King Pen
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Мартынов Андрей Валерьевич

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Предварительный просмотр:

Once upon a time there lived a King.

His name was Pen.

He ruled his big country quietly and calmly.

He lived in a very beautiful castle.

All his family lived there with him too.

His wife, named Ruler,

their eight daughters, Umbrella, Cup, Sugar, Spoon, Naughty, Berry, Light and Cinderella,

and their twelve sons, Strong, Big, Wise, Clever, Eraser, Case, Box, Bag, Weak, Busy, Stubborn and Noisy.

They lived happily together in their castle.

There were a lot of big and spacious rooms, like

kitchen, dining room, bedrooms with bathrooms for each of them, halls and many others.

The castle had tall and wide stone walls.

Around the castle there were pools and gardens with big trees and beautiful flowers.

His Majesty the king Pen was very smart but at the same time he was very arrogant.

Her Majesty the queen Ruler was very kind

and she loved her children very much.

King Pen liked to hold various competitions.

So, one day he summoned all his ministers and

told them that he wants to hold a competition

and he wants to invite as many foreign guests,

as possible. He wanted to show all of his neighbors

that he was greater.

The competitions were scheduled

                                                                         for next Thursday.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты





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