Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс модуль 8
тест по английскому языку (5 класс)
Контрольная работа содержит материалы для проверки усвоения знаний по УМК "Spotlight" 5 класс модуль 8
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form 5
Modular Test 8
Special Days
Variant I
Task I. Match the verbs and the nouns.
1. cook a) fireworks
2. exchange b) houses
3. light c) costumes
4. decorate d) parades
5. set off e) food
6. have f) the festival
7. celebrate g) gifts
8. dress up in h) bonfires
Task II. Match the words from the two columns.
- a box of a) milk
- a carton of b) coffee
- a bowl of c) olive oil
- a glass of d) cereal
- a packet of e) rice
- a bottle of f) water
- a cup of g) pasta
Task III. Write a/an or some.
_____bread_____egg_____spoon_____milk _____salt _____water
_____ice cream _____tea _____coffee________ potatoes
Task IV. Fill in the gaps with some/any.
- Is there ______ juice on the table? – Yes, there is ______ juice on the table.
- Give me ______ butter please. – But there isn’t ______ butter in the fridge.
- Are there ______ shopping malls in the center of the city? – Yes, there are ______ shopping malls in the center of the city.
- Are there ______ flowers in the garden? – No, there aren’t ______ flowers there.
- Give me ______ bread please.
- Is there ______ jam for tea? – Yes, there is ______ jam for tea.
Task V. Write much or many.
- How ___________ children are there in your class?
- How ___________ milk do you want in your tea?
- How ___________ bread do you eat every day?
- How ___________ players are there in a football team?
- How ___________ eggs do you need for the salad?
- How ___________ cheese did you buy?
- How ___________ friends do you have?
Form 5
Modular Test 8
Special Days
Variant II
Task I. Match the verbs and the nouns.
1. cook a) food
2. exchange b) houses
3. light c) bonfires
4. decorate d) parades
5. set off e) costumes
6. have f) the festival
7. celebrate g) gifts
8. dress up in h) fireworks
Task II. Match the words from the two columns.
- a bowl of a) milk
- a carton of b) coffee
- a cup of c) olive oil
- a glass of d) cereal
- a packet of e) rice
- a box of f) water
- a bottle of g) pasta
Task III. Write a/an or some.
_____bread_____egg_____spoon_____milk _____salt _____water
_____ice cream _____tea _____coffee________ potatoes
Task IV. Fill in the gaps with some/any.
- Are there ______ flowers in the garden? – No, there aren’t ______ flowers there.
- Is there ______ jam for tea? – Yes, there is ______ jam for tea.
- Give me ______ butter please. – But there isn’t ______ butter in the fridge.
- Is there ______ juice on the table? – Yes, there is ______ juice on the table.
- Are there ______ shopping malls in the center of the city? – Yes, there are ______ shopping malls in the center of the city.
- Give me ______ bread please.
Task V. Write much or many.
- How ___________ eggs do you need for the salad?
- How ___________ milk do you want in your tea?
- How ___________ bread do you eat every day?
- How ___________ children are there in your class?
- How ___________ cheese did you buy?
- How ___________ players are there in a football team?
- How ___________ friends do you have?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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