Контрольная работа по английскому языку 7 класс модуль 8
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)
Контрольная работа содержит материалы для проверки уровня усвоения модуля 8 по УМК "Spotlight"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form 7
Modular Test 8
Green Issues
Variant I
Task I. Fill in the correct word.
* pollution * fumes * trees * station * rubbish * recycle * rain * clean out
e.g. power station
1.______________ newspapers and cans
2. toxic __________________
3. air, water and soil__________________
4. collect ______________________
5. acid ______________________
6. plant _____________________
7. ______________________ a pond
Task II. Underline the correct item.
e.g. Factories emit/burn toxic fumes.
1. Water pollution can wipe out/drink up fish and plant species.
2. I can’t make up/out what it says here.
3. Acid rain gathers/poisons trees and plants.
4. Solar/Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.
5. Can I join/volunteer the Eco-helpers club?
Task III. Complete with the Present Perfect Continuous form form of the verb in brackets
- My parents _______ (donate) money to WWF for a long time.
- The eco helpers_______ (plant) the trees all the morning.
- She _______ (collect) the rubbish to recycle for a week.
- Engineers_______ (design) the green car for a long time.
- Tony _______ (talk) on the phone for two hours.
- I _______ (look) for my keys since 11a.m.
Task IV. What does/doesn’t Sarah have to do today?
1. Call Mum. DONE
2. Collect cans and newspapers today. DONE
3. Take cans and newspapers to the recycling centre.
4. Apply to volunteer at the Eco-club.
5. Help clean local pond. DONE
e.g. Sarah doesn’t have to call her mum.
Task V. Fill in the question tag.
1. Camels live in the desert, ___________________?
2. Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, ____________?
3. Sarah has called her mum, ______________?
4. Gorillas are amazing animals, ____________?
5. It can’t be true, ______________?
Form 7
Modular Test 8
Green Issues
Variant II
Task I. Fill in the correct word.
* pollution * fumes * trees * station * rubbish * recycle * rain * clean out
e.g. power station
1. toxic ______________
2. __________________ newspapers and cans
3. __________________________ a pond
4. collect ______________________
5. acid ______________________
6. plant _____________________
7. air, water and soil__________________
Task II. Underline the correct item.
e.g. Factories emit/burn toxic fumes.
1. Governments have been trying to reduce/ emit pollution in the air.
2. Toxic fumes play a huge role/cycle in the formation of acid rain
3. I can’t make up/out what it says here.
4. Solar/Oxygen power can be used to heat homes.
5. Can I join/volunteer the Eco-helpers club?
Task III. Complete with the Present Perfect Continuous form of the verb in brackets
- People _______ (pollute) theatmospherefor 100 years.
- Toxicfumes_______ (poison)ourplanet for a long time.
- Airpollution_______ (destroy)thesculpturefor 50 years.
- We _______ (wait) for the bus for 20 minutes.
- She _______ (play) computer games for 50 minutes.
- They _______ (live) in Moscow since January.
Task IV. What does/doesn’t Tom have to do today?
1. Call Rachel. DONE
2. Clean out a pond with Dad today.
3. Finish school project on the environment with Jackie.
4. Apply to volunteer at the zoo next week.
5. Collect newspapers today. DONE
e.g. Tom doesn’t have to call Rachel.
Task V. Fill in the question tag.
1. Recycling isn’t that hard, ____________?
2. John already went to the pond, ____________?
3. Sam hasn’t called his dad, ______________?
4. Some species of tiger are endangered, ____________?
5. It can’t be true, ______________?
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