8.across the cur-deal woth arguments
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)
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Argument an argument is an attempt to persuade someone of something. Reasons are given to accept the conclusion. The general structure of an argument in a natural language is that premises (propositions or statements) support the claim or conclusion.
How do you deal with arguments? A : How do you deal with arguments ? B : When I argue with people, I try not to be angry. Because when you are angry the dispute will become a quarrel. And you? A : I try not to argue with other people. But in some situations I can’t avoid a quarrel. In these situations I try to be still and quite.
Explanation show up – appear frustrated - feeling upset or angry because you are unable to do anything about a problem annoyed - fairly angry about sth disappointed - feeling sad because sth has not happened/because sth is not as good as you hoped resolving – solving process - series of actions carried out in order to achieve a particular result blame - say sb is responsible for sth , even if they may not be accuse - tell sb you think they did sth boss me around - bully me flexible – adaptable возникнуть разочарованный раздражен расстроен решить процесс винить обвинить Издеваться надо мной Гибкий, адаптируемый
« Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame » . Benjamin Franklin * I also agree with the statement and think that if you want people to hear you opinion make sure practice what you preach. But also watch how you express yourself.
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