контрольная работа модуль 2
тест по английскому языку (8 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
1 variant
- Put the verbs in brackets into the right form.
Dear Annie,
How are you? I 1) write to you from Jamaica. We 2) stay at a luxurious hotel with watersport facilities. So far the weather 3) be fine. We 4) get great suntants. Each of us 5) have a wonderful time. We 6) spend most of our time by the sea so far. Right now, the kids 7) make sandcastles while Tina 8) swim. Brian 9) take lots of photos since we arrived here. I can’t wait to show you them when we return. We 10) also shop at street markets. I 11) already buy plenty of souvenirs.
See you soon, Judy.
- Put the article where it is necessary.
- … Andes are the mountains in … South America.
- … London is the capital of … United Kingdom.
- In summer lots of people prefer to go to … south.
- … Caribbean are situated to … southeast of … USA.
- … lake Baikal is the largest lake in the world.
- They plan to visit several countries during their vacation in … Europe: … France, … Italy, … Netherlands, … Spain.
- … Teide is the volcano on the largest island of … Canary Islands — … Tenerife.
- … Saint-Petersburg is considered to be the cultural capital of … Russian Federation.
- The channel between England and France is called … English Channel.
- … Lena leads to … Arctic Ocean.
- Choose the necessary pronoun.
- We didn’t buy … things from the eco-bazaar.
- many b) little c) few
- Alexia speaks … French.
- a few b) a little c) much
- I don’t think Evan is making … effort to lose weight; he’s just eaten a whole pizza!
- many b) a little c) much
- They saw … nice things to buy at the charity shop.
- a few b) a lot c) a little
- Translate into English.
- Мы будем есть на обед жареную курицу и картофельное пюре.
- Она купила плитку белого шоколада, потому что его легко съесть.
- Моя сестра ушла в супермаркет за сыром и мясом, чтобы приготовить котлеты (chops).
Предварительный просмотр:
2 variant
- Put the verbs in brackets into the right form.
Dear Jimmy,
How are you? I’m sorry I 1) not be in touch lately, but I 2) study hard for my exams. Well, let me tell you my news.
To start with, I 3) have a really nice haircut and I look so different now! I 4) also sign up for a taekwondo class! We 5) not start yet, but we’ll start in a week. My friend Billy 6) take the same class for two weeks now. I think you 7) meet him before. He 8) not have many lessons yet, but he 9) already learn some basic moves. I’m so glad to start next week. I think it’ll be great! Well, that’s my news. Let me know what you 10) do with yourself lately. Is it true that you’re moving to Paris? 11) you find a house yet?
Write back soon, Bob.
- Put the article where it is necessary.
- … Iberian Peninsula is divided between 3 states: … Portugal, … Spain and … Andorra.
- … Adriatic Sea separates … Italy from … Balkan Peninsula.
- … Sahara desert and … Kalahari desert are the largest deserts in … Africa.
- Ann had to cross … Atlantic Ocean to get from … Europe to … Argentine.
- Many rare and unusual animals live in … Australia.
- The northern most point of … Russian Federation is … Cape Chelyuskin.
- … Mont Blanc is the mountain in … Europe between … France and … Italy.
- Nowadays some people prefer to spend winter in such hot countries as … Thailand.
- … Great Lakes consist of several lakes connected with each other: … Lake Superior, … Lake Michigan, … Lake Ontario, … Lake Huron and … Lake Erie.
- … Urals are very old mountains and are famous for their mineral resources.
- Choose the necessary pronoun.
- Is this scarf expensive? – No, not at all. It only costs a little / a few pounds.
- Why do you need to change your diet? – Because I eat very few / very little vegetables and many / a lot of fast food.
- Do you want to have lunch with me? – Sure. I have a little / little free time before my next class and I’d also like to ask you few / a few things.
- Have you come up with any ideas yet? – Yes, I’ve had a little / a few. We can discuss them at the meeting.
- Translate into English.
- Я всегда наливаю молоко в чай и добавляю щепотку сахара, потому что я очень разборчив в еде.
- Вчера в булочной он купил большой привлекательный торт и порезал его на маленькие порции.
- Они упаковали конфеты в красивые коробки и продали их на барахолке.
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