him about your class and school. Do not write down the address.
Do not forget to write about:
- if you have got a lot of friends in your class
- what you like doing together
- if you’ve got new subjects
- whether you like to go to school and why
You should write about 100-120 words.
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