Тесты для 5-ых классов
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)
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Предварительный просмотр:
муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение
города Ростова-на-Дону « Школа № 81»
Обсуждено на заседании МО учителей ____________________________________ Протокол № от .11. 2018г Председатель МО _____________ | «Утверждаю» Директор МБОУ «Школа № 81» ________________Н.В. Берекчиева Приказ № 359 от 07.12.2018г. |
Председатель НМС
Протокол № от 11.2018 г.
Аттестационные материалы
для проведения рубежного контроля
по _английскому языку__
обучающихся _5_ классов МБОУ «Школа № 81»
| Подготовили: МО учителей ___иностранного__ _____языка____ Учитель __Мрыхина И.С.__ _______Авакимян О.С.__________ |
2018-2019 учебный год
Промежуточная Аттестация по английскому языку в 5-х классах проводится в форме теста на основе пройденного программного материала за 1 полугодие 2015-2016 учебного года.
Тест состоит из трех разделов:
А – лексика и грамматика (vocabulary and grammar);
В – повседневный английский (every day English);
С – чтение (reading).
Тест составлен в четырех вариантах.
Задания первого раздела (1-30) проверяют лексические и грамматические умения обучающихся по материалу 1-5 модулей:
- «Школа, школьные принадлежности» - артикли;
- «Страны, национальности, личная информация» - указательные местоимения, оборот “have got/has got” (иметь);
- «Мой дом» - оборот “there is/there are”, предлоги места
- «Моя семья, внешность, характер человека» - личные, притяжательные местоимения и местоимения в объектном падеже, модальный глагол can, притяжательный падеж.
- «Животные» - Present Simple Tense (простое настоящее время)
Данные задания оцениваются в 30 баллов.
Задания второго раздела (31-35) проверяют речевые умения обучающихся по изученным ситуациям, вышеназванных модулей (1-5). Оцениваются в 15 баллов.
Задания третьего раздела (36-40) проверяют навыки поискового и просмотрового чтения, оцениваются в 15 баллов.
Максимальное количество баллов – 60.
Работа оценивается по пятибалльной системе:
60-54 балла – «5»
53-43 балла – «4»
42-32 балла – «3»
31 балл и ниже – «2».
MID TEST Variant 1
Choose the correct item
e.g. Mary’s favourite ……..is English
A group B grade C subject
A do B does C doing
A pens B pen C eraser
A is B isn’t C are
A funny B noisy C naughty
A Fine, thanks B Nice to meet you C See you later
A Canadian B American C Japan
A Us B Our C My
A has got B have got C is got
A How’s B What’s C Where’s
A over B in C on
A Do B Are C Have
A noisy B clever C naughty
A can B don’t C can’t
A he B we C they
A on B in C to |
A a B an C two
A When B Who C Where
A His B She C Her
A my B me C them
A Their B There C They’re
A is B aren’t C are
A camera B CD C watch
A He’s B Her’s C She’s
A they’re B there C their
A cooker B wardrobe C washbasin
A washbasin B bath C sink
A on B under C in
A tall B long C plump
A Those B This C That
A is B are C be |
Variant 1
B Choose the correct response.
e.g. Nice to meet you, Greg.
A Nice to meet you too.
B I’m fine thanks.
A They have got round ears and a black nose. B They eat leaves
A Those are pencils B Some pencils
A It’s Suzy’s. B her name is Suzy. |
A I want to buy a souvenir. B That’s a good idea.
A It’s on Mondays. B. It’s in room A |
C Read an email and mark the sentences T (true) F (false) or DS (doesn’t say)
Hi Jane,
I want to tell you about myself. My name’s Sally, I’m eleven years old and I’m English. I’m in year 7 at secondary school and my favourite subject is Science. My best friend is Jennifer. I can tell her all my secrets and she always makes me laugh!
I live with my mum, my dad, my little brother and my grandma in a flat on the fourth floor. My dad is a pilot and he can speak French. He’s very clever! Our flat isn’t very big and the road in front of it is very noisy, but my bedroom is fantastic! I’ve got a great hat collection with hats from different countries. I’m very proud of it.
Well, that’s about it. Please write me soon and tell me all about yourself.
e.g Sally is from Australia F
MID TEST Variant 2
Choose the correct item
e.g. Mary’s favourite………is English
A group B grade C subject
A tall B long C plump
A my B me C them
A pens B pen C eraser
A is B isn’t C are
A Fine, thanks B Nice to meet you C See you later
A Canadian B American C Japan
A Us B Our C My
A How’s B What’s C Where’s
A over B in C on
A Do B Are C Have
A noisy B clever C naughty
A He’s B Her’s C She’s
A can B don’t C can’t
A he B we C they
A is B are C be |
A on B in C to
A Those B This C That
A a B an C two
A When B Who C Where
A His B She C Her
A Their B There C They’re
A is B aren’t C are
A camera B CD C watch
A has got B have got C is got
A they’re B there C their
A do B does C doing
A cooker B wardrobe C washbasin
A washbasin B bath C sink
A on B under C in
A funny B noisy C naughty |
Variant 2
B Choose the correct response.
e.g. Nice to meet you, Greg.
A Nice to meet you too.
B I’m fine thanks.
A It’s on Mondays. B. It’s in room A
A On the second floor B Five
A It’s Ann’s. B Her name is Ann. |
A I want to buy a souvenir. B That’s a good idea.
A They have got long ears and a black nose. B They eat leaves |
C Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) F (false) or DS (doesn’t say)
Hi Jane,
I’m Anne. I’m British and I’m going to describe my living room to you.
My living room is very big and bright. It’s my favourite room in the house. Its walls are blue and the floor is pink. There is a big blue carpet on the floor in the center of the room. Near the window there is a sofa and the coffee table. There is also a small round table where I sometimes put the book I’m reading. I enjoy reading and I have got a lot of books. They are in the bookcase. It is next to the sofa.
The living room is very warm in winter because it has got a fireplace. There are some paintings above it. Next to the fireplace there is a round table with a lamp on it. My living room is warm and cosy.
e.g Anne likes reading F
MID TEST Variant 3
Choose the correct item
e.g. Mary’s favourite………is English
A group B grade C subject
A Their B There C They’re
A is B isn’t C are
A funny B noisy C naughty
A fine, thanks B nice to meet you C See you later
A Canadian B American C Japan
A has got B have got C is got
A they’re B there C their
A How’s B What’s C Where’s
A over B in C on
A Do B Are C Have
A Those B This C That
A When B Who C Where
A can B don’t C can’t
A he B we C they
A is B are C be |
A on B in C to
A a B an C two
A pens B pen C eraser
A His B She C Her
A noisy B clever C naughty
A my B me C them
A is B aren’t C are
A camera B CD C watch
A He’s B Her’s C She’s
A Us B Our C My
A cooker B wardrobe C washbasin
A washbasin B bath C sink
A on B under C in
A tall B long C plump
A do B does C doing |
Variant 3
B Choose the correct response.
e.g. Nice to meet you, Greg.
A Nice to meet you too.
B I’m fine thanks.
A I want to buy a souvenir. B that’s a good idea.
A Those are pencils B Some pencils
A It’s on Mondays. B. It’s in room A . |
A They have got round ears and a black nose. B They eat leaves
A It’s Mary’s. B her name is Mary |
C Read an email and mark the sentences T (true) F (false) or DS (doesn’t say)
Hi Jane,
I want to tell you about myself. My name’s Sally, I’m eleven years old and I’m English. I’m in year 7 at secondary school and my favourite subject is Science. My best friend is Jennifer. I can tell her all my secrets and she always makes me laugh!
I live with my mum, my dad, my little brother and my grandma in a flat on the fourth floor. My dad is a pilot and he can speak French. He’s very clever! Our flat isn’t very big and the road in front of it is very noisy, but my bedroom is fantastic! I’ve got a great hat collection with hats from different countries. I’m very proud of it.
Well, that’s about it. Please write me soon and tell me all about yourself.
e.g Sally is from Australia F
MID TEST Variant 4
Choose the correct item
e.g. Mary’s favourite……..is English
A group B grade C subject
A is B are C be
A my B me C them
A cooker B wardrobe C washbasin
A is B isn’t C are
A Fine, thanks B Nice to meet you C See you later
A Canadian B American C Japan
A Us B Our C My
A How’s B What’s C Where’s
A over B in C on
A Do B Are C Have
A noisy B clever C naughty
A pens B pen C eraser
A can B don’t C can’t
A he B we C they
A tall B long C plump |
A on B in C to
A Those B This C That
A a B an C two
A When B Who C Where
A His B She C Her
A has got B have got C is got
A Their B There C They’re
A is B aren’t C are
A camera B CD C watch
A He’s B Her’s C She’s
A they’re B there C their
A do B does C doing
A washbasin B bath C sink
A on B under C in
A funny B noisy C naughty |
Variant 4
B Choose the correct response.
e.g. Nice to meet you, Greg.
A Nice to meet you too.
B I’m fine thanks.
A On the second floor B Five
A It’s Ann’s. B Her name is Ann. |
A It’s on Mondays. B. It’s in room A
A They have got long ears and a black nose. B They eat leaves
A I want to buy a souvenir. B That’s a good idea. |
C Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) F (false) or DS (doesn’t say)
Hi Jane,
I’m Anne. I’m British and I’m going to describe my living room to you.
My living room is very big and bright. It’s my favourite room in the house. Its walls are blue and the floor is pink. There is a big blue carpet on the floor in the center of the room. Near the window there is a sofa and the coffee table. There is also a small round table where I sometimes put the book I’m reading. I enjoy reading and I have got a lot of books. They are in the bookcase. It is next to the sofa.
The living room is very warm in winter because it has got a fireplace. There are some paintings above it. Next to the fireplace there is a round table with a lamp on it. My living room is warm and cosy.
e.g Anne likes reading F
Эталон ответов
VARIANT | 1 | ||||||
A | |||||||
1 | B | 11 | C | 21 | A | ||
2 | A | 12 | B | 22 | C | ||
3 | C | 13 | C | 23 | C | ||
4 | A | 14 | A | 24 | C | ||
5 | A | 15 | A | 25 | A | ||
6 | C | 16 | B | 26 | C | ||
7 | B | 17 | C | 27 | B | ||
8 | A | 18 | C | 28 | C | ||
9 | B | 19 | B | 29 | A | ||
10 | B | 20 | C | 30 | C | ||
B | |||||||
31 | A | ||||||
32 | B | ||||||
33 | A | ||||||
34 | A | ||||||
35 | B | ||||||
C | |||||||
36 | F | ||||||
37 | DS | ||||||
38 | DS | ||||||
39 | F | ||||||
40 | F |
VARIANT | 2 | ||||||
A | |||||||
1 | C | 11 | B | 21 | C | ||
2 | B | 12 | A | 22 | C | ||
3 | A | 13 | C | 23 | A | ||
4 | C | 14 | A | 24 | A | ||
5 | A | 15 | C | 25 | C | ||
6 | C | 16 | A | 26 | B | ||
7 | B | 17 | A | 27 | A | ||
8 | B | 18 | B | 28 | C | ||
9 | B | 19 | C | 29 | B | ||
10 | C | 20 | C | 30 | A | ||
B | |||||||
31 | B | ||||||
32 | B | ||||||
33 | A | ||||||
34 | A | ||||||
35 | A | ||||||
C | |||||||
36 | DS | ||||||
37 | F | ||||||
38 | F | ||||||
39 | T | ||||||
40 | F |
VARIANT | 3 | ||||||
A | |||||||
1 | C | 11 | A | 21 | B | ||
2 | C | 12 | C | 22 | C | ||
3 | A | 13 | C | 23 | A | ||
4 | A | 14 | A | 24 | A | ||
5 | C | 15 | C | 25 | B | ||
6 | A | 16 | A | 26 | B | ||
7 | C | 17 | B | 27 | C | ||
8 | B | 18 | A | 28 | B | ||
9 | B | 19 | C | 29 | C | ||
10 | C | 20 | B | 30 | B | ||
A | |||||||
B | C | ||||||
31 | A | ||||||
32 | B | ||||||
33 | B | ||||||
34 | A | ||||||
35 | A | ||||||
C | |||||||
36 | F | ||||||
37 | DS | ||||||
38 | F | ||||||
39 | DS | ||||||
40 | T |
VARIANT | 4 | ||||||
A | |||||||
1 | C | 11 | B | 21 | A | ||
2 | B | 12 | A | 22 | C | ||
3 | A | 13 | C | 23 | C | ||
4 | C | 14 | A | 24 | A | ||
5 | A | 15 | C | 25 | A | ||
6 | C | 16 | A | 26 | C | ||
7 | B | 17 | A | 27 | B | ||
8 | B | 18 | B | 28 | C | ||
9 | B | 19 | C | 29 | B | ||
10 | C | 20 | C | 30 | A | ||
B | |||||||
B | A | ||||||
31 | B | ||||||
32 | A | ||||||
33 | B | ||||||
34 | A | ||||||
35 | A | ||||||
C | |||||||
36 | F | ||||||
37 | F | ||||||
38 | F | ||||||
39 | DS | ||||||
40 | T |
VARIANT | Student______________ | ||||||
A | |||||||
1 | 11 | 21 | |||||
2 | 12 | 22 | |||||
3 | 13 | 23 | |||||
4 | 14 | 24 | |||||
5 | 15 | 25 | |||||
6 | 16 | 26 | |||||
7 | 17 | 27 | |||||
8 | 18 | 28 | |||||
9 | 19 | 29 | |||||
10 | 20 | 30 | |||||
B | |||||||
B | A | ||||||
31 | |||||||
32 | |||||||
33 | |||||||
34 | |||||||
35 | |||||||
C | |||||||
36 | |||||||
37 | |||||||
38 | |||||||
39 | |||||||
40 |
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Вариант 1
1. I can see a boy … the picture. 2. The boy is sitting … the table. 3. The bookcase is … the right. 4. The boy is holding a pen … his hand. 5 There is a laptop, a phone and a book … the table. 6. The dog is sleeping … the grass (на траве)… our garden. | 7. There are two funny posters … the wall … my bedroom. 8. My room is … the third floor. 9. Mike studies the University 10. Look those black clouds … the sky. |
2. Put the words in the correct order and translate the sentences
- a market – is – the river – there – near
- TV – there – a good film – on – is
- in the sky – there – clouds – aren’t
- in my pencil case – is – an eraser – there ?
- students – are – in the class room – five – there
3. Write the ordinal numbers.
1. 15th________ 2. 8th ________ 3. 40th_______ 4. 1st_______ | 5. 30th_______ 6. 12th________ 7. 3rd_________ 8. 2nd_________ |
- Match the verbs to the rooms/places.
- Take off coats a) living room
- Keep a car b) kitchen
- Have dinner c) bathroom
- Watch TV d) bedroom
- Cook e) hall
- Wash f)dining room
- Water flowers g) garage
- Sleep h) garden
- Read the sentences and write what they describe.
(a_ _ _ _ _ _ _)
(P_ _ _ _ _ _ __
(c_ _ _ _ _)
(l_ _ _) |
(s_ _ _)
(b_ _ _ _ _ _ _)
(m_ _ _ _ _)
(f_ _ _ _ _) |
Предварительный просмотр:
Вариант 2
1. I think I know this girl … the picture. 2. My father works ….. a factory (заводе) 3. The desk is the left. 4. The bird is the tree. 5. Look the blackboard. | 6. The cat is sleeping armchair the living room. 7. My flat is the first floor. 8. The garden is the house. 9. The vase is the table. 10. I saw the red bus the street yesterday. |
2. 2. Put the words in the correct order and translate the sentences
- a bank – is – the school – there – behind
- cinema – there – a good film – in – is
- any – in the sky – there – clouds – aren’t
- on my desk– is – a pencil case – there ?
- students – are – in the University – many – there
3. Write the ordinal numbers.
1. 5Th________ 2. 18Th _______ 3. 12Th_______ 4. 3rd _______ | 5. 30th_______ 6. 14th________ 7. 3rd_________ 8. 2nd_________ |
- Match the verbs to the rooms/places.
- Take off coats a) garden
- Keep a car b) kitchen
- Have dinner c) bathroom
- Watch TV d) living room
- Cook e) hall
- Wash f)dining room
- Water flowers g) garage
- Sleep h)bedroom
- Read the sentences and write what they describe.
- I like to sit in it and read in the evening.
(a_ _ _ _ _ _ _)
- We never wash the dishes in it because we use the dishwasher .
(s_ _ _)
- When it’s hot I take some drink out of it.
(f_ _ _ _ _)
- I usually switch it on when I do my homework in the evening.
(l_ _ _)
- There are three of them on the wall of the living room/
(P_ _ _ _ _ _ __
- It is on the floor of the dining room. It makes it cosy.
(c_ _ _ _ _)
- We have got a lot of books, so we need it big to keep them all.
(b_ _ _ _ _ _ _)
- It is on the wall, but it isn’t a picture. We usually look in it when we dress.
(m_ _ _ _ _)
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 5 Variant 1
1. Вставьте do/does
1. … you sleep well? Yes, I… . 4. … your friends like oranges? 5. … a chef cook a delicious dishes? | 6. … Kitty read English books? Yes, she … . 9. … sheep eat grass? Yes, they… 10…. a wolf live in a forest? Yes, it … |
2.Add the endings –s or –es to the following verbs.
1. fly 2. read 3. play 4. watch 5. go | 6. brush 7. cross 8. dance 9. have 10. box |
3. Выбери правильный ответ.
A keeps B doesn’t keep C keep
A eat B don’t eat C eats
A don’t live B doesn’t live C lives |
A doesn’t sleep B sleeps C sleep
A drinks B don’t drink C doesn’t drink |
4. Поставь слова в правильном порядке.
1. she/coffee/sometimes/drinks.
2. usually/every/does/his/he/homework/day/
3. plays/on/basketball/he/Mondays.
4. fast/leopards/very/run
5. trees/live/koalas/in
5. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. A man hunt/hunts wild animals. 2. Bears sleep/sleeps all winter. 3. Monkeys climb/climbs trees. 4. A tortoise eat/eats leaves. 5. A bird sing/sings very well. | 6. Children love/loves play with toys. 7. Fish swim/swims in the river. 8. My parrot like/likes carrot very much. 9. My little sister take/takes my things. 10. My best friends go/goes to the swimming pool twice a week. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 2 Test 5
1. Match the words from the two columns.
7. Birds | a) trunk b) mane c) beak d) tail e) neck f) fur g) feathers |
2. Choose the correct item.
1. Sarah … eating apples. а. hates b. hate c. hating 2. I usually …work on Saturdays. a. doesn’t b. don’t c. haven’t 3. What …. they like to do in the evening? a. do b. did c. does 4. Emily …. got a cat. a. has b. have c. is | 5. … Tom and Bob play tennis every week? a. doesn’t b. do c. does 6. I … to the beach every day. a. go b. goes c. doesn’t go 7. A chef …. a delicious dishes. a. is cooking b. cooks c. cook 8. He always … milk in the morning. a. drinks b doesn’t drink c. drink |
3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную форму
1. I (to do) morning exercises. | 6. She (to go) to bed at 11 p. m. 8. My working day (to begin) at six o'clock. 10. It (to be) difficult to remember everything |
4. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. Mary/tea/usually/drinks/in the morning.
2. usually/every/watches/ /Peter/TV/evening/
3. plays/twice/football/Sam/a week.
5. in the morning/run/Mary/not/usually/does
Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 3 Test 5
1. Match the words from the two columns.
7. Birds | a) mane b) trunk c) feathers d) tail e) neck f) fur g) beak |
2. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.
- Alice (to have) a sister.
- She (not/to get) up at seven o'clock.
- She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
- She (not/to do) her morning exercises every day.
- After breakfast she (to go) to the institute?
- Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
- Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock?
- She (to speak) English well?
3. Put words in the correct order.
- Michael / has / in the evening / dinner / at 7 o’clock / usually.
- watches / after work / Tim / television / sometimes.
- games / always / in the evening/Julia / computer / plays.
- Do / often / listen/ to / music / you?
- Mary/does/the/on/dusting/do/Sundays?
- evening/mum/my/usually/dinner/cooks/every
4. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. People hunt/hunts wild animals. 2. Bears sleep/sleeps all winter. 3. Sheep eat/eats leaves. 4. A hare eat/eats carrot. 5. A hen lay/lays eggs. 6. Men love/loves fishing. | 7. Fish swim/swims in the river. 8. My parrot like/likes apples very much. 9. My elder brother help/helps me with my homework. 10. My best friend go/goes to the swimming pool twice a week. |
Предварительный просмотр:
- Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B
- What time is it?
- Без четверти 6
- Половина седьмого
- 14.40
- 11. 15
- 6.30
- Четверть второго
- Put the words in the correct order.
- Busy/the afternoon/am/I/in
- Works/never/the garden/she/in.
- Mum/phone calls/is/making
- She/letters/does/often/write?
- He/playing/is/football?
- Put in the correct prepositions: in, on, at
- Dinner is usually_____ 7 o’clock
- We have long holidays _____ summer.
- We usually go there _____ weekends ______ spring
- When have we got the Biology - ______ Friday mornings
- Where are you usually _____ the evening? and____ night?
- Where was he ____the weekend
- He was born _____1999
- Is there a party_____ your brother’s birthday?
- There is a school party ______ 31st January.
- There are usually a lot of parties _____ New Year’s eve.
- Write the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
- Mat and Fred ______(do) a crossword.
- Why _____ (you/cry)?
- She _______ (not go) shopping today. She _______(visit) a friend
- David ______(practice) kickboxing.
- Tina’s computer _____(not work) she can’t send emails.
- Mr. White _____(repair) his car.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Match the words in Column A to the words in Column B
- What time is it?
- Четверть третьего
- 17. 45
- 11. 10
- Половина пятого
- 5.30
- 7.25
- Put the words in the correct order.
- working/the afternoon/am/I/in
- Works/never/the garden/she/in.
- Mum/the/is/doing/shopping
- She/TV/does/often/watch?
- He/playing/is/football?
- Put in the correct prepositions: in, on, at
- We are______ the 21st century
- The game is_________ 9.45
- Where is he ______the moment?
- Your teacher isn’t here _______ present
- Do you get any presents______ Christmas Day?
- He phoned me_____ Tuesday
- He gets up_____ 7 o’clock_____ weekdays.
- She was in hospital_____ that time
- He wasn’t there ______ the end of the concert
- The school party is______ June 8th ________ 8 o’clock_______ the evening
- Write the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
- Sandy and Mary_______(make) a cake.
- Why______(you/laugh)?
- She______ (not/listen) to music today. She (watch) a TV.
- Mike______(play) basketball
- Tina’s computer (not work), she can’t send emails.
- Mr Green __________(have) lunch
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 7 Variant 1
- Choose the correct form of the verb.
- Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
e.g. Let’s go for a walk. The sun is shining (shine)
1. John is in his room. He …………… (listen) to music. 2. Daniel………. (go) surfing every Sunday. 3. I………(wait) for Nina right now. 4 Nathan………(play) the piano when he wants to relax. 5. …………..(it/not rain) at the moment. 6. …………(you/ speak) English? | 7. Luke and Jane………..( not ride)their bikes to school every day. 8. Once a week we ………..(have) dinner at a restaurant. 9. What’s the matter? Why…………… (you/cry)? 10. I always………… (have) a glass of milk before I go to bed. |
- Choose the correct answer.
A plays B play C are playing
A don’t B isn’t C doesn’t
A Is B Does C Do |
A packs B is packing C pack
A Do B Does C Are
A aren’t B don’t C doesn’t |
- Correct the mistakes
- Choose the correct response
e. g. What’s the weather like today? B
1. How do I look in this? 2. How can I help you? 3.How much is it? 4.What size are you? 5. How does this looks on me? | A. It’s £ 45 B It’s freezing C You look lovely! D Medium E I’m looking for a shirt F I’m not sure it suits you |
5. that/is/car/whose
Упражнение 17. Составьте из следующих слов вопросы. Помните о порядке слов в предложении.
1. Does/what/up/get/she/time?
2. Do/breakfast/does/what/she/before?
3. For/does/have/breakfast/she/what?
4. To/how/she/work/does/go?
5. She/does/what/evening/do/the/in?
6. Bed/time/does/to/what/she/go?
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 7 Variant 2
- Choose the correct form of the verb.
- Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
e.g. Let’s go for a walk. The sun is shining (shine)
1. Mike is in his room. He …………… (watch) TV. 2. Andrew………. (go) surfing every Saturday. 3. I………(wait) for Nina right now. 4 Peter………(play) the piano when he wants to relax. 5. …………(you/ speak) French? | 6. Ann and Jane………..( not go)on foot to school every day. 7. Once a week we ………..(have) dinner at a restaurant. 8. What’s the matter? Why…………… (you/cry)? 9. I always………… (have) a glass of milk before I go to bed. 10…………..(it/not rain) at the moment. |
- Choose the correct answer.
A don’t B isn’t C doesn’t
A Do B Does C Are
A Is B Does C Do |
A aren’t B don’t C doesn’t
A packs B is packing C pack
A plays B play C are playing |
- Correct the mistakes
- Choose the correct response
e. g. What’s the weather like today? B
1. How do I look in this? 2. How can I help you? 3.How much is it? 4.What size are you? 5. How does this looks on me? | A. It’s £ 45 B It’s freezing C You look lovely! D Medium E I’m looking for a shirt F I’m not sure it suits you |
Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 1
Выбери нужный глагол
- May/ Can/ Mustn’t I return the book to you on Friday?
- Must/Can /May you translate this text into English? — I think I may/can’t/ can.
- You must/can’t /don’t have to take medicine three times a day before meals.
- Stop watching TV. You may/have to/can do your homework.
- You may/must/ can’t finish the article as soon as possible. (так быстро как можно)
- You can/must/ can’t play on the road. It’s not allowed.
- You must/can/ don’t have to water the flowers. I watered them yesterday
- What must/can/may we see on this map?
- May/ can/ must you speak Spanish?
- You may/can/ have to do your homework.
2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Simple и укажите причину
- I'm tired. I……..(go ) to sleep.
- I think, Peter ………(be) a doctor
- The phone is ringing. I…..(answer) it.
- …… you (open) the door for me please?
- I am sure, I…..(pass) the exam.
- The door is open. …. You close it?
- I don’t think Ann ……. (help) you with the test.
- ………..you (help) me carry this box?
3. Образуйте от данных слов все известные вам формы и переведите
Scare, tire, relax, danger, mystery, bore, excite, comfort, enjoy.
Предварительный просмотр:
Variant 2
Выбери нужный глагол
- Can/May/Must I take your book? –Yes, you may/can/must.
- You can/may/must not smoke here. It’s the rule (закон)
- Your shoes are dirty. You may/can’t/have to clean them.
- You must/may/can’t eat in the class. It’s not allowed
- You can/may/don’t have to feed the cat. I fed it. (покормил)
- May/Can/have to you speak German?
- What may/must/can you see on this picture?
- You must/can’t /don’t have to take medicine three times a day before meals.
- You can/must/ can’t play on the road. It’s not allowed.
- You must/can’t/may be quit in the library. (вести себя тихо)
2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Future Simple и укажите причину
- I'm tired. I……..(go ) to sleep.
- I think, Peter ………(be) a doctor
- The phone is ringing. I…..(answer) it.
- …… you (open) the door for me please?
- I am sure, I…..(pass) the exam.
- The door is open. …. You close it?
- I don’t think Ann ……. (help) you with the test.
- ………..you (help) me carry this box?
3. Образуйте от данных слов все известные вам формы и переведите
Scare, tire, relax, danger, mystery, bore, excite, comfort, enjoy.
Предварительный просмотр:
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