Лексико - грамматические тесты по английскому языку на занятиях внеурочной деятельности для 5 класса
рабочая программа по английскому языку (5 класс)

Васильева Нина Сергеевна

Приложение 1 к рабочей программе внеурочной деятельности по курсу "Английский без границ" для 5 класса


Предварительный просмотр:

Приложение 1 к программе внеурочной деятельности по английскому языку

Тест на употребление артиклей 5 класс

1 вариант

1. Поставь артикли a, an, the,где необходимо

… worker, … architecture,  …. islands, …. S. Marshak, … city, … bikes, …games, … Royal family, … police, …. fire.

2Поставь артикли a, an, the,где необходимо

1. I bought … new car yesterday.

2. He showed me …. beautiful roses.

3. …London is on … Thames.

4.  I saw … nice pair of ….shoes in the supermarket.

5. Her friend is …. engineer.

3. Поставь артикли a, an, the,где необходимо

1. You shouldn't talk to ___ strangers.

2. It's really hot here. We live close to ___ equator

2 вариант

1. Поставь артикли a, an, the,где необходимо

… films, … museum, … Moscow, … doctor, … farms, … Charles, … Princess Diana, … airplane, … supermarkets, … adventures

2. Поставь артикли a, an, the,где необходимо

1. They are going to build … new house. …. house is too small for them.

2. … Mexico is south of … USA.

3. We studied … history last year.

4. Where is … Bauman street?

5. Her brother is … businessman.

3. Поставь артикли a, an, the,где необходимо

1. He speaks ___ Spanish.

2.  I like dogs very much. In fact, I'm ___ dog trainer.

Тест «Количественные местоимения» 5 класс

Fill in “ much” or “many”.

1 How __________                 trees?                        9 How _______________         eggs?

2 How _____________         children?                    10 How __________                 people?

3 How ______________         shops?                       11 How ____________         Coke?

4 How ______________         pencils?                     12 How ____________         tomatoes?

5 How ______________         beef?                          13 How ______________         biscuits?

6 How ___________                poems?                      14 How ______________         lamb?

7 How ____________         olive oil?                        15 How ________________ flour?

8 How ______________         mustard?

Fill in the blanks with “much”, “many” or “a lot of”.


1 There are ______________        birds in the sky.

2 I haven’t got _____________        homework today.

3 John hasn’t got ___________         money.

4 There aren’t _______________        cars in the street.

5 There is _________________        coffee in the cup.

6 Are there _________________        apples on the tree?

7 Jane spends ____________                money at the shops.

8 Have you got ___________        bread in the cupboard?

9 Are there ___________                 children on the beach?

10 We are early. We have _______________ time.

3 Fill in “a little” or “a few”.

1 put ___________________ flour                  6 add __________________ baking soda

2 add ___________________ sugar                7 chop __________________ potatoes

3 slice ___________________ apples             8 boil __________________ spaghetti

4 cut _____________________ oranges          9 bake __________________ bread

5 pour _________________honey                  10 add  _________________ butter

4 Choose the correct item.

1 Have you got ______________ friends?

A many        B much        C a lot of

2 There are _________________ people in the room.

A much        B a little        C a lot of

3 Can I have _____________ sugar, please?

A a few        B a little        C a lot of

4 How _____________ oranges are on the table?

A many        B a few        C much

5 How _______________ money has Fred got?

6 There are _______________ monkeys at the zoo.

A much        B a few         C a little

7 There are ____________ chairs in the room.

A a little        B much        C a few

8 There is ____________ tuna in the tin.

A much        B a few         C a little

9 Please, buy __________ cucumbers!

A a little        B many        C a few

10 We don’t need ________ eggs.

A much        B a little         C a lot of

«Вопросительные слова» - упражнения для 5 класса.

Упражнение 1. Вставьте вопросительные слова: what, where or when.

_____ does Molly get up? – At 10 o'clock.

_____ does Molly have lunch? – At school.

_____ does Molly read in the morning? – A book.

_____ do Molly’s parents get home? – At 6 o'clock.

_____ does Molly’s family have dinner? – At home.

_____ does Molly do after dinner? – She brushes her teeth.

Упражнение 2. Ask questions with who, what, how, where, when or why

_______ is your name?

_______ do you spell your name?

_______ are you from?

_______ do you live?

_______ old are you?

_______ is your birthday?

_______ tall are you?

_______ kind of films do you like?

_______ is your favorite singer?

_______ is your favorite TV programme?

Упражнение 3. Choose and write. How old, When, How often, How tall, How many

_____ is your mum's birthday? – It's on the 21st of May.

_____ should you eat fruit and vegetables? – Every day

_____ is your dad? – He's 1m 95cm tall.

_____ is your dad? – He's 30 years old.

_____ apples do you eat every day? – Two.

Упражнение 4.  Fill in the question words

_____ did your mum make? A cake.

_____ did you decorate the Christmas tree? With ornaments.

_____ do you play jokes?- On April 1st

_____ presents did you get? Five.

_____ do you celebrate New Year? At home.

_____ do you like parties?-Because they're fun.

_____ were you on your last birthday? Nine

Видовременные формы глагола 5 класс.

Present, Past, Future Simple, Present Continuous

1. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow.
a. cooks b. cook c. cooked d. will cook e. is cooking

2. She (to help) mother yesterday?
a. did … help b. did … helped c. does … help d. is … helping

3. What … your brother (to do) tomorrow?
a. does … do b. do … do c. will … do d. is … doing e. did … do

4. Kate (to cook) dinner every day.
a. cooks b. cook c. cooked d. will cook e. is cooking

5. Kate (to cook) dinner now.
a. is cooking b. cooks c. cooked d. will cook

6. What … your brother (to do) every day?
a. does … do b. do … do c. will … do d. is … doing e. did … do

7. I (not to eat) ice-cream yesterday.
a. do not eat b. didn’t eat c. won’t eat d. am not eating

8. Соотношение предложений с обстоятельствами времени
a. We go to the Institute - every day
b. She promised to come and to see me - next Sunday
c. What are you doing now
d. The children will go to the Zoo - yesterday

9. Kate (to cook) dinner yesterday.
a. cooked b. cooks c. will cook d. is cooking

10. He (not to spend) last summer in the country.
a. didn’t spend b. didn’t spent c. doesn’t spend d. will not spend e. is spending

11. What … your brother (to do) now?
a. does … do b. do … do c. will … do d. is … doing e. did … do

12. You (to go) to south next summer?
a. do … go b. did … go c. are … going d. will … go e. did … do

13. She (not to help) mother yesterday.
a. didn’t help b. didn’t helped c. doesn’t help d. won’t help

14. She (to help) mother yesterday.
a. helped b. help c. helps d. is helping e. will help

15. I (not to eat) ice-cream now.
a. do not eat b. didn’t eat c. won’t eat d. am not eating

16. You (to go) abroad last summer?
a. do … go b. did … go c. are … going d. will … go e. did … do

17. He (to spend) last summer in the country.
a. spent b. spends c. will spend d. is spending

18. What … your brother (to do) yesterday?
a. does … do b. do … do c. will … do d. is … doing e. did … do

19. I (not to eat) ice-cream tomorrow.
a. do not eat b. didn’t eat c. won’t eat d. am not eating

20. He (to spend) last summer in the country?
a. did … spend b. did … spent c. does … spend d. will … spend e. is … spending

21. You (to go) to school now?
a. do … go b. did … go c. are … going d. will … go

22. I (not to eat) ice-cream every day.
a. do not eat b. didn’t eat c. won’t eat d. am not eating

23. You (to go) to school every day?
a. do … go b. did … go c. are … going d. will … go

Степени сравнения прилагательных 5 класс

I. Choose the correct variant.

1. Кошка ( умнее) собаки.

a) clever b) cleverer c) the clevest.

2. Джек (сильнее) Пола.

a) strong b) stronger c) the strongest.

3. Петр (самый высокий) в классе.

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest.

4. Ольга (самая быстрая) в классе.

a) fast b) faster c) the fastest.

5. Погода зимой (холоднее) чем летом.

a) colder b) cold c) the coldest.

II. Give the comparison of adjectives.

a) bad b) dirty c) big d) difficult.

III. Look and make pairs.

Small the worst

Bad the funniest

Funny the smallest

Clever more beautiful

Beautiful the cleverest

IV. Choose the correct variant.

1. My book is interesting. But your book is……

a) interesting b) more interesting c) the most interesting

2. You are tall. I am ……than you.

a) tall b) taller c) the tallest

3. My friend is a smart girl. She is the…. . in our class.

a) the smartest b) smart c) smarter

4. You are a lazy boy. Peter is …. . than you.

a) lazy b) the laziest c) lazier

5. I am …. than my friend.

a) slower b) slow c) the slowest.

V. Find the mistakes and correct them.

Fat- the fatest; happy – happyer; comfortable – comfortabler.

Употребление глаголов TO BE, TO HAVE – 5 класс.

 1. Поставить глагол to be в правильную форму:

1. My cousins – in Minsk now.

2. Next year our teacher of History – in Moscow.

3. What – your surname? My surname – Smirnov.

4. Yesterday the director of our office – ill. He – absent.

5. The flats in this new house – large and light. Next month I - going to buy them.

2.  Поставить глагол to have в правильную форму:

1. Yesterday they wanted to go to the theatre, but they – no tickets.

2. I cant open the door. I – no key.

3. Ivan is a businessman. He – a large firm.

4. Next month he – a new TV set.

5. This famous university – a lot of wonderful faculties.

3.  Перевести предложение с русского языка на английский.

1. Где ваш дом? Наш дом находится на улице Гончарова.

2. Кто отсутствует сегодня? Три студента отсутствуют, они болеют.

3. У этой девушки светлые волосы, голубые глаза.

4. У старосты есть ключ от этого кабинета.

5. Этот университет самый старый.

6. В августе они были в Сочи.

7. Скорость этого автомобиля очень высока.

8. В следующем году он станет юристом.

9. Где мои вещи? Они в сумке.

10. У него огромная семья и много родственников.

Употребление простого прошедшего времени – 5 класс.

Use the past simple to write sentences.

1. we / get up / late / yesterday


2 Carol / stay / at home / on Saturday


3 you / see / Jane / yesterday?


4 they / not come / to my party / because / they / be ill


5 what / you / do / last weekend?


6 I / buy / a present / for my sister


Write the words in the correct order.

1 collected stamps / was a child / when / Evan / he


2 to do / told / me / My mum / my homework


3 didn’t / for the tickets / pay / We


4 did / yesterday / you / Where / go


5 to play / taught / Who / chess / you


6 games / this weekend / Did / play / you


7 to join / chose / the maths club / She


8 dinner / went / ate / to bed / We / and


Выражение будущего времени – 5 класс.

I. Используйте will или   be going to.  Иногда возможен больше,  чем один  правильный ответ.

  1. Look out! We _____________ crash!
  2. "There's the doorbell."      "I ______________ go."
  3. We promise  that  if  you vote for us we ______________ double your income in twelve months.
  4. "It's very cloudy,  isn't it?"   "Yes, I think  it ________________ rain."
  5. The next train to arrive at platform six _______________  be the delayed 7.32 service for Bristol.
  6. I wonder what she __________________ do next.
  7. "Can somebody answer the phone?" "I _____________________."
  8. A  Poor Sue went to hospital yesterday.

II. Закончите следующие предложения, используя  will или  be going to и любые другие необходимые слова. Иногда возможны оба варианта.

1. A  I've got to phone a Paris number. Do you know the code?

      B  No, _________________ in the directory for you. 

2. A  What are you doing over the Easter holidays?

      B  Absolutely nothing. We _________________ rest.

3. A  Did you hear the weather forecast?

      B  Yes.  _____________ cold at first, then _____________ a little warmer this afternoon,  and this evening _________________ some light showers.

4. A  Why did you buy a house in such terrible condition?

      B  It  was  cheap.  We  _______________ modernize it from top to bottom, and we _____________ into a restaurant. What do you think?

5. A  If you are elected, what ________  your party ______ about unemployment?

      B  We have carefully considered this issue. When we are elected, as we most certainly ________  be, we __________  create half a million new jobs.

6. A  What are you doing here? Annie's expecting you for lunch.

      B  I completely forgot! I__________ a ring, and tell her I ____________ be late. Thanks for reminding me.

7. A  How  will the proposed tax increase on petrol affect your business?

      B  To be perfectly honest, we haven't thought about it yet. We ____________ cross that bridge when we get to it.

III. Поставьте глаголы в скобках  в правильную форму будущего времени.

Пример:   Hurry up! The plane arrives  (arrive) at 7.30.

  1. There's no point in running now. We ________ (miss) the bus anyway.
  2. Yes, I'll come out this evening. I _______________(not/work).
  3. You can relax.  The match ______________ (not/start) until four o'clock.
  4. I __________  (go)  to  the market this afternoon.  Do you want anything?
  5. Are you OK, Donna? You look like you ________________(faint).
  6. You realise that  the  boss  _______________  (not/like)  this, don't you?
  7. I ________________ (cook) dinner this evening - as  usual.
  8. She _______________ (look) for a new flat next year.
  9. Don't worry.  The shops _________ (not close) until eight o'clock tonight.
  10. Модальные глаголы – 5 класс.
  11. I. Поставь предложения с модальными глаголами must и can в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:
  12. Jane can play tennis.
  13. I must learn English.
  14. Tom must help his parents.
  15. Mary can play the piano.
  16. II. Составь предложения из слов:
  17. the room/show/Misha/can/me.
  18. Alice/her homework/must/every day?
  19. Rob/his friend/call/can.
  20. must/Linda/now/come/home.
  21. III.Выбери правильный ответ:
  22. 1. Can I play football?
  23. A) No, I must; B) Yes, I can; C) Yes, I must
  24. 2. Must we go to school on Sundays?
  25. A) No, you neednʼt; B) Yes, you can; C) Yes, you must
  26. 3. Can I carry your baggage?
  27. A) Yes, you must; B) Yes, please; C) No, he isn’t
  28. 4. Can I go out?
  29. A) Yes, you can; B) No, you neednʼt; C) Yes, you must
  30. IV. Переведи на английский язык:
  31. Можно мне сесть? — Да, можно.
  32. Робу не надо вставать рано.
  33. Майк должен погулять с собакой.
  34. Кэт любит носить платья и туфли, а Лиз – джинсы, футболки и кроссовки.
  35. Его любимые (favourite) цвета — синий, зелёный, красный и коричневый.

Предлоги ON/IN/TO – 5 класс.

1) Jack is … the room;
2) Go … the room;
3) The book is … the table;
4) The table is ... the room;
5) The pen is … in the box;
6) The pencil is … the table, and the pen is … the box.
7) Come … me, please.
8) Go …  the blackboard!
9) Ted, put the book … the table.
10) Is the book … the table now?
11) Go … the table and take the book.
12) Look, the pen is … the book!
13) Is Tom … the room?
14) No, Tom is not … the room! He is … the hall.
15) Come … Tome and give him the test, please.
16) Go … the airport and meet Jack.
17) Jack is … the car. He is … that black car.
18) Tom is … this red car.

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