викторина «Путешествие по англоговорящим странам»
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)
викторина «Путешествие по англоговорящим странам», 7 класс
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Раунд 1
1. What is the official language in Great Britain? (10 euros) a) English ; b) French; c) Russian; d) Chinese 2. Big Ben is: (20 euros) a) a clock; b) a horse; c) an animal in the zoo; d) seven streets; 3. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of: (50 euros) a) four streets: b) six streets; c) five streets; d) seven streets
Раунд 2
1. Great Britain is divided into: (10 euros) a) three parts; b) five parts; c) four parts; d) two parts; 2. What is a Piccadilly Circus? (20 euros) a) a circus; b) a square; c) a street; d) a house; 3. What is the tower of London now? (50 euros) a) a prison; b) a museum; c) a house; d) a fortress. 4. The name of the Palace where the Queen lives is: (100 euros) a) The Tower of London; b) the White House; c) the Windsor palace; d) the Buckingham Palace;
Раунд 3
1. The capital of Great Britain: (10 euros) a) Paris; b) Moscow; c) London; d) Cardiff. 2. What can you see in Trafalgar square? (20 euros) a) Nelson statue; b) King memorial; c) Queen memorial; d) Michail Gorbachev memorial 3. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. They are: (50 euros) a) the pigeons; b) the cats; c) the squirrels; d) the ravens; 4. When can you see the flag over the Queen's Palace? a) When she's out; b) when she is abroad; c) When she has a party; d) When she is at home.
Раунд 4
Раунд 5
1. The name of the river in London is: (10 euros) a) The Volga; b) the Thames; c) the Nile; d) the Medvediza 2. Where can you say everything you want? (20 euros) a) Regent's park; b) Hyde park; c) St. James park: d) Central park. 3. Westminster Abbey is: (50 euros) a) the chapel; b) the monastery; c) the inn; d) the famous Royal church. 4. London is more than: (100 euros) a) one thousand years old; b) two thousand years old; c) three thousand years old; d) four thousand years old;
Раунд 6
1. Who is the head of England? (10 euros) a) the Queen; b) the Tsar; c) the Princess; d) the Prince. 2. Where can you see pelicans and ducks? (20 euros) a) Hyde park; b) St. James park; c) Central park; d) Regent's park 3. Where are the tombs of many British Kings and Queens and other famous people? a) In the Tower of London; b) on the Cemetery; c) on the river bank; d) In Westminster Abbey. 4. In what country do men wear skirts? (100 euros) a) France; b) England; c) Scotland; d) Norway.
Раунд 7
1. You can get from Russia to England by: (10 euros) a) bicycle; b) airplane; c) car; d) foot. 2. The British Parliament is in: (20 euros) a) the Buckingham Palace; b) the House of Parliament; c) Baker Street; d) Westminster Abbey. 3. Covent Garden is now: (50 euros) a) a cinema; b) a fruit and apple garden; c) theatre; d) a tourist shopping centre . 4. The Princess Diana was the wife of: (100 euros) a) Prince John; b) Prince Robert; c) Prince Edward; d) Prince Charles.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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