Материал для школьного театра. Сценки по произведениям английских писателей
материал по английскому языку
Вовлечь учащихся в самостоятельную творческую деятельность и повысить интерес к изучению английского языка возможно с помощью театральных постановок, сценок.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The elephant's child
(after Rudyard Kipling from «Just so stories» )
Сценка «Слоненок» участники 5 «А» класса
The Cast: the Storyteller, Elephant's child, Mother-Elephant, The Ostrich, The Giraffe, The Hippopotamus, The Baboon, Kolokolo Bird, The Python, The Crocodile
Scene 1
Storyteller: In the High and Far-Off Times the Elephant had no trunk. He had only a blackish nose as big as a boot. There lived one Elephant — an Elephant's child. He lived in Africa and was very curious. He liked to ask questions. But grown-up animals didn't like to answer them.
Elephant's child: Mum, why do trees grow?
Why does wind blow?
Why do birds fly?
Why do we cry?
Mother-Elephant: You ask so many questions! But I don't know the answers.
Elephant's child: And who knows?
Mother-Elephant: Go to your aunt, the Ostrich, maybe, she knows.
Elephant's child: Auntie, why do trees grow?
Why does wind blow?
Why do birds fly?
Why do we cry?
The Ostrich: You are very curious! I can't answer these questions.
Elephant's child: And who can?
The Ostrich: Go to your uncle, the Giraffe, maybe, he can.
Elephant's child: Uncle, Why do trees grow?
Why does wind blow?
Why do birds fly?
Why do we cry?
The Giraffe: Birds fly because they have wings. But I can't answer the rest of the questions.
Elephant's child: Thank you. But I want to know the answers. Who can help me?
The Giraffe: Go to your aunt, the Hippopotamus, maybe, she can help you.
Elephant's child: Auntie, Why do we drink?
Why do we think?
Why do animals sleep And horses leap?
The Hippopotamus: Again you ask me a lot of questions. Don't bother me. Go to your uncle, the Baboon, and ask him your questions.
Elephant's child: Uncle, Why do we drink?
Why do we think?
Why do animals sleep And horses leap?
The Baboon: You are being too curious. Stop badgering. I have no time to answer your questions.
Scene 2
Mother-elephant: We are having dinner. Would you like a banana?
Elephant»s child: No, I'd like to know why your skin is so thick and your ears so big?
Mother-elephant: Hush!
The ostrich: Would you like an orange?
Elephant»s child: No, I'd like to know why your tail- feathers grow just so?
The Ostrich: Hush!
The Giraffe: Would you like an apple?
Elephant's child: No, I'd like to know what made your skin spotty?
The Giraffe: Hush!
The Hippopotamus: Would you like grapes?
Elephant's child: No, I'd like to know why your eyes are red and you are fat?
The Hippopotamus: Hush!
The Baboon: Would you like a melon?
Elephant's child: No, I'd like to know why melons taste so sweet, and rivers are so deep?
The Baboon: Hush?
What would you like for dinner?
Elephant's child: I'd like to know what the crocodile has for dinner?
Scene 3
I keep six honest serving men.
They taught me all I knew.
Their names are: What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
Bcmpeчaem Kolokolo Bird.
Elephant's child: My mother, uncles and aunts never answer my questions. They only say *Hush!» And still I want to know what the Crocodile has for dinner!
Kolokolo Bird: Go to the banks of the great gray- green Limpopo River and find out.
Elephant's child: Thank you for your answer!
Elephant's child: I keep six honest serving men.
They taught me all I knew.
Their names are: What and Why and When
And How and Where and Who.
Mother-Elephant: You have never seen a Crocodile.
The Giraffe: You don't know what one is like.
The Hippopotamus: It's very dangerous.
The Giraffe: It's very far away.
Elephant's child: I know that the Crocodile lives in the great gray-green Limpopo River. Good-bye.
Scene 4
Storyteller: That very next morning Elephant's child went away to the great gray-green Limpopo River to find
out what the Crocodile has for dinner. A few days passed. At last he came to the bank of the river.
Elephant's child : Excuse me, are you a crocodile?
Python: No, I am not.
Elephant's child: Have you seen a Crocodile?
Python: Have I seen a Crocodile? What will you ask me next?
Elephant's child: Excuse me, but could you kindly tell me what he has for dinner?
Python: You are being too curious.
Elephant's child: That's odd because my mother, my aunts and uncles have all said the same thing to me. Good-bye.
Elephant's child: Excuse me. Are you a crocodile?
Crocodile: Come here, little one. Why do you ask such things?
Elephant's child: Because I want to know what he has for dinner.
Crocodile: I am the crocodile and I think today I will begin with Elephant's child. (Xeamaem слоненкa зa hoc.)
Elephant's child: Let go! You are hurting me!
Python: My young friend, if you do not now, immediately and instantly, pull as hard as you can, the Crocodile will eat you.
Elephant's child: Help me. This is too much for me.
Python: Curious elephant's child, now you know what crocodiles have for dinner.
Crocodile: There are two of you.
Python: Let go of the Elephant's Child's nose.
Elephant's child: Aaaaaa.
Elephant's child: Thank you. Oh, my pulled nose. It is ugly now. What shall I do?
Python: You have a very long nose now, and you can do a lot of different things with it. For example, pick up things with it. Have a try.
Elephant's child:
Noses grow, grow, grow, A nose can breathe.
Neither you or I may knowA nose can smell.
Why they grow, grow, grow. A nose does those things very well.
Storyteller: That is the end of the story how the elephant got the trunk.
Сценка «A Magic Journey»
Characters: Queen Elizabeth
Ann Shakespeare
Peter Newton
Wizard Francis Drake
Аня и Петя идут из школы домой.
Peter: We are lucky today. There isn’t much homework to do. Perhaps, I’ll play football.
Ann: It would’ve been all right if it were not for the quiz at tomorrow’s English lesson.
Peter: Oh! Famous British people of the past!!! I wish there were a wizard like Harry Potter from the books of English writer Joanne Rowling and…
Wizard: … and here I am. I am a wizard.
Аня и Петя в испуге отскакивают, пожимают плечами, не верят тому, что видят.
Wizard: Do you want to find yourself in Old Britain? No problem.
Peter: Ha! Ha! What do you need?
Аня подходит к волшебнику, рассматривает его.
Ann: Peter, he is a wizard himself.
Peter: Rubbish! You are a wizard! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Wizard: Bet I am. I can take you back to Old Britain…
Peter: … and we can meet famous British people… I agree.
Ann: Let’s go!
Wizard: Let’s go! Forward to the past!
Звучит музыка. Волшебник и дети поворачиваются лицом к залу. На сцену выходит Фрэнсис Дрейк в шляпе с пером, со шпагой на боку и картой мира в руке, вешает ее на стену, водит по ней указкой, что-то записывает в блокнот. Дети поворачиваются лицом к сцене, видят Дрейка они удивленно замирают, переглядываются.
Francis Drake: What strange children you are! I sailed all over the world and never saw such children. Where are you from?
Ann: We are from Russia, from the Future.
Peter: And who are you?
Francis Drake: All the British know me. I’m Sir Francis Drake, Admiral of the Royal Fleet, a privateer of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the First. I was the second to circumnavigate the Globe. It’s me who routed the Invincible Armada of Spanish Fleet. It’s me who sacked ships and brought untold wealth to my Queen.
Let’s go to her Palace. The Queen will be glad to see children from the Future.
Ann: Fantastic!
Королева Елизавета Тюдор – на троне. Входят Фрэнсис Дрейк, Аня, Петя и волшебник. Они кланяются Ее Величеству.
Francis Drake: Your Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, these strange children say they are from Russia, from the Future. I think you will find them amusing and it will be interesting to talk with them.
Queen Elizabeth: Do you speak English?
Ann, Peter: Of course, we do.
Queen Elizabeth: So, my Empire where the Sun never sets has been enlarged with Russia, this wild cold country…
Ann: No, Russia will never be the part of the British Empire…
Peter: … and there won’t be the British Empire itself…
Ann: There will be a country called Great Britain on the British Isles. ( подходит к карте мира, показывает на карте, где находится Великобритания.)
Your Majesty the Queen, will you please, look at the map! Here is its land- the Island of Great Britain and Northern part of Ireland.
Queen Elizabeth: You are telling lies, vicious children! Guards, grab them and throw them into prison!
Ann: Help us, Wizard!
Peter: Rescue us!
Wizard: Kings and Queens are not the ones to be told bad news to. We’d rather visit a person of Art.
Звучит музыка, на сцене появляется Шекспир, он садится за стол с гусиным пером в руке, что-то пишет и плачет.
Peter: This is Shakespeare, a great British playwright.
Ann: Why are you crying?
Shakespeare: I’m writing a play about two young sweethearts. I’m crying because they have to die.
Ann: But you can let them live…
Shakespeare: No, I can’t. I must kill them for people to be horrified by their cruelty and become better. But where are you from, strange children?
Peter: We are from Russia, from the Future.
Ann: Everyone knows your name. Your plays are staged in all the theatres of the world. Your plays are loved by people.
Shakespeare: But has there become less evil in the world? Has the world become friendlier?
Peter: I think, unfortunately, it hasn’t.
Wizard: But we should hurry. Come on, Ann and Peter. Good-bye, Sir.
Аня и Петя машут рукой Шекспиру на прощанье. Звучит музыка.
На сцену выходит Ньютон, он что-то записывает, смотрит в телескоп. На столе бумаги, приборы, яблоко.
Newton: Strange children, where are you from?
Peter: We are from Russia, from the Future.
Ann: And you must be a scientist.
Newton: Yes, I’m Sir Isaac Newton, the President of Royal Scientific Society. All the scientists know my works on Optics, Mechanics, and Mathematics.
Ann: Is it true that you discovered the Law of Gravity after an apple dropped on your head?
Newton: Nonsense! Only intellectual curiosity, hard mental work and diligence may lead a scientist to success.
Wizard: Good-bye, Sir Newton. We have to fasten.
Newton: Good-bye, strange children.
Дети машут рукой на прощанье. На сцене волшебник и дети.
Wizard: I’m living you. You should learn a lot of things that will bring good to your country. You can do it. You have a wonderful magic school and real your wizards are your teachers. Here they are.
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