Презентация к уроку английского языка в 8 классе "Why Do we Learn English?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс)
Презентация к уроку английского языка в 8 классе "Why Do we Learn English?" познакомит учащихся с современными средствами коммуникации и учащиеся в процессе урока много узнают о значении и необходимости изучения английского языка .
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The Computer
The Telephone
The Alphabet
The Television
The Hands
The Books
Quiz. Which means of communication is the oldest? a) Computer b) telephone c) alphabet d) telegraph 2. Who invented paper? a)the Chinese b) the Japanese c) the English 3. Who invented the alphabet? a) the Jews b) the Greeks c) the Egyptians 4. Who invented the stamp? a) the English b) the Russians c) the Americans 5. Who invented the telephone? a) Telephone b) A.Popov c) A. G.Bell 6. Who invented the telegraph? a) A. G.Bell b) Samuel Morse c) Mary Telegraph 7. Who invented the e-mail? a)the Americans b) the Russians c) the Germans
1. Who invented this symbol? 2.What does @ mean?
Ray Tomlinson
Answer the questions 1.Can flowers be a means of communication? 2.What does the lily mean? 3.What does the yellow carnation mean?
Rose is the most popularly known as a flower of love .When you buy roses, you’d better know what message you are sending. The colour of the rose can be very important. Red roses say “I love you”. Light pink roses express fun and happiness. Dark pink roses mean “Thank you”
English-speaking countries
Why Do We Learn English?
If we speak English we may: find a job abroad go on holiday abroad earn a lot of money travel everywhere in the world watch films in the original language go abroad on an exchange program get access to the Internet communicate with people from other countries
English is the Latin of the 21 st century.
80% of all information in the world`s computer is in English. 6 0% of all international telephone calls are made in English .
English is the Language of the Internet and computers.
Bill Gates
Diplomats and politicians from different countries use English to communicate with each other. English is the main language of organizations like the United Nations, NATO, and the European Free Trade Association. .
. English is called the language of the sky and the sea. Every pilot and captain should speak English to communicate with each other.
English is the language of business. 75% of the world‘s letters and faxes are in English .
English is the language of rock and pop music. Most famous singers sing their songs in English . Music is much better if you can understand the words.
British and American companies produce thousands of films, videos and TV programmers every year. If you know English you can understand films without any help.
English is useful for reading foreign literature in the original. Every famous book was written in English or it was translated into English. There is an amazing number of titles – from classic plays like Hamlet to modern thrillers like Jurassic Park.
If you can communicate in English ,you can contact people from all over the world and travel more easily: ask directions, have a conversation, or…ask for help.
There are international friendship camps in the world. If you can speak foreign languages, it will be easy for you to visit such camps and speak with boys and girls who do not know Russian.
There are a lot of advertisements, signboards and names in the street. They are very often in English. If you know English well you can read and understand them.
English will open you the doors to the better life. If you know English you will get a well-paid job.
English is a means of communication.
Plurals are easier. Simply add s to a word .One car -five car s ,one book - two book s Genders are simpler. In English: In Russian: Woman (she) tree (it) Father (he) table (he) Tree (it) book (she) Book (it) room (she) Room (it) English is easy to learn Simple alphabet- no special symbols.
I read this book. чита ю We read this book. чита ем You read this book. чита ешь They read this book. чита ют He (she) reads this book. чита ет You read this book. Чита ете English words don’t change so much. Short words. Most of the basic words are short :run, go, work ,man . Long words are often shortened: fridge-refrigerator ,sitcom- situational comedy. Call everybody” you”. You can say “Do you speak English?”to your friend or to your teacher. In other languages, you have to use the right word for the right person. In English everybody is equal.
If you want to get a better life ,you must learn English
In very early times ,all the people on the Earth spoke the same language. They lived together and _______ understand each other. People of that time were strong and ambitious. One day they had an idea.” If we all get together we________build a great city. We will call it the city of Babel and the tower of this city will go up to the sky. If we _______do it ,everybody will be happy.” When the men started the tower , God was watching them.” They_______work really fast.”he thought. Everything was going well and people forgot about God. They thought that they _________build the tower without him. God got very angry with the people. He decided to punish them. He gave them different languages so that they (not)_____understand each other. After that people (not) ________finish the tower. They ________live together and went to different places of the world. Nowadays people speak many languages ,but most of them ________speak English. Maybe, one day English will become the language of the Earth and people ________communicate easily again.
In very early times ,all the people on the Earth spoke the same language. They lived together and could understand each other. People of that time were strong and ambitious. One day they had an idea.” If we all get together we will be able to build a great city. We will call it the city of Babel and the tower of this city will go up to the sky. If we can do it ,everybody will be happy.” When the men started the tower , God was watching them.”They are able to work really fast.” he thought. Everything was going well and people forgot about God. They thought that they could build the tower without him. God got very angry with the people. He decided to punish them. He gave them different languages so that they won`t be able to understand each other. After that people couldn`t finish the tower. They couldn`t live together and went to different places of the world. Nowadays people speak many languages ,but most of them can speak English. Maybe, one day English will become the language of the Earth and people will be able to communicate easily again.
“He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” Goethe
О, English ! You are a joy , delight , That makes us busy , friendly , and bright . You are a chance to see the world , That is so beautiful and old . You are a chance to realize If man can try to be so wise , To understand unknown speech , And then exclaim : " It is so rich !“ It's so nice to grasp creation And master thoughts and inspiration . It's so great to keep in-touch , With all the world and speak so much . I know that people mustn't fight And English helps them all to unite . O, English ! You've become my friend Whom I should better understand . О, Английский! Ты отрада И большим трудам награда, И возможность для открытий Дивных мест, красот, событий. Ты тот шанс, что даст понять, Что возможно мудрым стать Так, чтоб столь чужой язык Полюбил я и постиг, Мастеров узнал творенья, Мысли, чувства, вдохновенье, С миром здорово общаться И в толпе не потеряться. И к чему народам войны При общении достойном? Английский другом смог мне стать, А друга нужно понимать .
Of course, you may learn German, Spanish, French, Chinese, but you must know English!
“Language is the dress of thought ” “ The more languages you speak, the more times you are a human being ” “ Learning a language has a beginning but no ending.”
Home work Homework Ex. A, p.82
« Why is English so popular ». This work was made by the teacher of English Maiorova Olga Vladimirovna .
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