test 1-3 Conditionals
тест по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс)

Пахомова Наталья Петровна

Complex test 1-3 Conditionals


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Grammar test 1-3 conditionals

  1. Complete the first conditional sentences with the words in the box.

doesn’t / leave/   won’t/  will go to/  ‘ll miss/ will/  don’t/  hurry/  if/  will be

  1. If she ____________ come soon, she _______ late for the lesson.
  2. If we don’t ________, we ______ the train.
  3. We _________ the beach at the weekend ______    the weather is fine!
  4. If you _______ buy a lottery ticket, you _______ win any money!
  5. If we don’t ________ now, we ______ be late for the film.
  1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the second conditional form.
  1. If I _______ (win) £ 1 million, I ________ (buy) a sports car.
  2. We ______ (save) a lot of energy if everybody ______ (use) wind and solar power.
  3.  I ____ (be) very happy if I ___________ (pass) my English exam.
  4. If I ______ (see) a snake, I _________ (panic).
  5. Tom _______ (not be) worried if he ________ (lose) his job.

3.  Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

  1. I ______ (help) if you ______ (ask) me.                  
  2. If people _____  (protect) the dodo, it _____ (not become) extinct.
  3. If we _____ (not use) so much fossil fuels, we _____ (not do) so much damage to the environment.    
  4. If I_____ (know) about the destruction of the rainforests, I _____ (become) a vegetarian earlier.    
  5. If she _____ (study) more, she _____ (pass) her exams.

4. Circle the correct alternatives.

  1. If we didn’t protect/ hadn’t protected them, some species wouldn’t have survived.
  2. If we don’t / didn’t use so much oil, we will reduce pollution.
  3. What will/ would you do if you won?
  4. If you turn/ turned off all your electrical equipment, you will save energy.
  5. If we had used wind and solar power, we would slow/ would have slowed down global warming.

5. Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs. Then match them with the answers.

  1. What _____ you ____ (do) if the weather is fine?
  2. How ____ you _____ (feel) if you had failed your exam?
  3. Where ____ you_____( go) if you could go anywhere?
  4. What ____ you _____ (do) if your friends are late?
  5. Where ____ you ____ (go) yesterday if you hadn’t had so much homework?
  1. I’d have been really unhappy.
  2. I’ll wait for some minutes and then go.
  3. I’d have gone to the cinema.
  4. I’ll probably ski or skate.
  5. I‘d maybe go abroad.

0 - 23

24 - 32

33 - 41

  1. –  45





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