Шаблоны для ЕГЭ по английскому языку
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (11 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Шаблоны для устной речи ЕГЭ
Well, I have chosen to show you photo number 2
1)- I took it a month ago when I was …ing … (walking along the street, walking in the park,
travelling abroad, spending my free time in the countryside,).
- I had a camera in my hand and I took a photo.
- I remember that day very well.
2) Назвать общую картину + перечислить 2-3 самых важных объекта.
- This photo shows … .
- In this photo you can see … (a street, a city, a forest, an animal, a person, …)
- This is a picture of (a street, a city, a forest, an animal, a person, …)
- In the foreground/center of the photo there is/are … .
- In the background one can see a … .
- On the left/right … .
- Up/down the photo … .
- He/she is wearing …
- He/she has got … (a tattoo, piercing, an umbrella, …)
- He/she is carrying … (a bag, a suitcase, …)
- He/she looks … (happy, sad, serious, angry, tired, bored, …)
3)- As you see, … Continuous Present/Past
4)- I took this photo occasionally but I keep it because it reminds me … .
- I took this photo because I like such unusual scenes.
- I took this photo to keep memory.
- I adore …
- I love doing it.
- I want you to see this photo because …
- I would like you to see this photo because …
- … you are interested in … .
- … you like …, too.
- I decided to show you this photo
- because you like unusual objects.
- because you like romantic situations like these.
- because I want you to smile.
- because I want your mood to rise.
- because I wanna raise you mood.
- because I want you to remember our previous holidays.
- because I want to demonstrate you my skills of a photographer.
6) - OK. That's all.
Task 4. Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:
• give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
• say what the pictures have in common
• say in what way the pictures are different
• say which of the game presented in the pictures you’d prefer
• explain why
Любой свой рассказ надо начинать с небольшого вступления.
These (Here) are two photos. They are connected with the topic (sport, party, food, family, travelling, weather)
I am going to compare and contrast these two photos (pictures).
Краткое описание фото (не более 2-х фраз на каждую картинку, кто изображен, что делают и где находятся. Использовать Present Continuous)
In the first photo (picture) we can see ...
The second one (picture) shows us (depicts) ...
Говорим о сходстве (сначала лучше сказать о явном сходстве)
These two photos have a lot in common.
The main similarity between these two photos is ...
Another similarity is...
Говорим о различиях (для успешного ответа желательно выявить не менее 2-х отличий)
However, these photos have some differences.
Firstly, the main difference between two photos is ...
Далее можно любое стандартное различие найти (количество людей, возраст, погода, настроение, одежда и т.д)
Secondly, in the photo on the left we can see... in the photo on the right ...
Говорим о своих предпочтениях
As for me, I would prefer ... because ...
Если трудно аргументировать свой ответ, можно сказать что-то общее, например,
- I always wanted to try it
- It suits me better
- It helps me to...
- I like it (I am keen on/enjoy) and I think it's ...(прилагательное)
- In conclusion, I would like to say …
- I hope I have managed to compare and contrast these photos
Ну, а теперь приступим непосредственно к сравнению фотографий, используя наши шаблонные фразы и клише.
Будем сравнивать эти две картинки
These are two photos. They show people playing football in different places. I am going to compare and contrast these two photos.
In the first photo we can see a boy and a girl. They are playing table football in a recreation area. The second one depicts a group of young people. They are playing football on a football pitch.
These two photos have a lot in common. The main similarity between these two photos is the desire to win. Another similarity is the feelings and emotions of players. They are very excited and concentrated.
However, these photos have some differences. Firstly, the photos were taken indoor and outdoor. The second difference is the clothes they are wearing. In the photo on the right the football players have a special uniform. Thirdly, it is the numbers of players.
As for me, I would prefer to play table football because I am keen on this game very much. I think it's very exciting and I recommend everyone to play it. I'm not a big fan of football. Moreover, it's hard to run over 90 minutes, especially when it's cold outside.
I hope I have managed to compare and contrast these photos.
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