занимательные факты по английскому языку (8, 9, 10, 11 класс)
Эта викторина нацелена заинтересовать учеников знаменательной эпохой Великобритании - эпохой правления королевы Виктории,узнать ранее неизвестные факты.
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Предварительный просмотр:
How much do you know about the Victorian times?
Do the quiz to find out.
Why did Victorians in London love to wear black?
- Most people felt miserable about living in the city.
- Black was in fashion.
- There was coal dust over London.
- People wore black clothes at work.
Correct answer:
Victorians in London loved to wear black. The real reason was the constant coal dust and smog that was in the air all over the capital. Any other colour would get a very ugly grey tinge to it when worn which left black as the best bet.
What did children write on when they learnt writing ?
- Slates
- Wooden boards
- Paper
- Papyrus
Correct answer:
Children often wrote on slates instead of paper. They scratched the letters onto the slate with a sharpened piece of slate (which they held like a pencil). The writing on the slate could easily be removed and slates could be used again and again. This saved the school money as paper was expensive.
How were Victorian pupils punished if they couldn’t keep up in lessons?
- They had corporal punishment.
- They had to do some extra exercises.
- They stayed at school after their lessons to help teachers with some schoolwork.
- They were made to wear an item of clothing .
Correct answer:
Victorian pupils who couldn’t keep up in lessons were often made to wear a ‘dunce’s hat’. It was a pointed hat usually made of newspaper with the word ‘dunce’ or letter D written on it. They would then stand in a corner for an hour or more. Sometimes they stood on a small stool, the dunce’s stool. The Victorian teachers thought that the pupil would be embarrassed into making more of an effort.
Correct answer:
‘Punishment baskets’ were used in some Victorian classrooms to suspend badly behaved children from the ceiling. The pupil was made to sit in a wicker basket and was then raised from the ground by ropes and pulleys.
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Викторина "Quiz on Great Britain"
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