7 класс Контрольная работа по 1-4 модулям.
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)

Белая Юлия Александровна

Тест (проверочная работа) на освоение учебного материала 1-4 модулей УМК Spotlight 7.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Module 1-4. Test.

  1. Translate the words.

scared –

relieved –

shocked –

frightened -

pretty –

ugly –

tall –

cute -

story –

poem –

storyteller –


ordinary –

typical –

incredible –


slim –

freckles –

plump –

well-built -

bald –

young –

teenager –


round –

fair –

dark –

curly -

international –

local –

national –

exciting -

intelligent –

clever –

brilliant –


clean –

tidy –

dirty –


  1. Fill in the correct preposition: after, up, with, at, for, on, out of

  1. The police are running ________ a robber.
  2. This belt is really goes ________ your shoes.
  3. It is difficult to cope _______ a serious illness.
  4. Da Vinci is famous _____ his paintings.
  5. She ran _______  bread, so she went to buy some.
  6. They looked _____ each other confused and scared.

  1. Put the words in the correct order.

yesterday, at, was, driver, four, driving, a, home, o’clock.


tell, my, to,  granddad, used, me, stories.


American, young, Bob, player, an, excellent, tennis, is.


Lucy, like, does, look, what?


disappointed, with,  news, he,  the,  was.


  1. Put the verbs into the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous.

  1. They ______________________ (play) football when their mother called them.
  2. The dress  _______________________ (not, fit) her perfectly.
  3. “Where is John?” “He’s upstairs. He ________________ (do) his homework.
  4. Listen! He ________________ (play) the saxophone.
  5. Tim ______________________(leave) the house at 7 o’clock every morning.
  6. William Shakespeare often ____________ (act) in his own plays.

  1. Fill in: why, who, whose, where, which, when.
  1. A person _____________  works with animals  should be patient.
  2. They take care of the eight big black ravens ____________ live in the tower.
  3. The reason ______________ she went is still a mystery.
  4. Jim is the boy ________________ cousin is a doctor.
  5. Is this the shop ________________ you bought your new dress?
  6. 2017 was the year ___________ they visited the Russia.

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