Сценарий сказки TheTtwelfth Months
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс)

Глыбова Анастасия Юрьевна

Сценарий отрывка из сказки "Двенадцать месяцев"


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Twelve Months

                               (A Fairy tale)








12 month

                                                 Scene I

Granddaughter:  Granny, tell me a fairy tale, please.

Grandmother:     Well, I’ll tell you a fairy tale but after that you will sleep.

Granddaughter:  Yes, yes.

Grandmother:     Ok, listen to me. It was in a small kingdom…

Scene II

Queen:                I hate studying.

Teacher:             But you must study because queen must know much. Get ready to  

                           write a dictation.

Queen:               Well, dictate.

Teacher:                     Roses are red

                                   Violets are blue…

Queen:                I like flowers. I like snowdrops best of all. I want you to bring me


Teacher:             I can’t do it. Nobody can do it. It is December now. Snowdrops will

                           appear only in April.

Queen:                I’ll give a basket full of gold if somebody brings me a basket with                                                                                              

                 snowdrops. I want flowers. I shan’t write a dictation.

Scene III

Stepmother:       Oh! I have good news. Our queen will give a basket full of gold

                           everybody who can bring her a basket with snowdrops. Take a

                           basket, go to the forest and get snowdrops.

Stepdaughter:    But there are no snowdrops in winter. I’ll be cold there.

Stepmother:       Go to the forest and don’t come back without flowers.

Scene IV

Stepdaughter:     How frosty it is. I’ve got cold. How can I get snowdrops if it is

                            December. Oh! What is it? I see a fire in the forest. I can get warm a


12 month:            song

Stepdaughter:    Good-evening.

January:             Good-evening.

Stepdaughter:     May I get warm near your fire?

February:            Come close, dear girl.

March:                What do you do in the forest in such frosty weather?

Stepdaughter:     My stepmother sent me to get snowdrops. Our queen will give

                           a basket of gold if somebody get snowdrops.

January:              But it is not time for snowdrops. You should wait for April.

Stepdaughter:     I know.

April:                  I like this girl and I want to help her. Dear brothers, will you give me

                           your turn?

12 month:          All right.

January:             January brings the snow

                           Makes our feet and fingers glow.

February:           February snows again

                          And sometimes it brings us rain.

March:               March brings days and winds

                          So we know that spring begins.

April:                April brings the primrose sweet

                          Scatters daisies at our feet.

Stepdaughter:    How nice it is: snowdrops everywhere!

April:                If you need a help call us.

Stepdaughter:    Thank you for everything. I never forget you.

Scene V

Stepmother:      How can you get them?

Stepdaughter:   Take your basket. Now you can get a lot of gold.

Stepmother:     I should go to the queen quickly.

                                                           Scene VI  

Queen:             I want snowdrops. Bring me them!

Teacher:           Calm down!

Queen:             I want snowdrops.

Teacher:           Look! Somebody get a basket full of snowdrops.

Queen:             Snowdrops!!! But you told me that it is impossible. Where did you get

                         them? I want you to show us this place.

Stepmother:     I’m sorry I don’t know but my stepdaughter knows. Stepdaughter, come


Queen:             Show us the place with snowdrops!

Stepdaughter:   I can’t show but I can bring them again.

Queen:             All right. Go!

                         And we’ll follow her.          

                                              Scene VII

Granddaughter: What have happened then?

Grandmother:    The end of the story I’ll tell you tomorrow. And now you must sleep.


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