Полугодовая контрольная работа для 7 класса по Spotlight.
тест по английскому языку (7 класс)
Опубликовано 25.01.2019 - 16:35 - Сынгизова Зульфия Мидхатовна
Предварительный просмотр:
Half-year test
- Choose the correct word
- There is a low rate of unemployment/living in big cities.
- Hercule Poirot was famous for his neat appearance/books.
- Robert enjoys parties, he`s very sociable/patient.
- Our footbal broke/give a record last time.
- It`s a crime to look/break into one`s house.
- He feels brave/lonely away from his family.
- Jules Verne had a great imagination/submarine.
- A mystery/comedy is a story about a strange event.
- She pays a lot of attention/invention to details.
- The club had only 30 readers/members at first.
- Complete the sentences with the correct word
determined, peephole, freckles, introduce, stray, biography,
solve, close, public, glossy
- Always look through your …..before answering.
- A …..is the story of a person`s life written by another person.
- I`d like you to ……me to him.
- Nature Madness members help…..animals.
- Nick doesn`t give up easily, he`s …..to succeed.
- I usually use…….transport to get to school.
- Detectives …..different cases.
- Mark likes big cities because everything is …..at hand.
- Most teenage magazines have…..covers.
- Can you see that boy with……over there?
- Fill in with correct preposition
- He never gives away/up on his dreams.
- The police ran after/into a burglar.
- Dave is crazy of/about skiing.
- Miss Marple put a lot of criminals on/behind bars.
- They gave up/away their pld books to children.
- She`s famous on/for her songs.
- The tortoise fell down onto/into a car.
- This shirt really goes to/with your skirt.
- He can`t cope of/with his problems.
- Put the milk in the fridge or else it`ll go for/off.
- Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous
- John …..(visit) his parents this weekend.
- He …..(take) me to school every day.
- Be quiet. The baby….(sleep).
- She….(not/like) flying by plane.
- Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous
- Bob …..(play) football in the park at am this mornung.
- When Joe….(see) the lion, he…..(run) away.
- Kate……(cook) breakfast when she…..(hear) a noise in the garden.
- She …..(call) an hour ago.
- Choose the correct word
- That`s the boy whose/who lives next door.
- 2003 was the year when/which they moved to the USA.
- This is the house which/where he was born.
- The people who/whose horse won the race come from Portugal.